Good morning, lying bastards.Anything you want to lie about before I head off to work to get fired?
That's a nice shirt.
You're the devil.
Ted, what if we told you that we found you a new project at GNB where you would be redesigning part of the 20th floor?
Well, if that's a lie, it's an incredibly dull one.What exactly would I be doing?
dull つまらない
This is the 18th floor ETR.Basically, Bilson wants a room just like this, only two stories up, on our floor.
Wait, what's an ETR?
It's the Employee Transition Room.
What does that mean?
Well, it's a space where a supervisor and an employee engage in a knowledge transfer about an impending vocational paradigm shift.
engage in に携わる impending 差し迫った vocational 職業の
People get fired in here.
That's horrible.Why do you need a room specifically for firing people?
Well, GNB feels that people need a safe, secure space to deal with the news.
Yeah.It gets pretty real in here.
So, I reluctantly agreed to design a room where people would be fired.But I was determined to make it my own.
reluctantly しぶしぶ
Now, when you leave the dismissal space, you'll exit into what I'm calling the Rebirth Tranquility Hallway.
dismissal 解雇 Tranquility 平穏
Here, you'll find a soothing oval chamber with a trained grief counselor.It's right here, past the New Beginnings Fountain.
soothing 慰める oval 楕円形の grief 悲しみ
And there you have it.Instead of a drab, dark prison cell, a nurturing womb birthing you into a new life.
drab 殺風景な womb 安全な内部
I love it.
Yeah.Nice work, Ted.
Thank you.
Can you add some of these touches to the existing 18th Floor ETR as well?
Great.Let's take a look.
Okay, so I'm thinking this wall
You're fired!
I wanted this room! This exact room, two floors up!
You're fired! Now, get the hell out of here.Hey, honey.
Anyone from the band Rush, a Montreal Meatpie, and superhero lunch boxes.
Rick Moranis, the Reverse Rick Moranis, antique Judaica.
I give up.I've been guessing for three days.I'm done.If that means I never get to know, so be it.
so be it それならそれでいい
Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!
Okay, you really want to know?
Okay.But this information does not leave this table.
Oh, my God.I am so excited.I'm going to read it.
Read it.
I'm going to read it.
Read it.
I'm going to read it.
Here we go.
The Frozen Snowshoe, Old King Clancy, Harvey's trays.
I don't know what any of those words mean.
Is one of those supposed to be a celebrity?
Yeah, who the hell is Old King Clancy?
No, that's not the person, that's the sex act.It's the same as a Sacramento Turtleneck, except with maple syrup.
So the celebrity was Harvey Strays?
No, that's what he collected.Harvey's trays.You know, those classic orange trays you get whenever you eat at Harvey's? The restaurant? Oh, come on, you're road-tripping down the Trans-Canada Highway, you get a hunger on between Milverton and Wawa, where are you gonna strap on a feed bag, huh? Harvey's.Over 12,000 Served!
strap on a feed-bag 食事をとる
So the celebrity was
The Frozen Snowshoe.Oh, my God! You guys have never heard of The Frozen Snowshoe? He's only the most famous professional wrestler in Canada.I met him after he defeated Reckless Rick Rogers in the Kamloops Memorial Arena back in '02.Classic match.
So you're saying The Frozen Snowshoe invited you back to his place to look at Harvey's trays, and asked you to do an Old King Clancy?
Exactly.And I'm serious, you cannot tell anyone.
Well, my hiccups are gone.Possibly forever.
Canada! You did it again.You even found a way to ruin this.Why? Why do we let you be a country?
Hey, Mr.Mister.
Shouldn't you be upstairs, designing your big, fancy ETR?
I'm off the project.
Bilson fired me.
You're kidding me.
So what does this mean for you at your firm? Are you going to get laid off?
Actually, I just quit.
Because I can't work for big, heartless corporate clients anymore.When I was pitching to your task force, I was doing the most inspired work of my career.In a way, you idiots reminded me how much fun my job can be when I'm not answering to the Bilsons of the world, so I quit.
In a way ある意味で
They fired you, didn't they?
Yes, sir.But I got a sweet severance package and I've made a big decision.I'm going to start my own firm.
severance package 解雇手当
Whoa, buddy!
That's exciting.
In this economy?
So you're not mad?
As it turns out, I'm grateful.
So how'd it all go down between you and Bilson?
Well, after he proposed a vocational paradigm shift, I made an impromptu presentation using a four-pronged approach that really brought him to his knees.
impromptu 即席の four-pronged 4方面の
Hit him with a chair?
That's my boy.
And this one, I got on the drive from Milverton to Wawa.
Wow.That's pretty impressive, The Frozen Snowshoe.
Please, we're friends.Just call me Shoe.Have a seat.
So, Shoe, how would you like to give me an Old King Clancy?
I think you should go.