Lily.A spin that wheel! Oh Birds and Bees. Barney, How would you teach young Marvin about the facts of life?
Birds and Bees 初歩の性教育
Hmm You're gonna love Amsterdam, little bro.
Okay, Barney's out of this round.Ted, how would you handle the talk?
Well, Marvin would be a young adult, so you wouldn't want to talk down to him.But that doesn't mean you can't get down with him.
talk down 言い負かす get down 落ち込ませる
When two adults wish to procreate They lay together and copulate Male gametes, spermatozoa Implant themselves in the ladies' ova! Break it down!
procreate 産む copulate 性交する gamete 配偶子
I'm sorry, don't you need to actually have had sex in order to explain it?
Professor Infosaurus also has a rap about ignoring bullies.
bully いじめっ子
Robin? Birds and bees?
Well, I, for one, don't think you have to teach Marvin a thing.If he's anything like his dad, he's a natural-born stud.Lily got a little braggy at a cucumber stand once, big guy.
stud 色男 braggy 自慢ばかりする
Robin wins again!
Oh, come on!
That's clearly pandering!
pander 迎合する
A spin that wheel!
We played long into the night, eventually making it to the dreaded
dreaded 非情に恐ろしい
Lightning round! First word!
Ooh Actually, that's a joist, which carries the stress of the ceiling versus the primary architectural load.But that's my boy!
joist 梁
That's my boy!
First heartbreak!
I know this hurts, little buddy, but you'll love again someday, because time will heal a broken heart.But not that bitch's window.
Yeah, right.I've seen Barney throw.He's no Vinnie Pestano, am I right? Beloved Indians' middle reliever.Cleveland sports are still relevant.LeBron who? Right, guys?
Ted, neither you nor Cleveland knows how to get over someone leaving them.Here's how you'd handle heartbreak.
Cheer up, squirt.There are plenty of other wonderful women out there.
But I thought that she was the one.
I'll be at Uncle Barney's.
This is ridiculous.I've known you for 16 years.I'm the obvious choice.
Oh, come on, if Ted raises him, the poor kid's still gonna be a virgin when he's 13.I'm the obvious choice.
Hey, look, as the only one of us packing a vag, I got a natural instinct for nurturing and crap like that.Plus, I can teach him how to bow hunt.Yeah, I could do that.
I am Barney Stinson!
Guys, guys, guys! Okay! All right! Obviously, none of you knows what it really means to be a parent.
Well obviously, neither of you know what it means to be a friend anymore.
What are you talking about?
Think about it.This is the most we've seen you two in five months.
You don't seem to care what's going on in our lives unless it's an eight or higher.
Well, what do you expect? We have a baby now.
Yeah.The days of closing down MacLaren's are over.Unless you want to get up with us at 5:13 in the morning with a screaming baby.
So that's it? The the end of an era, just like that?
Look we're sorry if-if we don't have time to sit around the bar listening to silly little dating problems.When you have a baby, it's not just the most important thing in your life, it's the only important thing.When are you guys gonna get that?
Think we get it.
I can't believe they just walked out.
Yeah.Maybe it's for the best.Barney was starting to pull ahead.
pull ahead 前に出る
I mean, how selfish can they be? We're trying to raise a child here.I'm sorry if I don't have time to deal with Ted's um.o-or Robin's um or-or Barney's mm Huh.You know, we were about to name one of them Marvin's godparent, and I can't tell you what's going on in any of their lives.
Do you think that maybe we've been a little crappy as friends lately?
Do you really know how to bow hunt?
Um, yeah.At the British Columbia Military School for Boys we called it making lunch.
Hey, guys.We asked Mickey to watch Marvin so we could come down and talk.
I know that we didn't get to finish the game, but we've reached a decision.Lily?
We've decided to revoke the eight or higher rule.
We want to know everything that's going on with you guys.
You're our best friends.Everything is an eight or higher.
And for the first time in almost half a year, Lily and Marshall closed down MacLaren's.
Anyway, Victoria's dad and I are working out a payment plan with a very reasonable interest rate.
At least, Nick's cycle is fuel-efficient-- we're getting, like, 30, 35 miles to the cob.
You know, I should've told you about that six and a half sooner.Barney Stinson banging anything less than an eight? That's like a 15.
And it was a great night.Until
Go back to bed.We got this.
And Lily and Marshall finally decided on a guardian.
Are you sure about this, baby?
No matter what happens, I want Marvin to stay in the family.
Oh Is that a bowling ball in a onesie?