All right. The window's out. All we have to do is get in there, lower it down--
And roll away with it, avoiding the cameras on that stop light, that church, and that garage. The city's becoming a modern-day panopticon.
roll away 動かして消す panopticon 円形刑務所
Easy, Bentham. That's a rant for another day.
rant 暴言を吐く
There go the repairmen on their coffee break.
Rebecca, are you sure about this?
Yeah. These are my favorites. Gotta sell it, right? See you on the other side.
See you.
You go, girl.
I've always wanted to say that.
No. No, no, no. Excuse me. Could you help me? I--my earring fell down the drain. It was my grandmother's. It's--it's all that I have left of hers. Yeah, but--forget it. No, you know what? It's fine. Go, go. I-I'm sure that I can lift this. Come on.
Listen. Step aside, baby girl. I got this.
In the crate.
Clamp it shut.
Bungee cord.
And we lower her down slowly.
You guys done in there yet?
Whoa. Someone's headed our way. Right uniforms, wrong faces.
I'll occupy him.
I'll ask him a question that he'll be compelled to answer.
compelled to やむを得ず〜する
I'm in need of a sanctuary.
Look, try the hare Krishna's over in Boerum Hill. They'll give you lunch. Now, excuse me. I need to check on a window repair.
Oh, how rude of me. Blaine Rockford. On the level.
On the square. That handshake. You're of the 33rd Order.
Who will help the widow's son?
Oh, come with me, brother.
You are safe.
So, Mr. Rockford, you are welcome to wait here as long as you need.
Oh, no, thanks. I'm quite recovered. Dehydration led to an acute bout of paranoia. Is it possible for me to procure some more of this holy swill?
dehydration 脱水 acute 深刻な bout 発作 procure 入手する swill がぶ飲み
Well, it's not--
The widow's son is parched.
parched のどがカラカラ
Got it.
Ohh. Here you go.
I guess I picked the right guys for the job.
The least I can do is buy you guys some coffee.
Nah, we gotta get back.
Oh, really?
Hey, did you get that smile from your grandma too?
Everybody says so.
I bet.
Here we go. Hey, let's get going.
All right. Okay. Go.
You got it?
Dare I say we pulled it off?
Dare あえて〜する
As long as you walk under a ladder and step on a crack at the same time.
I think maybe we pulled it off.
What's goin' on? It's gone.
What is?
The window. It's gone.
Who'd steal a window from a church?
I got a pretty good idea.
When you were on a break, you didn't see anybody?
Peter? I work with him.
He works for me. Thanks, guys.
What's goin' on?
Somebody stole that window.
That's weird.
The church called the FBI about a stolen window?
No, they did not. No, I was in the area.
You pulled my tracking.
Puts you here on a regular basis.
You caught me.
What's that?
Well, if a croissant and a donut give each other a very special hug...
You come here for food?
Oh, it's more like a controlled substance. Yeah, the shop's right around the corner. Here, take it. I'll go stand in line for another.
No, hold on. Yeah, Jones. That is interesting. I'm on my way.
What's interesting?
Something Jones found.
Well, I'll come with you. I like interesting.
Nah, go buy yourself another croissant-donut thingy.
thingy とか言うもの
The same corner we followed him to?
Yeah. When I got there, someone had stolen a stained glass window from a church.
Stained glass window. I got nothin'. What did Caffrey say?
He blamed it on the pastry, which I add to my Venn diagram of loose ends along with the Welsh gold.
Well, this place is another kind of gold mine. It looks like Dekker was a middleman for a major arms deal. Poppies equal pistol. Ranunculus equal revolvers. Freesias equal .45s. And he left something else behind.
Unmarked bills.
And krugerrands and antique silver.
Hard to track, like Welsh coins. Leave everything here and clear out. Dekker ran away without his emergency stash. Good chance he'll come back for it.
I'll gear up for some quality time in the van. If he does, we'll get him.
gear up for ために準備する
Call me at 7:30 with an update.
What if there's nothing to report?
Call me anyway. 7:30 sharp.
Saved you half.
Coming! Hey, Peter. Do you want to come in?
I want answers.
You looking for something?
About $2 million in gold coins.
You won't find 'em here.
You're not that sloppy.
You really think I took them.
There was a moment when you were alone upstairs in that firehouse. And why else wouldn't you want me to go with you to talk to Dekker?
I told you he would spook, and look what happened.
Yeah, Jones. What do you have?
7:30, like you said. No sign of Dekker.
Great. Bring him in. I want him to sweat.
sweat 尋問する
No, Peter. I said, "No sign of Dekker."
I want him ready to sing when I get there.
You got it.
You got him?
What'd I tell you? Criminals always mess up. Come on. Time to find out who has those gold coins. Neal? Let's go.
We can't.
Because you stole them.
It's not what you think.
Neal, you impersonated a fireman, and you robbed a vault under my watch.
I can explain, all right?
Don't! Don't you dare try to justify what you did! I put myself out on the line for you, all the time! I helped your father. I was charged for murder because of it.
put oneself out on the line 危険に身をさらす
Will you please--
I nearly lost everything--
I did it for you!
What are you talkin' about?
To make sure Dawson would authenticate the confession.
My prosecutor?
He took a bribe.
You couldn't find James, could you?
I tried.
So you forged his voice, and I was cleared on false evidence.
Look, even if you were found innocent, indictment would have ended your career at the FBI because of me. Because of my father. I couldn't let that happen to you.
Neal, do you realize what you have done?
Yeah. I made sure justice was served.
No. That's what I do. Put out your hands. I have to arrest you.
I'll do the time, but you think about it, Peter, what this will do to your life, to Elizabeth. I did the right thing.
None of this is right.