Go! Go! Go! Follow Jones!
You okay?
We're fine.
Arrest them. Arrest them.
We have to keep their cover.
cover 隠す ごまかす
Handcuff them. Read them their rights, everything.
handcuff 手錠をかける
You two are on the north end, opposite side of Jones! Go! Where are they?
opposite 反対の
They disappeared between the buildings.
disappeare 見えなくなる
Anyone have eyes?
All we got is this.
Ah, they switched clothes.
Damn it!
Are things always this interesting when you're around?
Come on. You're under arrest.
So, how upset were they that you lost the 100 grand?
"Upset" is a bit of an understatement.
understatement 控えめな表現
It started an administrative inquiry. Everything will be fine if I recover it...When I recover it.
administrative 行政上の 管理上の inquiry 審問 調査
Well, the good news is Neal didn't take it.
Yeah. This is progress.
progress 進歩
Do you think he actually had anything to do with it?
No, but the thing about Neal... Nothing is ever what it seems. The guy's a contradiction.
contradiction 矛盾
He's obsessed about Kate, But you should have seen him flirting with this girl at the takedown.
obsess about 〜に心を奪われている flirting 誘惑する いちゃつく
Well, honey, that's who Neal is.
That's never gonna change.
That's what I love about you so much.
What, that I lost all ability to flirt when we got married?
Honey, it was even questionable then.
questionable 疑わしい
Who's the new girl?
Taryn Vandersant.
Don't know her.
She's a buyer at the Lambert gallery.
She's beautiful, seems nice.
Well, if Neal's interested, you should encourage it.
Encourage it? Oh, I need that like a hole in the head.
need 〜 like a hole in the head 絶対に〜いらない
Honey, if he would fall for the new girl, he might actually stop chasing Kate. Love you.
Love you.
You and Taryn were getting along pretty good yesterday.
get along 仲良くする
She's not my type. What?
Not your... Why isn't she your type?
She loves art. She looks like Lara Croft in khakis.
khakis カーキ色の軍服
Really? Does she bake cookies for orphans, too?
orphans 孤児
She does.
I get it.
Meet a nice girl, maybe settle down.
Simplify my life, probably save yours.
Simplify 単純化する
You're lying about the cookies.
Prove it.
Who's that?
Curator from the Channing Museum.
curator 館長
Why...Why is he here?
The Haustenberg.
He says it belongs to them. Lose the hat.
How come the Channing didn't report it missing?
We did report it, when it was stolen in 1967.
I have a question. The painting was stolen in '67, but it's not listed on the art-loss registry.
The registry was established in 1990.
'91, actually.
You could have re-filed the claim.
I'm sorry. You are who?
Neal Caffrey. He's one of our art consultants.
Caffrey. Not familiar with that name.
It's probably for the best.
You're an expert on Haustenberg?
All the late European postimpressionists.
late 終わり頃の
I authenticated "young girl with locket" myself when it first entered our collection.
I'll agree it's an excellent work, a bit sentimental for my taste, but the Matisse influence is apparent.
influence 影響を当てる apparent 明白な
Oh, well, considering Matisse was a Fauvist, I wouldn't agree with that at all. Unless you're talking about his early work, which I don't think you are, and if you are, you're just wrong.
fauvist 野獣派
We have reason to believe that this was taken in a residential robbery.
What happened to the painting when it was taken from my museum is not my concern.
Now, if someone elected to buy stolen property. I believe that is a crime.
elect 決める 選ぶ stolen property 盗品
Do you know how the Haustenberg came into your grandmother's possession?
possession 財産 所持品
She brought it with her from Hungary When she came to this country after the war.
Agent Burke, got a question for you.
Yeah. Excuse me.
Play nice, kids.
play nice 仲良く遊ぶ
What's going on?
You're not a very good liar. Your grandmother stole the painting.
Why would you say that?
She never had it insured. That was my first clue.
Is this like a good-cop, bad-cop thing?
He takes a call. You wink at me.
If we get the painting, it's going back to the Channing, Unless you give us a good reason to keep it away from them.
All right.
Tell me a story. How did she take it?
Just... hypothetically.
hypothetically 仮定
A little black dress, a laced bottle of whiskey, and a horny Irish security guard.
lace レースで飾る horny 欲情した
Why'd she do it?
That's the locket. Your grandmother's the little girl in the painting.
How's it going in there?
Oh, it's... it's fine.
Any luck on Dorsett?
No. Assuming you just walked with 100 grand in cash and the painting, what do you do?
Go to ground till things cool off.
Where do you go?
Dorsett said something about having a girlfriend.
Yeah. How many Brigittes came in from France last night?
Accounting for middle names and spelling variations, a lot more than I thought.
account for 〜から成る
Well, we can discount connecting flights.
And women over 50.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Well, that leaves seven.
All right. So, let's pull in some teams, and everybody take a Brigitte.
We'll... we'll take the girl staying at the Gansevoort. That's where I'd stay.