Or bring the laptops.Either way.
This is exciting.I give you the color our child will grow up with.Yellow, like the sun.
Or daughter.Pun snuggle.
Oh, God, this room's about to get its first spit-up.Just open the envelope already!
Kevin, will you please tell Barney that it is perfectly normal for us to want to preserve the mystery.
I'm not here to analyze; I'm here to win boyfriend points.By the way, you all look great, especially Robin.
Come on, if you don't know the gender, you're gonna get generic crap at the baby shower.But if you do know the gender, you'll get, oh, I don't know, this! Marshall! Lights!
When little Jack's not turning double plays, he's turning heads with this home run of an outfit! And if it's a little girl This royal ensemble may leave you speechless, but it's sure to make little Sally say, "I wuv you, Mommy, and I wuv my dress, and I would love to see you in the shower." Sorry, I kind of fell out of character in that last part.But if you don't know the gender Little Fran is sure to be the pariah of the playground in this hermaphroditic burlap sack.Marshall! Lights!
Barney, you don't really care abo'.
You just can't stand not knowing something.
That's ridiculous! Marshall, will you will you hold these for a second?
Yeah, sure.Why?
Because I gots to know!
Oh, Barney, no! Help! Get him off of me!
Everybody hold it! Hold it! I found Janet McIntyre, who's been widowed three times.She's obviously killing her husbands!
widow 死別させる
Oh, my God! They're six minutes into the date.Ted's probably already told her that he loves her! We've got to get down there!
Nobody's going anywhere!
Kids, at that moment, Kevin thought back to his earlier rule
This real therapist won't risk upsetting his wonderful new girlfriend by analyzing her wonderful friends.
and threw it out the window.You're all the most codependent, incestuous, controlling group of people I've ever met! By the way, you all look great, especially Robin.
codependent 共依存の incestuous 排他的な controlling 支配する
Oh, mm-mm.
This is so great.Right? See, if we'd researched each other, we'd both be secretly steering the conversation one way or the other.
steer 誘導する
But this is more exciting, right?
Way more exciting.I mean, we can talk about anything we want.
So how was the traffic getting here?
You picked me up at my apartment.
I certainly did.
Oh, my God, I've lost the ability to talk to girls without the Internet.My brain is completely shutting down.
So, are you folks gonna have dinner or just drinks?
I-I don't know.
What the hell was that, Kevin? We're all crazy just because I'm looking up some stuff on the Internet, and Barney wants to know the baby's gender?
Well, to be honest, I noticed some other disturbing Never mind.It's nothing.I'm sorry.
disturbing 気がかりな
I gots to know!
Okay, last night alone
When-When are you coming back? Because I miss you, silly!
Wait, who's he talking to?
Shh, I'll be back soon.Yeah, you want me to bring you a pretzel?
Ted's texting me from the bathroom.
I don't get it.It's just a "C" with an apostrophe.
Oh, yeah.Sometimes when one of us is on the can, we'll, uh, sneak a peek and then text each other, you know.
can トイレ sneak a peek 盗み見る
Symbols to describe what your bowel movement looks like?
describe 〜を説明する
This morning, I took an ampersand.
Last summer, I dropped a deuce that actually looked like the number two!
When you worked late Wednesday, I I got lonely and I watched Survivor without you.
Practically the only unhealthy behavior I didn't see from you people was physical violence.
At least we don't do that.
And to top it off, all the meddling in Ted's love life, not to mention Lily's pregnancy? It all strikes me as just deeply dysfunctional.
And to top it off その上 meddling おせっかい dysfunctional 機能障害の
So what you're saying is, we're fine?
So while this font is often mistaken for Helvetica, the fact is it's Helvetica Bold.
I can actually hear the sound of her vagina being boarded up.
board up 板で打ち付ける
I got to be honest, Janet.First of all this is Times New Roman.Second, I'm having trouble coming up with things to talk about.
You? I'm sitting here thinking, "Damn it, I wish I had something That's gold."
Guys, I'm so sorry I said anything.
Um, you basically called my friends mentally ill.
Yeah, you think some lame apology will fix that?
What if I just paint the rest of the room by myself?
Apology accepted.
Okay, let's do this.Let-Let's find out each other's likes and dislikes.Start with something totally random.Like, um, oh, I don't know.Are you a fan of-I don't know-Annie Hall?
I'm guessing that's not random at all, and you use that movie to test whether a girl is cool?
No, it's-it's the first movie that popped into
I love Annie Hall.
Oh, thank God you're cool.
But just as things started to go well with Janet McIntyre
Whoa.I just found Janet McIntyre.
The Janet McIntyre.
Sweet mother of God!
Uh, well, I got to run to the restroom.No internet, Mister.If you find out my deep, dark secret, I'll have to kill you.
It's just my friends checking up on me.I'll politely let them know we're having a lovely time.
politely 失礼のないように
Ted says, "I'm not clicking on the link, so leave me alone." And then either texted me a bunch of symbols for profanity, or got food poisoning and dropped the weirdest deuce of all time.
profanity 不敬
You guys have to see this.
No.We're with Ted on this.We don't want to find out about Janet, just like we don't want to find out about the baby.
Because we like mystery, whether it's the hairy majesty of Bigfoot, or the bloodsucking ferocity of the Chupacabra, or the gender of our little miracle.
Thanks for putting those together in the same sentence, sweetie.
Mm.Look, if you guys don't want to know, how about this? Let me look, and I won't tell you.
Absolutely not.
Fine.Baby, if it will shut him up, what's the harm?
Can I?
This may have been a mistake.
Boy! Do I like babies!
Girl! friend, your hair looks fantastic!
Twins! was the feel-good movie of 1988.
Okay, Barney, hey, it doesn't matter what you guys say.We're not gonna cave.
cave 屈服させる
Yes, we are! Oh, just open your eyes.This gender-neutral yellow is horrible! We're clearly gonna paint over the whole thing!
That's what you want to hear.
I gots to know! Yeah.It's a It's a Where is the rest of the card?
I ripped it in half.I knew you'd be desperate to see it, and I'll give it to you.All you have to do is admit that mystery is stupid by reading about Janet McIntyre.
This is in no way emotional extortion.You guys are great.
extortion 強要
Fine, we'll look at your laptop.
Sweet mother of God.
I can't really see the computer screen.It just went down the wrong pipe.
go down the wrong pipe 誤って気管に入る