Every window, Every room, every child gets that view every morning.
Am I interrupting?
Am I interrupting 今良い?ちょっといい?
Peter Burke, FBI.
If you don't mind just waiting for me by the cars, we'll finish this in just a minute.
If you don't mind, I have a few questions about some stolen Iraqi artifacts.
If you don't mind よろしければ
Oh, right.
I had read that some important pieces were recently recovered.
piece 部分 recovere 回収する
That's right.
We have a suspect in custody.
custody 身柄の確保
Well, good.
I'm glad to hear justice will prevail.
prevail 勝つ
Given your past experience there, I thought you might have some insight as to how a bunch of gold from mosul finds its way to a storage shed near Fort Monmouth.
insight 洞察
Of course.
Call my office, we'll set up a meeting.
There was one other thing.
The suspect says you framed him.
framed 〜を犯人に仕立てる
Any idea why he might say that?
I wish I knew.
Is there something else, Agent Burke?
I got everything I need.
Jones, have every recovered artifact moved to our office ASAP.
I want to re-examine the evidence.
Where's Peter?
I thought he called this meeting?
He's been poring over this stuff with the evidence recovery team since he saw splash blisters on Aimes' bodyguard.
pore over 詳しく調べる
Said something about a breakthrough.
breakthrough 突破口
I'm looking for clues.
clue 手がかり ヒント
Yeah, you're looking for your next jail sentence.Oh, my God.
sentence 刑罰
Didn't you just join this unit?
Yeah, and I didn't even have to go to prison first.
So, if you were gonna frame somebody, how would you do it?
I've never framed anybody.
Only been framed.
What for?
Counterfeiting stock certificates and about a dozen other confidence schemes, frauds, and forgeries.
Hear you had a breakthrough.
I got something.
Notice the prints.
Very clean.
Maybe a little too clean.
They're all Mitchell's?
Notice anything else?
They're all left-handed.
That's improbable.
improbable ありそうもない
It's impossible.
What does it mean?
I don't know.
What, you think the prints were planted?
plant 仕掛ける
Well, it wouldn't be hard, would it?
Don't look at me.
All right, it wouldn't be that hard.
It starts by getting a clean set of prints, and somebody got Mitchell's.
But only his left hand.
Why only the left?
How was the gold found in the first place?
Anonymous tip.
There's a red flag.
red flag 注意を促す 怪しい
Could be.
Easy.Easy there, tiger.
Easy there, tiger. 落ち着け
Shouldn't you be getting home to Elizabeth?
get home to 〜の注意を引く
Dana's been with us for a few days.
How's that going?
She's been through a lot.
through a lot いろいろと苦労する
No, this has gotta be rough on her.
rough on 〜には酷である。
It's gotta be.
Look, I try to be a good person.
You have your moments.
moment 良いムード
Yeah, it's just I...
Is it the crying?
I can handle everything else but women crying.
That's all.
I don't know what to do with it.
I try to fix it.
I mean, with you I'd give you a slug on the shoulder and I'd tell you to cowboy up.
slug 強打
We got the print theory.
That might cheer her up.
cheer up 元気づける
Yeah, it could be something if I can link it to Aimes or the bodyguard.
We've been here an hour, but in that whole time, you've only touched these bottles with your right hand.
Mitchell had drinks with whoever lifted the prints.
lift 盗む
Can you ask him?
The marshals are sitting on him.
marshal 連邦捜査 shit on おさえつける
I could take the time to reach out, file the proper paperwork, go through the usual channels tomorrow.
reach out 接触する proper 正式の channel 手段
Or you could just ask his wife...
...wife right now.
Hey, honey.
Hey, honey.
Hey, Dana.
How you holding up?
It's hard, you know. It's the not knowing that's killing me.
It's the not knowing わからないってことが
Any news?
Well, which do you want first?
The good news or the bad news?
There's bad news?
Not more than there has been.
He's still charged.
It still looks pretty bad.
I'll go with the good news.
There are some evidence anomalies.
anomaly 例外 特異
Someone may have planted his prints on the gold.
So, you mean he really was framed?
It's possible.
I'm curious.
Did he have drinks with anyone recently?
The prints are crisp, which would indicate a glass or a bottle, so it was probably for a beer.
crisp 鮮明 indicate 表明する 示唆する
It's not okay, really.
Yes, it is.
This is the good-news part.
Can I talk to you for a second?
I'll... I'll be right back.
What did I do?
I don't know, but you see she's crying.
Yeah, I see that she's crying! I need to know if John met someone for a drink.
Maybe he didn't tell her.
Does she suspect him of cheating?
cheating 浮気
Yeah, now I'm gonna let you go talk to her.
This is important.
Go upstairs.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
Sometimes Peter doesn't realize that he's an FBI agent.
No, it wasn't Peter.
John and I had a fight before all this happened about...
A woman who took him for a drink.
John's not the cheating type.
What if he's not the guy that I think he is?
What if he really did steal that stuff?
I mean...
Look, you heard Peter, okay?
Evidence was planted.
But who is this woman who took him out for a drink?
I don't know.
She's a journalist. She, uh...
She was embedded with John's unit.
embed 配属する
And she called about a month ago.
And she wanted to do a follow-up story.
Something like, uh... "The life of a returning vet" kind of thing.
vet vetran 兵役経験者
Wait, so, they went for a beer?
And I was mad at him for not telling me about it beforehand instead of after.
mad 頭にくる beforehand あらかじめ instead of 〜の代わりに
That night, John was more mad about his Yankee cap than he was about the fact that I had just accused him of cheating on me.
accuse 文句を言う cheating on 騙す 裏切る
What happened to the Yankee cap?
I don't know.
He left it at the bar.
It never turned up.
turn up ひょっこりでてくる
Well, the hat would explain the hair fibers.
You had Elizabeth talk to her?
I thought some female intuition would be helpful.
intuition 直感
Dana started crying, didn't she?
I didn't even do anything.
I had no idea what went wrong.
So, who's this other woman?
This is Alisha Teagan, segment producer.
segment 一番組
She was a reporter embedded with Mitchell's unit.
All right, so, she invites Mitchell out for a beer.
Let's say she takes that opportunity to lift the prints off of the bottle.
Let's say たとえば
She grabs the baseball hat as an added bonus.
added bonus おまけ
Oh, yeah.
Toss in a little DNA evidence to really lock the case.
toss やりとりする
Now, how do we connect her to Aimes?
Do they know each other?
Other than the fact that they were in Iraq, there's nothing.
other than that それ以外の
If Aimes stole the gold, he isn't gonna ship it himself.
ship 輸送する
He's gonna get someone else so that his hands stay clean in case they get intercepted.
in case 念のため intercepte 途中で押さえる
You know, press credentials aren't a bad way to get by customs.
credential 資格
Let's go talk to her.