Narator: Kids, this is a Thanksgiving story.
Narator: Thanksgiving in New York is a wonderful time. It's a time for giving of yourself, for thinking of your fellow man. A time when the unforgiving city becomes a little kinder.
giving of yourself 惜しみなく自分をささげる fellowman 人間同士 unforgiving 容赦のない kinder 親切
Lily: Well, I just ralphed.
ralph 吐く
Robin: How much did you guys drink last night?
Ted: Not how much? What.
Barney: The Thanks-tini. A fun and delicious new novelty drink I invented. Cranberry juice, potato vodka and a bouillon cube. Tastes just like a turkey dinner.
novelty 珍しいもの、変わったもの invent 〜を発明する、考案する、創作する vodka ウオツカ bouillon ブイヨン
Marshall: It's like Thanksgiving in my mouth.
Ted: You want a good holiday drink, try his Kwanzaa-politan.
Kwanzaa "a week-long celebration held in the United States and in other nations of the Western African diaspora in the Americas." cosmo politan 世界主義の、コスモポリタンの、世界各地の人々からなる、全世界的な、国際的な、全世界に分布している
Marshall: The shuttle's here!
Lily: He hasn't been back home to Minnesota since Christmas. He's a little excited.
Marshall: Baby, we're holding up the shuttle, do you have everything you need? Toothbrush, pajamas, underpants. Underpants.
hold up 引き止める
Ted: So, Lil, Marshall's family. Whole weekend with the future in-laws, you excited?
Lily: Yeah, no, it'll be fun.
Robin: Lily, you just said, "yeah, no."
Lily: Did I? No, I, I love Marshall's family.
Robin,Ted: Oh.
Lily: But, yeah, no, it'll be great.
Ted: You just did it again.
Lily: Yeah, no, shut up.
Robin: Wait, so you're not going home for Thanksgiving.
Ted: No, I have to work on Friday. You?
Robin: I'm Canadian, remember? We celebrate Thanksgiving in October.
Ted: Oh, right, I forgot you guys are weird. You pronounce the word out, "oute"
pronounce 発音する
Robin: You guys are the world's leader in handgun violence, your healthcare system is bankrupt and your country is deeply divided on almost every important issue.
bankrupt 破産させる、行き詰まらせる divide 〜を分裂させる、意見を異にさせる
Ted: Your cops are called Mounties.
Mounties カナダの騎馬警官の愛称
Robin: So, probably hanging out with Barney then?
Ted: No, Barney's got his own Thanksgiving tradition.
Barney: Thanksgiving in a strip club, who's in? The Lusty Leopard has a surprisingly good Thanksgiving buffet. Plus, they do this thing. Heather dresses up as a Pilgrim and Misty dresses up as an Indian, and they share a meal together.
Lusty セクシー Leopard ヒョウ surprisingly 驚いたことに、意外にも pilgrim 巡礼者、旅人
Lily: Oh, Barney.
Barney: I'm sorry, Native American.
Ted: I think I'm gonna go to a homeless shelter, serve food.
Robin: That's awesome.
Ted: Yeah, I thought I'd just spend the day giving back, you know, doing some good.
Robin: Canceling out Barney.
Canceling out 相殺する
Ted: Exactly.
Marshall: Where are all my underpants?
Lily: Did you check your suitcase?
Marshall: Let's go.
Narator: And go they went, all the way to St. Cloud, Minnesota, Marshall's hometown. And as Lily stepped into her fiance's boyhood home, she received a big welcome.
boyhood 少年時代
Marshall: Hello, we're home!
Narator: A very big welcome. You see, at 6-foot-4, Marshall was the runt of the Ericksen clan.
6'4≒193cm runt 小さな子、ちび clan 一家、一族
Lily: Greate to see you. Hey, you, too.
Lily: Wow, I forgot how tall you guys are.
Mr.Ericksen: Where's my almost daughter-in-law?
Lily: Here I am.
Mr.Ericksen: Over here. You got yourself a great little bride here, son.
bride 花嫁
Mr.Ericksen: All right now, no farting around. Put your skates and your pads on, boys. Game on in five minutes.
fart around ぶらぶら時を過ごす
Lily: You gonna play hockey?
Mr.Ericksen: Hike, hut!
Lily: With a basketball?
Mr.Ericksen: Well, it's a combination of the two. We call it baskiceball.
