Lily: Well, I found a guy who said he'd be willing to put his boat in my slip, so we're getting closer.
in one's slip 下着姿で
Robin: Okay, Lil, why is it so important to do this today?
Lily: Because... If we don't do it today, I just know we're gonna wind up having a huge wedding with a huge crowd full of huge Midwestern people looking all disapproving and judging me while sipping little cups of mayonnaise and cracking runaway bride jokes all night long.
wind up 〜を終わりにする
Robin: Nobody's gonna do that.
Lily: No, they're not because I'm not gonna give them the chance. I'm gonna find a ship captain and we're gonna be married tonight.
Robin: Sweetie, this is crazy. You're never gonna find a ship capt...
Marshall: Hey, Lily. Found a ship captain.
Lily: What?
Ted: Yeah. First guy we talked to. Ship captain. How great is that?
Lily: See? See, this is destiny. So, captain, can you take us out to international waters and marry us?
Captain: I sure can. If there's two things I love, it's bringing people together in marriage and making $5,000.
Marshall: What?
Lily: Deal. $5,000, okay, we can do that. Come on, everybody. Fork over your cash. Don't think. Just do it.
Fork over 支払う
Barney: I can get us that money.
Ted: How?
Barney: Have you noticed that all day today Chinese guys have been coming up and saying hi to me?
Ted: Yes. Have you noticed I haven't asked about it because I'm too scared of the answer?
Barney: Well, those are my old gambling buddies. Truth is... I used to come here all the time. Play an old Chinese game called "Shing Hasabu Shing". Had a small gambling problem. Actually, it wasn't so small. I kind of lost my entire life's savings. But tonight, I don't know, I'm feeling hot. I think I can win us that money.
saving 貯金
Robin: No, we're not letting you gamble all our money away.
Barney: Uh, it's not gambling if you absolutely know you're going to win. I'll get us that money. I swear it, nay... I oath it.
Narator: Now, I had been to a lot of casinos before that night, and I've been to a lot of casinos since, but in all that time I've never seen a game quite like this one. To this day, I have no idea how it was played. But luckily, Barney did.
Lily: Do you understand what's happening?
Ted: Not a clue.
Not a clue. 手がかりもない
Robin: Do you think he's winning?
Ted: I don't even know if he's playing.
Marshall: Wait, I get it. I understand this game.
Ted: No, you don't.
Marshall: I totally understand the game, Theodore. Barney, split your tiles. You can triple your money if you find the jellybean.
Barney: Marshall, please. Don't you think I know what I'm... My God, you're right.
Lily: Wow. It's beautiful.
Marshall: Thanks, Barney.
Barney: Did you guys see me? I was on fire tonight. Man, I can't wait to get back to the shore. God, I love gambling!
shore 海岸
Ted: When we get home, we're gonna go to a little meeting. Okay?
Barney: Why can't I do it just a little?
Lily: Okay. Let's get this started.
Captain: Okay, uh... You guys want the serious one or the funny one? Oh, I think. Serious would be best.
Captain: You sure? I got a lot of great nautical jokes in there. Like how you two float each other's boat, stuff like that.
nautical 航海の
Marshall: Yeah, serious is probably good.
Captain: "We stand witness today to celebrate the union of Lily and Marshall. Today, you two will become one, sharing your lives, the happiness, the sadness, the frustrations and the joy..."
Ted: This is pretty cool. I can't believe you never want to get married.
Robin: I never said "never."
Captain: "...to declare your love and devotion to each other in front of friends and family, all the people who matter most to you." What was that?
devotion 献身的愛情
Marshall: What was what?
Captain: That little look. You two just shared a look.
Lily: We don't want to do this.
Marshall: We don't.
Ted: Are you kidding me? You guys are calling off another wedding?
Robin: After I spent all this money on a bridesmaid shirt?
Barney: Did I bet someone that they'd call it off? I did, didn't I? Who'd I bet?
Ted: You actually expect any of us are gonna come to your third wedding?
Lily: Yes. Because it's gonna be amazing. Look, before I was afraid to face Marshall's family and I didn't want to do all that work, but... Now that we're here... I realize that I have to face Marshall's family and I really want to do all that work.
Marshall: So do I. And yeah... My family might still be upset with you. But when they see us up there, they're gonna see how much we love each other and none of that other stuff is gonna matter.
Lily: I love you, Marshmallow.
Marshall: I love you, too, Lilypad.
Captain: I now pronounce you man and wife.
pronounce 公表する
Lily: What?!
Captain: Is that not right?
Marshall: Are... we married? Did you just marry us? Weren't you listening? We don't want to be married.
Captain: Uh... I-I suppose I could unpronounce you.
Both Marshall and Lily: Unpronounce us! Unpronounce us!
Captain: All right, I unpronounce you man and wife.
Lily: Oh, whew... That was close.
Narator: And that's the story of how Uncle Marshall and Aunt Lily got married for 12 seconds somewhere off the coast of Atlantic City.
Ted: Hey, guys.
Marshall: Hey... Ted.
Lily: Is Robin here?
Marshall: Man, I hope so.