You guys.You guys will not believe what just happened.On my way here, a taxi jumped the curb and it pinned this old lady, and I-I just went into this, like, crazy adrenaline mode and I somehow lifted it off her.
curb 縁石 pin 行く手を遮る
Oh, my God, Ted, your wrist.
Oh, yeah, I guess it's a little swollen.I must've strained it lifting.
swollen 腫れあがった
No, I believe our dear friend Lily was referring to your other wrist.The one wearing the male birth control.
I was gonna go with chastity bracelet.
chastity 貞操
God, is it possible to love you more?
Really? Really? I just saved someone's life, and you guys are focusing on this?
Yeah, you know what, guys? Leave him alone.All right, he's a hero.
Thank you.
Do you think that your super strength came from wearing Wonder Woman's magic wrist cuff?
Yeah, I'll have you know that because of this cuff, I have a date.
With some hand lotion and the Internet?
It is possible to love you more!
She exists.And she's right outside.
Great.Bring her in.
You know what? It's so nice out.Why don't why don't we just all go for a walk.
It's pouring rain, Ted.I think it's pretty obvious she can't fit through the door.
fit through the door ドアから入る
She is a gorgeous, athletic woman.
Athletic? Sideburns, no cans.
Sideburns もみあげ
She is hot.
So why can't she come in, Ted?
She can come in.In six and a half months.
Wait.Are you saying she's
Twenty.And a half.Almost.Ah-ah! Hold up, guys.She had to bounce.Um, a flash mob broke out in front of a line of Korean-Mexican food trucks in Williamsburg.
bounce 去る break out 起こる
The only thing that would make her more of a 20-year-old is an ironic form of transportation.
She's roller skating there.
I don't know which is more pathetic-- that you're going out with a 20-year-old or that you bought a leather cuff to get a date with her.
pathetic 痛ましい
I didn't buy this to get a date.I just happened to be out catching up on some Saturday afternoon leather cuff shopping,
and she just happened to be a leather cuff saleswoman.
God, I am so glad I am done chasing bimbos.Now that I'm engaged, that whole part of my life just seems sad and empty.I don't want this to sound too harsh, Ted, but you disgust me.
Until a month ago, your headboard had a lube dispenser.
Uh, yeah.
We got rid of that, okay?
Anyway, speaking of engaged, check out what got back from being resized.
Oh, my God.Look at the size of that rock.Barney, you don't start with the I-got-caught-cheating diamond.You give yourself room to grow.
It's a family heirloom.
Yeah, I got a few dirty looks from Barney's half-sister over Christmas, so I had to sit her down and explain very respectfully that she can suck it.
Okay.I got to bounce.
Stop saying that.
This DJ from Dubai is spinning at an abandoned loading dock in Bushwick.I'm worried I don't have enough layers.
So what if my friends thought it was doomed? I was still young, and I knew that a night of partying with a girl over a decade younger than me would be a total
doomed 絶望的な
disaster.She's like an entirely different species.And I definitely didn't have enough layers.
I didn't understand half the words she was saying.To me, it all sounded like hipster Mad Libs.
Didn't you check your phone? I just means of contacting you on currently hot social networking site.The show's been moved to New York neighborhood you've never heard of.
Oh.Wow, my phone has a clock.
And they subsist on a diet of pointlessly weird combinations.
subsist 存在する pointlessly 無意味に
Ooh.Hey, do you want to split a kimchi cupcake with bacon frosting? They are the best here.
Uh, yeah.Yeah, that'll go great with my cucumber jalapeno egg cream.
Chug it! Come on.Come on.We got to get going.
Then later, at a club in Chinatown somehow located beneath a manhole cover, it got weird.
God, I just love those tiny gray hairs in your eyebrows.Old men are so sexy.
All right, to be fair, some of those gray hairs were dried egg cream.Turns out, when you projectile vomit on skates, you roll right into the spray.
Wait, how old does she think you are?
So, were you in Vietnam?
Hold that groan.
Charlie was everywhere.
She's hot! She likes old guys! Don't judge me! Anyway, when we got out on the dance floor, th I swear, this is what all the 20-year-olds looked like
I want to thank you for your service to this nation, Private.
I got to end this.
Yeah, seriously, Ted.Pretending to be someone else just to get laid? That's embarrassing.
Your Highness!
Let's go.
Ew.Marshall, take that off.
What? I think it looks kind of cool.
Cool? You look like one of those jerks who's in some lame band and rides a motorcycle without a helmet and has a wallet chain and neck tattoos and a drug problem.Not a a big one, just, uh enough that he deals a little bit on the side, and he can never ever be true to one woman.Finish that damn pickle and do me!
Okay, you guys know how my mornings usually go.
Why would we care how
Usually it's like this.
After you.
Aw, thank you.
On the house, Robin!
Take this bagel on the house
Have a paper on the house
I'd give you a house on the house
If I could You're so beautiful Everything in life should be free
It's so wonderful to be me!
Wow.Do little bluebirds help you get dressed in the morning, too?
She's exaggerating To make a point!
But today was different.
That'll be $3.75.
But I didn't have to pay yesterday.
Oh, honey-sweetie-baby.
It's the ring, Robin.The ring has power.
When a woman puts on an engagement ring, it's like when Bilbo Baggins wears the One Ring in The Hobbit.
Okay, can you say that again but not in nerd?
Sure.Uh, the ring is like the cloak that Harry Potter wears to sneak around Hogwarts.
Yeah, I don't speak virgin either.
The ring-- it makes you invisible.
You're not precious.