Marshall: We invented it. It's the most dangerous and awesome sport in the world.
Lily: Bask-ice-ball? Not ice-ket-ball?
Mr.Ericksen: Ice-ket-ball? Just sounds weird.
Mr.Ericksens: Yeah.
Marcus: It's baskiceball, OK? And I'm the best.
Marshall: You wish.
you wish 皮肉っぽく否定したい時に使うスラング
Lily: Oh, well maybe that's just 'cause you haven't seen me play.
Marshall: I don't know honey, it's not really a sport for a girl.
Lily: Well, that's funny because your brother throws like a girl.
Mrs.Ericksen: Marcus!
Robin: This is gonna be great.
Ted: I know. I'm so psyched we did this. Look at all these people, giving up their Thanksgiving to help their fello wman. These have gotta be the best people in New York.
psyched 待ちきれないほど興奮して
Barney: Excuse me, guys. Coming through.
Ted: Barney?
Barney: Well, hi guys.
Ted: What are you doing here?
Barney: Oh, just the Lord's work.
Ted: But you're Satan.
Barney: Guys, OK, look, I don't advertise it, but I volunteer here. I think it's important to help the less fortunate. I'm the Angelina Jolie of incredibly hot guys.
Robin: This is a joke, right? You don't actually volunteer here.
Kendall: Barney, we need you out front. There is a logjam on the stuffing line. Can you show them how it's done?
logjam 行き詰まり
Barney: I'm on it.
Ted: Wait, so, this is real. Barney does this?
Kendall: Every Sunday, all year long. He's our best volunteer
all year long 一年中
Barney: That's because I was trained by the best, Kendall.
train 〜をしつける、教え込む、教育する
Ted: Anyway, uh, we're psyched to be here, Kendall. What do you need us to do?
Kendall: Go home, we're full.
Robin: What?
Ted: We're volunteers, we're unpaid help. Can you ever really have enough unpaid help?
Kendall: On the biggest volunteer day of the year, yeah, you can.
Robin: Come on, we just wanna help out.
Barney: Kendall, they're cool.
Kendall: Fine, but I'm not promising anything. Wait here, we'll let you know if we need you.
Barney: OK, well, I better get back out there. There's a lot of food to give out. And a lot of smiles.
give out 支給する
Mrs.Ericksen: Oh, I almost forgot. I know it's early but you are a future Mrs. Ericksen.
Lily: Thank you. It'll go great with my...I just love it.
Mrs.Ericksen: OK, Lily, we're putting you on salad duty.
duty 職務、任務
Lily: Oh, I make this great frisee and endive salad with a coriander lime vinaigrette.
frisee フリゼ サラダに使うキク科の1年草 endive エンダイブ サラダとして食べる coriander コリアンダー vinaigrette フレンチドレッシング
Pregnant Mrs.Ericksen: But this is an American holiday.
Mrs.Ericksen: Now that you're going to be a Mrs. Ericksen, I'm going to let you in on a secret recipe. The Ericksen family seven-layer salad.
Lily: Seven-layer salad?
Lily: Six cups of mayonnaise? That can't be right.
mayonnaise マヨネーズ
Mrs.Ericksen: Oh no, dear, sixteen cups.
Mrs.Ericksen: Mayo's in that cabinet.
Marshall: Oh my God, there is some serious baskiceball going on out there. Dad totally nailed Marcus in the face with a snowball, which is a foul because you only get one snowball per possession, so I nailed him in the shin with my skate and then I totally dunked it.
shin すね
Mr.Ericksen: Yeah, you were sitting pretty until I whacked you with that mallet.
whack 強打する mallet 木槌
Mr.Ericksen: Hey Gorgeous!
Marshall: You having fun?
Lily: Yeah, but I kinda miss you. Could you stay in here for a little bit?
Marshall: Yeah, yeah yeah, no problem, it's halftime.
Mr.Ericksen: Oh, halftime's over. Get yours butts out here, come on.
Marvin: And I hope you like the taste of skate, dorko.
A lame way to insult someone. It's basically calling someone a dork except you don't come off as insulting.
Lily: Go.
Marshall: Thanks baby.
Marshall: Oh, isn't this great? Can't you see why everybody from my high school stays in this town?
Marshall: Hey Marvin, you're the dorko, dorko!