How's the case going?
We're making headway. We just dug up some new evidence.
headway 前進
That was some sort of pun, wasn't it?
I could have also said we found a body of evidence.
I get it. You're very, very funny.
I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
So does that mean that Sara gets to go home?
Soon, I hope.
Well, have you talked to her?
Yeah, I'm gonna update her now.
No, I meant, have you talked to her? Like a person?
I'm not a shrink.
shrink 精神科医
You've got a pretty good bedside manner, Agent Burke. Don't pretend you don't.
bedside manner 入院患者に対する医者の接し方 Don't pretend you don't know とぼけるな
All right. You twisted my arm.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Hey. How you doing?
Me? I'm good. I'm fine.
It's a nice outfit. Going somewhere?
No. No, I'm just pretending. Dress how you want to feel, right? Neal came by. We had a nice little chat.
Is he in one piece?
in one piece 無事
Yes, I left him whole.
Good. I prefer him that way.
These flowers from him?
Um, no. My company sent these to the funeral home. For me.
funeral home 葬儀場
Oh. We had everything forwarded from the funeral home. It's evidence.
Yeah. It's carnations. That's all I'm worth. Might as well be weeds.
Might as well 〜する方がましだ weeds 雑草
Well, I don't think that's fair to carnations. I mean, you got to admit, they brighten up the place.
Did you find anything at Ridgemont?
A body.
Don't know yet. Clothing is from the mid-'80s. Looks like a blunt force to the head. No I.D. No direct links to Halbridge.
blunt force 鈍力
Okay, well, then, what can I do?
Nothing. Tonight you can rest. That's what you can do. When this thing is over, you can... get back to your life. Maybe find something that doesn't fit in these boxes.
Oh, all right. You're getting paid by the hour now.
Okay. My advice? Get a life. You work too hard.
And you don't? What is it they say... "we can sleep when we're dead."
That's a good idea. You're dead. So get some rest. Forensics will be here tomorrow, and you can jump back in then.
All right. I'll make us coffee.
Oh, yeah. Right?
Yeah, the way that "s" moves like that.
It's very similar.
Did I miss a memo?
Were we starting early, or...
Forensics came back this morning with an I.D. on the body.
You're gonna love this. The body buried under Ridgemont was identified as one... Edgar Halbridge.
Halbridge is the corpse?
corpse 死体
So the man we know as Edgar Halbridge is an impostor.
impostor 偽者
Who is he then?
We spent the morning comparing a recent signature of Halbridge's to signatures from every Ridgemont apartment lease from the early-to-mid-'80s.
We found a pretty good match. Steve Price. He was a tenant at Ridgemont at the same time the real Halbridge was living there.
So you think Price killed Halbridge and took his identity? Why?
The real Halbridge had no family, but was coming into some serious cash from an inheritance. Price was poor.
inheritance 遺産
So Price knocks him off and then steals his identity.
Halbridge's body is lying there at Ridgemont, driving Price crazy.
drive someone crazy 気を狂わせる
His own tell-tale heart.
Pay up.
Peter told me you would bring up the tell-tale heart.
Oh, I'm glad my grasp of Gothic fiction is a source of amusement for you.
grasp of 理解
He buys the property. It isn't worth the risk of digging up the body, so he cements over it and makes sure no one ever digs there.
You start poking around Ridgemont, that's why he wants you killed. I like it. In theory.
Yeah, but that's all it is, a theory. We've got the signature, but it isn't definitive. No, if we're gonna prove murder one, we're gonna need more evidence.
definitive 最も確実な
Thank you. Pay up.
We had a bet.
I told her at some point you'd say we need more evidence.
We do.
And we still don't have the bonds.
What if we could kill two birds, so to speak. Make Halbridge admit he's Steve Price and reveal the bonds?
reveal 公開する
What's the plan?
How would you feel about coming back from the dead?
This was what you found underneath one of my buildings?
It is.
How did they die?
We think it was murder.
Unfortunate. Have you had any luck identifying it?
Not yet. We'll know more when the lab work comes back, which takes weeks with older remains like this. I was hoping that you might be able to help us.
Uh, I bought the building 20 years ago. It's before my time.
There is one thing you might be able to help us with. I assume you recognize this woman.
Do I?
You should. Sara Ellis. Insurance investigator working with Sterling Bosch. She was investigating you concerning stolen bearer bonds.
Ah, yes. I read about her recent misfortune. What did she, uh, have to do with this?
Does. Present tense. This photo was taken yesterday.It appears she's alive. Her death was faked.
Why would she do that?
I don't know. But she was the one who tipped us off about the body. We think that she's working with this man. You know him?
What's his name?
Steve Price. That may be an alias. We're not sure. Does the name ring a bell?
Well, we think these two might be targeting you in some way. If something comes up, please let me know. We're here to help.
Thank you.
You're welcome. Keep those photos.
I will.
Nico, get in here.