Hello again.
Mr.Caffrey. Agent Burke. How can I help you?
This car was spotted at the scene of a crime.
Another parking violation. I will speak to my driver.
Eh, it's a little more serious than that. Someone broke into an apartment in Brooklyn.
I'd like my agent to search the vehicle.
Would it be all right if we searched you, as well?
I wouldn't mind at all.
They don't let me do the searches.
May I hold your bag?
No. It's a diplomatic pouch.
Turn around, please.
We need to get a look inside that bag.
What's going on here?
I have evidence linking this vehicle to a crime I'm investigating.
So far, your staff's been very cooperative.
cooperative 協力的な
A search of that pouch would completely exonerate any of them from connection to this crime.
exonerate 潔白を証明する
International law states that the pouch is part of Burmese soil.
I take it that's a no?
We're unable to assist you further. You can take it up with the State Department, of course.
Of course.
Suu Ram.
See you, Suu.
Maybe we can get the State Department to file a grievance, delay Chris' sentencing somehow.
grievance 抗議 sentencing 量刑手続き
You really think that'll help?
No. No, I don't.
All right, look, I know this isn't a good time, but I got to run.
Go. I'm not in the mood, anyway. I'll see you later.
You were a little cryptic on the phone.
Phones can be tapped. Look, I can tell you think I haven't been the best father.
I'm not a dad. I don't know what it's like.
There are a million things I'd do differently if I could. And I can't help but think that Chris went over there because of me.
Or because he wants to be like you.
You can help me make it right for my son.
What are you asking?
If that hard drive leaves this country, there's no way they're letting him go, and any chance I have of getting to know my son again is gone.
The drive's inside the Burmese Mission.
I know who you are, Mr.Caffrey.
You want me to steal it back.
We're doing everything we can. I'll keep you in the loop.
keep someone in the loop 絶えず最新の情報を伝える
How's he holding up?
Well, as best as he can. Any leads from your Washington contacts?
Oh, it's a delicate situation. Our people are talking to their people.
Is that diplo-speak for "stop beating a dead horse"?
And this is what your father chooses to do for a living?
It has its perks.
perquisite 特権
Yeah, I've seen what diplomats do with parking tickets. Does your father know Wilson?
I don't think so.
Does Wilson have any other connection to the Bureau?
What are you getting at?
Something's been bugging me since the beginning. Why did Wilson choose us?
Because you're the best, and Caffrey's...
Yeah, he's Caffrey. From the get-go, Wilson wanted to work outside the box.
get-go 最初 outside the box 独創的な
You think he'd be willing to go off reservation to save his son.
go off the reservation 度を超す
What father wouldn't? Wilson wanted Neal from the beginning. Pull Neal's tracking detail for the last 36 hours. You know, suddenly, I'm very curious to know where he's been.
All right, let's walk through this, Liz Taylor. Diana says the diplomatic pouch departs New York tomorrow on the 11:00 A.M. Air Bagan flight to Burma.
Also on the passenger list is a miss Suu Ram.
Ah, she's transporting the pouch personally.
The ambassador's limousine will drive her directly from the consulate to the plane, which only leaves us a few moments between the consulate and the limo to acquire its contents.
Is that a cat?
No. It's the pouch with the Burmese crest... a cogwheel and a rice plant.
cogwheel はめ歯歯車 rice plant 稲
Looks like a cat.
It's not. Anything in the pouch is the property of Burma, stolen or not. You remove the drive, you're creating an international incident.
So, I get Suu Ram to do it for me using our ruby.
Oh, to take my heart would be less painful.
take to one's heart 心に刻む
We can always make another one. I say it's the Mandalay just back from evidence, give her a quick look, close the lid on the box, and she places it in the pouch.
lid 蓋
Unbeknownst to her, the box also contains a finite amount of ammonia and hydrochloric acid. Moments after the clasp on the box is closed, the liquids mix, and... And...
Unbeknownst to 〜に気付かれずに finite amount of 限られた量の clasp 留め金
Shouldn't a smoke bomb make smoke?
In theory, Suu Ram spots smoke coming from the pouch, dumps the contents onto American soil, and I reclaim the external drive as stolen evidence.
Thus proving our brilliance.
Peter. Hey.
Neal. Mozzie. What you doing?
Discussing Hegel and his rational realism. You?
rational 合理的な
Casual stroll. You're smoking.
Casual stroll ぶらぶら歩く
It's a smoking jacket.
Give us a moment?
I will. Because the fresh air sounds exhilarating.
exhilarating 気分がスカッとする
You met with Wilson yesterday. Neal, whatever he's asking you to do...
He's got nowhere else to turn.
Oh, God, Neal. Don't do it.
Look, Wilson's trying to make good with his son, and I can help him. The system failed him.
You're rationalizing, and you know it. Nothing gives him or you or anyone the right to go around the law.
rationalize 正当化する
It's his son. That gives him the right.
I don't agree with that.
It's what a father should do.
All right, look... Obviously, there's more to the story with your dad. I don't know how badly it messed with your head.
You're right. You don't. If this were your son... Or my son... I know what you would do.
One wrong move inside the Burmese consulate, and they will extradite you. You'll end up in a Kabaw prison. I can't protect you.
extradite 引き渡す
I'm not asking you to.
So, are we good to go?