Narator: That last session was the least painful of all. I savored every searing blast of that laser.
savor 楽しむ・味わう searing 焦がすような blast 衝撃
Stella: All done.
Narator: The moment I'd waited ten weeks for had arrived.
Ted: Stella...now that I'm no longer your patient, would you like to have dinner with me?
Stella: Ted, you're a really nice guy...
Ted: Oh, no.
Stella: It has been so great getting to know you.
Ted: I am gonna kill Marshall.
Stella: I've had so much fun these last ten weeks.
Ted: Oh, my God, this is worse than the laser.
Stella: I have a daughter.
Ted: What?
Stella: Her name's Lucy. She's eight. Work and being with her, that's pretty much my life. My social calendar is movie night with the girls once a month when I can get a sitter. I mean, I've been to one party in the past year... St. Paddy's Day... it was awful, I left early. But, really, my only free time is the two minutes I get for lunch, so... this is why I don't date. Ted, I only have time for one most important person in my life, and that's Lucy. Anyway, it's been fun. Next time, think before you ink. But if you ever do wake up with, like, a dolphin tattoo on your ankle, just give me a call.
Ted: There it is... she's a mom. It's just not gonna happen.
Marshall: Sorry, dude. Have a shrimp.
Ted: I'm good. I guess I got no one but myself to blame. She told me right from the start she was gonna say no and sure enough... Wait a minute.
Ted: You didn't actually say no.
Stella: What do you mean?
Ted: All this time you were, uh, you were supposed to say no, but you didn't... I checked the transcript. So, here's what I'm proposing. Uh... You only have two minutes, right?
Stella: Right.
Ted: Okay. You want to, uh... go on a a two-minute date with me?
Stella: Last two-minute date I had gave me a daughter. Um... Okay.
Ted: Great. And... go. Taxi!
Ranjit: Hello!
Stella: Ted, I seriously only have two minutes...
Ted: I know.
Stella: That's like 120 seconds.
Ted: 380 West 22nd, please. And step on it. We're in a hurry.
Stella: 380 West 22nd? That's...
Ted: Right this way.
Stella: Thank you, sir. You know, I have always wanted to try this place.
Waitress: House salad.
Ted: So, college?
Stella: Stanford.
Ted: Uh-huh. Wesleyan.
Stella: Oh, good. Do you know Adam Lazar?
Ted: No. Scott Crable?
Waitress: Eggplant parmesean.
Eggplant ナス
Ted: Thanks.
Stella: Oh, already cut up. Nice.
Ted: Could we get the check please. We're trying to make a movie in 15 seconds.
Waitress: Of course.
Ted: Okay, great. Uh, how do you want to do this? You had the eggplant parm. I only really had water so... I'm kidding. Oh. Okay. Let's go. Taxi! You nervous?
Stella: A little bit.
Ted: You can't tell at all.
Stella: Oh, good. Yeah.
Ranjit: Hello!
Ted: 384 West 22nd.
Stella: 15 seconds. The movie's started.
Ted: Nah, previews. We'll be fine. Ah! Just in time. It hasn't started yet.
Stella: So, what are we seeing?
Ted: Manos:Hands of Fate.
Stella: The whole thing?
Ted: Only the important parts. Worst movie ever.
Stella: Yeah, I almost walked out, like, five times.
Ted: How we doing on time? Taxi!
Stella: We got a little time.
Ted: Okay. Do you want to walk it?
Stella: Why not?
Ranjit: Hello! Good-bye!
Ted: So what grade's your daughter in?
Stella: Third grade.
Ted: Ah! That's a good year.
Stella: Yeah, she's wonderful. I just wish that I could get her to quit smoking, you know?
Ted: What?
Stella: I'm kidding.
Ted: Oh. Look, coffee and dessert?
Stella: You know, this neighborhood just keeps on changing. This used to be a cute, little Italian restaurant.
Ted: I know. New York. It's a living organism, an ever-changing tapestry. Ooh, look at the time. Let's go.
Stella: Mmm, the cheesecake's amazing.
Ted: Flowers?
Stella: I'm allergic.
Ted: Okay. See? We're getting to know each other. Stella, I had a lovely... Doggy bag? Stella, I had a lovely time.
Stella: Me, too, Ted.
Ted: And... date.
Stella: Huh?
Ted: That wasn't so bad, right? No lengthy, awkward silences. Dessert ran a little long, so... I had to cut the good-night kiss.
lengthy 非常に長い
Stella: I think I can be late just once. Ted...
Ted: Look, I would love to have a second date, I would. But I understand that you really don't have time right now, but if you ever do, will you give me a call?
Stella: Yes.
Ted: Okay.
Narator: And that, kids, is how you turn a "no" into a "yes."
Abby: All my friends told me, "Abby, be strong. He doesn't deserve another chance." But I forgive you!
Ted: No, no, no, no!
Abby:...then he just kept toying with my emotions.
toy もてあそぶ
Barney: Wow. This Ted guy sounds like a real jerk. You know your problem? You're too sweet.
Abby: Aren't you going to see the doctor about that mole?
Barney: Oh, yeah. Turns out it's just a Raisinet. Hey, how would you like me to take you out to a fancy restaurant and then go on a shopping spree? Treat you the way you should be treated. Would that make you forget about that Ted monster?
Abby: My mom was wrong. There are nice guys in New York.
Barney: We just have to go by my hotel room first. My bed was broken. I just have to make sure they fixed it.
Abby: Well, then if it's fixed, can we can have sex on it and then go shopping.
Barney: I like you.