Robin: A little to the left, Marshall. Lily, squat down.
squat down しゃがむ
Marshall: This is gonna be a slaughter. None of these other costumes even come close to ours.
slaughter 大虐殺 完敗
Lily: Take the damn picture.
Robin: Got it.
Marshall: I still think we should have won as Sonny and Cher. Maybe if I had worn that red dress. Ha! If I could turn back time.
Robin: Wow, this sundae looks so good I could eat the whole thing.
Robin: But, um, I would much rather share this small, one-scoop sundae with you, Mike.
Marshall: Apple tart, excellent choice, Lilypad.
Lily: Thanks, Marshmallow.
Robin: Well, let's dig in, Mi... Mi... Microwave Oven.
Barney: Let me guess. Every guy's used the lei-edd line on you tonight.
Hula Girl: You wouldn't believe.
Barney: I apologize for my gender. Let me make it up to you. Make you a drink.
make it up to you 埋め合わせする
Hula Girl: You certainly are a charming devil.
Barney: I'm also a horny devil. Yeah.
horny 〈卑俗〉欲情した
Hula Girl: No.
Barney: Oh, go to hell.
Mike: You know, if you guys like tiramisu, we found this little Italian place...
Robin: No, you found it. I came with you. But go on.
Mike: I'm just saying we love tiramisu.
Robin: I cannot get enough of it.
Mike: We're crazy for the stuff.
Robin: I'm crazy and you're crazy for tiramisu.
Mike: We love tiramisu. Am I wrong in saying that.?
Robin: No, no, no, I mean it just sounds a little bit weird, doesn't it? We love tiramisu. Is it really a group activity, loving tiramisu? Right?
Marshall: So this Italian place? How's their cannoli?
cannoli カノーリ イタリアのお菓子
Robin: Easy there, hungry.
Mike: Yeah, looks like we're both hungry.
Robin: Hey, is that Gary Oldman?
Mike: Wait, where?
Mike: I don't see...
Robin: Brain freeze.
Barney: OK Victoria's Secret party right now.
Ted: Nope.
Barney: Come on, I can't stand to watching my delusional friend waste another precious Halloween. Ted the Slutty Pumpkin is not coming.
delusional 妄想の
Ted: She might.
Barney: Oy.
Ted: Come on, Barney, this is not about the odds, It's about believing. This girl, she represents something to me, I don't know, hope.
Barney: Wow. I did not understand a word you just said. Lingerie models on a boat!
Ted: See ya.
Barney: No, see ya. Ow.
Robin: Wanna drink the melty part?
Mike: You know what, it's getting late. I think I'm gonna take off.
Robin: Hey, I thought we were gonna follow those bread crumbs back to my place, Hansel
Mike: Robin, I don't get the sense you like being with me.
get a sense of 〜を感じ取る
Robin: I like being with you.
Mike: Not as much as you like being alone. You like eating your own food, sleeping in your own bed, doing your own crosswords.
Robin: Well, who uses ink? Sorry. OK, I'm a bit set in my ways. That doesn't mean that this won't work.
Mike: Actually, it kind of does.
Robin: Wait, are we breaking up?
Mike: We aren't breaking up. I'm breaking up with you.
Narrator: And then just when I was about to lose hope.
Ted: She spent a year in Antarctica studying penguins.
Narrator: Kahlua, root beer, could this penguin be the Slutty Pumpkin?
Ted: Uh, excuse me, this is gonna sound crazy, but I met someone up on this roof four years ago and they mixed that cocktail and they loved penguins. By any chance, was that you? It's you. I was crazy but I can't...
By any chance もしかして
Barney: You are such a loser. Come on, I came back for you, Ted. I penguin-suited up to show you the error of your ways. And to score hula girl's number. Check and check.
Ted: Unbelievable.
Barney: Yes, it is.
Hula Girl: Wait a minute. You're that lame army guy.
Barney: What? No no, that's some other guy and he was a kick-ass fighter pilot
Hula Girl: I cannot believe I gave you my number
Barney: Yeah, well, you did, thanks.
Hula girl: Well, give it back.
Barney: Uh, I don't think so. I earned it fair and square. I'm calling you.
fair and square 公明正大な、不正のない
Hula Girl: But I'm never gonna go out with you.
Barney: But how will you know it's me? I'm a master of disguise. Yeah.
disguise 変装
Ted: Nice.
Barney: Come on, Ted, Victoria's Secret party now. Let's go.
Ted: I'm staying.
Barney: Fine. Fine.
Ted: What are you doing?
Barney: I'm flippering you off.
Lily: Sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Robin: Seriously it's not a big deal. He wanted to be a 'we,' and I wanted to be an 'I'. Dudes are such chicks. You guys, I'm fine.
Carl: Ladies and gentlemen, the results are in. And the winners of this year's costume contest are Lily Aldrin as a parrot and Marshall Eriksen as a gay pirate.
Marshall: Oh yeah!
Marshall: Wait. What did he say?
Lily: Oh, who cares, Marshall? We won!
Marshall: Gay pirate, where are you getting that from?
Carl: Dude, you're wearing eye liner.
Marshall: OK, I just want everybody here to know that I'm not a gay pirate. I have sex with my parrot all the time. That came out wrong. Oh yeah, it doesn't matter! We won!
That came out wrong 変なこと言って come out 〜という結果になる
Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.
Marshall: I love you too, Lilypad.
Robin: You guys, let me get a picture.
Robin: I had a feeling I'd find you here.
Ted: Hey. If you're here for the Shagarats, you just missed the fourth encore.
Robin: I never played any team sports
Ted: Are we playing 'I never' cuz there's nothing left but peach schnapps.
Robin: I played tennis in high school. You know why? Because it was just me out there. I couldn't even stand playing doubles. I just got dumped.
Ted: Man, that sucks.
Robin: Yeah, it's OK. I wasn't that into him. Story of my life. Everyone else is off falling in love and acting stupid and goofy and sweet and insane, but not me. Why don't I want that more? I want to want that. Am I wired wrong or something?
goofy とんまな、おろかな、ばかな insane ばかげた、愚かな
I wired wrong Someone does not agree with your logic they may say that you are wired wrong. 論理的に納得いかない時に使われるらしい。
Ted: No. Look, you didn't want to be with me so clearly you have abysmal taste in men.
abysmal 底知れぬ、底抜けの ひどいYou have bad taste in men. 男の趣味が悪いね。
Ted: But you're wired just fine.
Robin: Well, what if I'm just a cold person? Tonight, Mike was willing to look like a complete idiot for me, but I couldn't be Gretel. Why can't I be Gretel?
Ted: Because you just haven't met the right Hansel yet. One day you're gonna meet a guy who's gonna make you wanna look like a complete idiot.
Robin: Really?
Ted: Yeah, he's out there somewhere, just like the Slutty Pumpkin. pumpkin-pumpkin...
Robin: How do you do this, Ted? How do you sit out here all night on the roof in the cold and still have faith your pumpkin's gonna show up.
Ted: Well, I'm pretty drunk. Look, I know that odds are the love of my life isn't gonna magically walk through that door in a pumpkin costume at 2:43 in the morning but it seems as nice a spot as any to just, you know, sit and wait.
Robin: Scooch.
scooch 滑らせるように動かす