Guess what I've got behind my back.
Oh, wait, wait, wait.I got this one, left.
Wrong game.But correct.Five front row tickets to Robots vs.Wrestlers.
Robots vs.Wrestlers?
That is awesome!
You've heard of Robots vs.Wrestlers?
But we assume it's some sort of sporting event that pits robots against wrestlers.
pit 闘わせる
That's exactly what it is, according to the Web site!
Wait, wait, wait, wait.Who's the fifth ticket for?
Uh, Robin.I know, she moved in with her boyfriend, and said she doesn't wanna hang out with us anymore.But this is Robots vs.Wrestlers.Robots vs.Wrestlers!
Barney is right.It's impossible to say no to that.
No to that.I wish I could, but I have plans with Don on Saturday.He's making me Chinese.
I'll assume you're talking about food.Otherwise, I have some follow-up questions.
I'm sorry, Lily, but I gotta give this thing with Don a chance.And I can't do that if I'm out drinking with you guys every single night, especially when you guys includes two of my ex-boyfriends.
I understand.You're right.It's just we all really miss you.
Oh, I miss you, too.Listen, I gotta go.Talk soon.Okay.Bye.Sorry, New York.I had to take that.Now, where were we? Yeah, yes, bus crash.
She said no? How could she say no? Robots vs.Wrestlers is our most important tradition as a group!
Tradition? We've never done this before.
It's Robots vs.Wrestlers, Lily.How is that not gonna be a tradition? Well, this is how it starts.First Robin moves in with Don, then Marshall and Lily have a baby, - then Ted -
Gets married.
I was gonna say was found alone in his apartment, devoured by his cats, but either way, not pretty.Everyone's leaving me and I don't like it!
devoured with とりこになる
Oh, Barney, you don't have to worry about Marshall and me having kids.That's a long way down the road.
a long way down the road 遠い将来
Exactly.It's down the road, a medium way.
A medium long way.
I mean, you can see it ahead.
In the vast, vast distance.
vast 広大な
But you're already seeing exit signs for it.
Really? I didn't see any.
You might wanna get in the right lane.
I understand how you feel, Barney.Friendships are important.In fact, Emerson wrote a great poem entitled Friendship.You guys are gonna love this.A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs
ruddy 赤い surging 押し寄せる
That's how it had always been for me with the gang.Any time I tried to get a little high-minded
You guys, you gotta try this Syrah.Hints of creme de cassis, red berries, toasty oak
Hmm.Five letters, blank baritone.Of course.Lyric baritone, which is actually higher than a dramatic baritone.You know, there's a telling moment in the second act of La Boheme
Guys, come on.I'm just trying to add a little class to these proceedings.It's like that line from Dante's Inferno.Consider your origins.You were not born to live like brutes.But to follow virtue and knowledge. Or, in the original Italian
proceeding 事態の推移 class 気品 押し寄せる brute 動物 virtue 美徳
You guys are right.I'm totally overreacting to this whole Robin thing.What's this envelope? Is this a wedding invitation? Robin's marrying Don! I'm gonna die alone! Ted's gonna get eaten by cats!
Dude, relax.It's for Marissa Heller.
Marissa Heller? She sounds hot.Face, boobs, describe.Start with boobs.
Who was Marissa Heller? That mystery began when Marshall and I first moved in together.
Ted, we got our first mail delivery! We are popular.We've got a golf magazine for Marissa Heller.We got a wicker furniture catalog, also for Marissa Heller.And a coupon for a bird store addressed to Marissa Heller, or, stay with me, current occupant. That's us! We've got mail!
Fantastic! Marissa Heller? She must be the woman who lived here before us.I wonder what she was like.
And just like that, a picture began to take shape.A picture of Marissa Heller, the golfer.Marissa Heller, the wicker catalog shopper.And Marissa Heller, the bird owner.
And since then, with each piece of mail we've gotten, the picture's become a little clearer.The only thing we don't know is what she looks like.Well, I guess I'll forward this along like I've been forwarding along - all the other
Okay.Oh, just open it.
It's an invitation to Jefferson Van Smoot's Annual Spring Social this Saturday night, in the penthouse apartment of the Alberta! You guys, that's the most beautiful building in Manhattan.We gotta go to this party.
That depends.Does it say anything on that invitation about robots battling wrestlers for intergalactic supremacy?
intergalactic 銀河系間の supremacy 支配権
No.But it says open bar.
Revised agenda for Saturday night.Free booze at Marissa Heller's party, then Robots vs.Wrestlers.One of us just needs to pretend to be Marissa Heller.
Oh, guys, I'm flattered.But I think Lily should do it.
So the big night arrived.Our first stop, the Alberta building.
Wow! This building is amazing! Did you guys see the porte cochere and the terracotta spandrels outside?
porte cochere 玄関 terracotta レンガ色
Oh, my God! Look, I just got a text from Robin.It says
Okay, guys, huddle up.Now, Lil, you can do this.All you have to do is look that guy in the eyes, say your name is Marissa Heller, and we are golden.And again, just so we're clear, no accent.
Are we sure she's not British, innit?
All right.Here I go.I'm doing this.
Sorry.Go ahead.
I'm here for the Van Smoot party.My name is Marissa Heller.
Bollocks くそ
So that's Marissa Heller, huh.She fine.
Her teeth look really nice.She must be remembering to go to the dentist even without those reminder postcards.
So, what are we doing?
I'm getting us into the party, that's what.
Marissa Heller! Barney Stinson.We met at that gathering for bird owners.
I don't think so.
Wicker lovers?
Stinson out.
Guys, it's not gonna happen.
I got this.
You know, this elevator still uses the same mechanism from when it was first installed in 1906.Rumor is, Louis Lamar Skullnick, the architect who designed this building, carved these panels himself.
Oh! A Skullnick fan?
I love his juxtaposition between the North German Renaissance exterior
juxtaposition 並列 exterior 外観
And the decidedly French influence on the inside.I know! He was an architect with the soul of a poet, really.
decidedly 明らかに exterior 外観
No, no, no, don't, don't.It's working.
You know, I have a confession to make.We're not on the guest list.But I've always wanted to see the inside of the Alberta.
have a confession to make 白状することがある
Well, then, right this way.We're all together.
Told you I'd get us in.