I though our marriage was built on honesty and trust and all that Lily-and-Marshal crap. I just feel so alone right now.
Well, you're not. I'm here. And I know you can keep a secret.
Yeah, right.
Tell you what. How about I let you in on another secret? Something bigger.
Bigger than Chicago?
Are you kidding?
Nope. Want to do the honors?
Ladies and gentlemen, there's been a slight change of plan.
Fine! Fine. You're right, Robin. Marriage isn't about playing crazy pranks. It isn't about telling long expertly crafted lies to cover those pranks...
expertly 上手に crafted 巧みに
How'd you get out of those handcuffs?
...and hiring actors to play security guards and spending exorbitant amounts of money on things like giant, fake laser tag signs. No, it's about honesty. Size six skate, right?
exorbitant 法外な
And in that spirit, I got to be honest. Every now and then, I am gonna lie to you. I just am. If it's in the interest of an amazing surprise, that is. You're gonna get bamboozled, hoodwinked. Heck, I'll just say it. You're gonna get snowed.
in the interest of 利益のために bamboozled 酔っぱらった hoodwinked 騙された
Why is it snowing in here?
Put on the skates. We gotta go.
Where? Where are we going?
To the rehearsal dinner, silly. Let's get this party started.
What-What is going on?
I know how much you wanted to be in Canada this weekend. So I brought Canada to you. Oh, and here's an autographed picture of Wayne Gretzky.
And this guy's not really a security guard.
♪ Once there was this boy who ♪ Wore a lot of suits and said that stuff was legendary ♪
♪ He gave lots of high fives ♪ And swore... ♪ That he would never get married ♪ ♪ He really thought he meant it ♪
Thanks for letting me in on this. Even if it was at the very end.
at the very end 最後の最後
My pleasure. Oh, and by the way, there's one more secret I've been keeping. All those nights I was supposed to be taking piano lessons? I was actually taking figure skating lessons!
♪ Once, there was this girl who... ♪
Kids, it takes more than two months to learn how to figure skate.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I'm gonna get you back, you know?
Bring it.
♪ And swore she'd also never get married ♪ ♪ She really thought she meant it.♪
I totally knew about it.
Oh my gosh, what's happening?
Where are we?
Buddy that was so good.
Where are we right now?
I can't believe you did all of this. Hey, I thought you didn't like Canada.
Are you kidding? I love Canada. Holy musk ox, is that legendary Canadian doctor Frederick Banting?
In 1924, I discovered insulin. Take that, diabetes.
diabetes 糖尿病
Hey, look, it's Manitoba's native son, Norman Breakey.
You're welcome, world. Enjoy my invention, the paint roller.
And of course, you know Alan Thicke.
Hey, hey,
Oh, hey.
you... are the prettiest girl in the place.
Oh, thank you, Alan.
All right, all right, all right.
Good to see you.
Hey, look, it's Louise Poirier, who I think worked for the company that probably created Wonderbra.
Okay, okay.
Canadians also helped win two world wars... and gave the world Neil Young, William Shatner, Leonard Cohen, Pamela Anderson, one quarter of Barney Stinson, instant mashed potatoes, and best of all, you.
Thank you.