Narator: Kids, there is something I wish my dad told me. The longest pause you will ever experience in your life is the one that follows asking the question...
Ted: Will you marry me?
Narator: Your brain goes into overdrive, imaging every possible response.
go into overdrive 加熱する
Stella: No.
Stella: Oh, God, no.
Stella: You want me to marry..(laughing).No.
Stella: Oh, I'm sorry, Ted. I can't. Mark Johnson, the quarterback from your high school football team, already asked me.
Mark Johnson: What's up, Turd?
Ted: It's Ted!
Narator: But if you're lucky, she may answer with the single greatest word in the English language.
Stella: Yes.
Narator: Stella and I spent that summer happily engaged. Marshall was still coping with unemployment.
cope 処理する
Marshall: What are you doing?
Narator: Lily threw herself into her painting.
throw oneself into 専念する
Marshall: What are you doing?
Narator: Barney was rehabilitating from his bus accident.
Marshall: What are you doing?
Narator: And well, Marshall just kept coping with unemployment.
Marshall: What are you doing?
Narator: And Robin continued to uphold the high journalistic standards of Metro News 1.
Robin: Is your favorite brand of dental floss poisoning your entire family? Tune in at 11:00 for the shocking... Tooth.
Robin: Okay, I officially hate my job. I'm not a reporter, I'm just someone who shows up at night and scares people. I'm the bogeyman with a teleprompter.
bogeyman ブギーマン teleprompter テレプロンプター
Barney: "Bogeyman with a teleprompter." That's hilarious! Great joke, Robin, great joke.
hilarious とても面白い
Lily: Barney, no offense to Robin, but that wasn't that funny.
Barney: Are you kidding? That was a great joke. It's smart, funny, beautiful, the whole package. It's everything you're afraid to let yourself want. In a joke. "Bogeyman with a teleprompter." Classic.
Lily: Okay, what is so urgent that you called me and begged me to come over at 7:22 in the morning?
urgent 緊急の
Barney: I could tell you knew something was up with me, and you're right. But I can't tell you what it is. I should tell you, but I can't! I have to. I never will! I'm going to. Let's just drop it. What's up with you?
Lily: Barney, just say it.
Barney: I think I'm in love with Robin.
Marshall: Hey, Lily needs some gift ideas for Stella's wedding shower. Does she like to cook?
Ted: Actually, I don't know.
Marshall: What's her favorite color?
Ted: Don't know that either.
Marshall: Well, does she have any hobbies?
Ted: Yes. She's exactly the kind of person who would have hobbies. And interests, too. I am one lucky son of a bitch.
Marshall: Dude, you don't know anything about the woman you're marrying.
Ted: What? You're crazy! I know plenty.
Marshall: What color are her eyes?
Ted: The color of the ocean after a storm.
Marshall: Which is?
Ted: Beautiful.
Lily: I don't believe it. I thought you called me over here to uncuff you from your sex swing again, but you're in love? That is so sweet!
uncuff 手錠を外す
Barney: It's not "sweet." It's like a disease. I slept with Robin one time and I caught feelings. I caught feelings bad. I used protection and everything.
disease 病気
Lily: Barney, you don't "catch" feelings, you just have them. And they're good.
Barney: They're terrible! I can't eat, I can't sleep. She's all I think about. I close my eyes, I see Robin. I, I hear a song; it reminds me of Robin.
Girl: Morning.
Barney: I sleep with that chick, I'm thinking about Robin.
Ted: Okay, so I don't know every single detail about Stella. What's really about? Do you not like her or something?
Marshall: No, Ted, I like Stella a lot. She's a Mets fan.
Ted: Really?
Marshall: It's just that everything with you has moved so fast. You've only known each other a few months. Don't you think maybe you should slow things down a little bit? Get to know each other better?
Ted: I'll have a whole life time to get to know her better. Right now, I know the one thing that I have to that I love her.
Lily: You love her? Barney, how can you be in love, and still be sleeping with anything that moves?
Barney: I'm sorry, I don't follow you. That's like saying, "How can an ant carry "20 times its body weight, but root beer floats are still delicious?" Are the two even related? Really?
Lily: Barney, you're going to have to stop screwing around if you want to be Robin's boyfriend.
Barney: "Boyfriend"? I don't want to be Robin's boyfriend.
Lily: Well, what do you want, then?
Barney: I don't know. I just want to be with her. All the time. I want to hear about her day and tell her about mine. I want to hold her hand and smell her hair. But I don't want to be her stupid boyfriend.
Lily: Barney, what you just described is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. And a pretty clingy one at that.
describe 言い表す clingy タイトな
Barney: Look, Lily, are you going to help me out with this or not?
Lily: I'm a kindergarten teacher. I see a confused, little kid in the corner trying to eat the lefty scissors, I gotta help the poor, little bastard. But only if you stop sleeping around. Deal?
Barney: Deal.
Robin: Coming up next, is your local ice cream man actually driving a roving meth lab on wheels? Stay tuned for the full... Scoop. Really?
Stella: I know dudes think it's girlie for a guy to cook, but us ladies? We find it mighty sexy.
girlie 女の子らしい mighty とてつもなく
Ted: Really? You know... My grandma taught me how.
Stella: Oh, yeah, she did.
Ted: Yeah. I had a lot of time after school to watch her cook because I wasn't good at sports.
Stella: I'm on fire right now. Delicious. What's in this pesto?
Ted: Oh, you know, the usual basil, garlic, olive oil, but can you guess my secret ingredient?
ingredient 材料
Stella: Peanuts.
Ted: Yes. How did you know that?
Ted: OK, let me think, what else?
Stella: You know what, sweetie? I woke up so early and I had a really long day at work. And there was that whole thing where you tried to kill me. Can we please just go to sleep?
Ted: No, I clearly need to know more about you. Let's do firsts. First kiss?
Stella: Dale Harris, second grade. You're talking like peck on the cheek or a full-on passionate making out?
peck 軽いキスをする
Ted: Passionate making out.
Stella: OK, yeah, Dale Harris, second grade.
Ted: First time you had sex.
Stella: Dale Harris, second...
Ted: Stop it.
Stella: Billy Devito, sophomore year of college.
sophomore 大学2年
Ted: Prude. Molly McKenzie, junior year of high school.
Prude 淑女ぶった女性
Stella: Slut.