Marshall: Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.
Judy: Marshall? Is that you?
Marshall:Oh, okay, um... You guys, you're a little too close to the camera. Can you back up a bit?
Marvin: How's this?
Marshall: Every time. Um, can you just sit in front of the computer like normal human beings? Perfect! Perfect.
Marvin: What's up, shooter?
Marshall: Um, to be honest, I'm getting a little freaked out about the idea of having a daughter. I know you two probably aren't the right people to talk to about this. You had all boys.
Marvin: Oh, well, that was just dumb luck. Hey, honey, would you get me a brewski from out of the shed?
Judy: Sure. You want anything, Marshall?
Marshall: I'm in a computer, Mom.
Judy: Oh.
Marvin: Yeah, all boys. Total coincidence. It was no coincidence. Since the Viking age, the Eriksen men have passed down ancient secrets for conceiving boys. Number one, avoid lemons. They're baby girl fertilizer.
pass down 伝える conceive 妊娠する fertilizer 豊かにするもの
Marshall: Okay... No offense, Dad, but I doubt there's any scientific data to support--
Marvin: "I doubt there's any scientific data to support.."" I had all sons. Your grandfather had all sons. Your great-grandfather had all sons. Scoreboard! Who you gonna listen to? Me? Or "scientific data"?
Robin: Members of the G-8 convened today in Vienna to discuss plans to fight climate change by re... What?
convene 開催する climate 気候
Becky: Ask me what I did yesterday.
Robin: Hey, Becky, Becky, this is our news segment, okay? Nobody cares what you did yesterday.
Mike: Lighten up, Robin. What'd you do, sweetheart?
Robin: Mike!
Becky: Well, I'm new in town and don't know many people. But yesterday, I met the sweetest man, who took me on a tour of the city. Guys, New York is kind of cool.
take a tour of the city 街を一巡りする
Robin: Okay, back to the G-8 conference. Hello? Mike, can I get in the shot? Fantastic.
Becky: Then this cutie patootie took me to this bar called MacLaren's, right underneath his apartment.
cutie patootie カワイ子ちゃん
Robin:Wait-- did you go out with Ted Mosby?
Becky: Yes! Guys, I went out with Robin's roommate. I saw her bedroom. She's a messy Bessie.
Robin:In other news, later today, a Manhattan architect gets punched in the throat.
Ted: Ow!
Robin: Ted, of all the women in New York, you had to go out with an eight-year-old girl?
Ted: Not what it sounds like, folks.
Robin: Ted, you know that I hate her. How could you go out on a date with this girl?
Ted: It wasn't a date. She came over to the apartment looking for you.
Becky: I made Robin my famous chocolate chip cookies. But instead of chocolate chips, I used gummie bears.
Ted: Aww...
Becky: A spider!
Robin: Let me guess: she acted like a helpless little girl, and you stepped in as the big, strong man.
Ted: I don't know if that's totally true.
Ted: It's okay, little darlin'.
Becky: Poor spider.
Ted: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Spiders gotta die so trees can grow.
Ted: Then I held her tight and told her it was all gonna be okay. By the way, I think I only wounded the spider. It crawled off into my bedroom.
Robin: Wait. Is that why you slept on the couch last night?
Ted: Yeah, I slept.
Barney: I'm dying out here. Talking like a little boy is not working with the ladies.
Barney: Wow, lady. You got some tig ol' bitties! Gosh! Your body's a perfect... this many. Hi. Do you want to wrestle with our special bathing suit places? Come on!
tig 鬼ごっこ bitty ちっぽけな
Marshall: Mm, I just need two seconds, baby.
Lily: I know you think that's a compliment, but I'd rather you took your time.
Marshall: No, um... I'll be right back.
Marvin: Ancient Norse wisdom tells us that, to sire a son, you must do three things right before you lay with your maiden. First, eat pickled herring. Eat it!
sire つくる maiden 乙女 herring ニシン
Marshall: This is ridiculous.
ANNOUNCER: Gentlemen, gentlemen, on the main stage, throwing her life away, give it up for Marshall's daughter!
Barney: Who's your dady. That's guy.
Barney: Hey, want to have a three-way with me and my imaginary friend? His name's Otis. Hey, hey, want to come to my house and play telephone? I got the string; you got the cans. I wet myself! Will you change me? Can't blame her on that one. Guys... I have some terrible, terrible news. I, Barney Stinson, can't pick up a girl whilst talking like a little boy. Challenge forfeited.
forfeit 降参する
Robin: Yeah, we don't care about this...
Ted: No one challenged you, so it wasn't really a challenge.
Barney: I'm sorry.
Man: Hey, Gerard, what's with that shirt? Nobody could pick up a chick wearing that thing.
Barney: Challenge accept...
Ted: Wow, I'm glad that's over. It was creepy watching Barney talk like a little kid.
Robin: Oh, but you find it irresistible when Becky does? I don't get it. The Ted that I went out with was attracted to the kind of woman who could use a steak knife without supervision.
irresistible 非常に魅力的な
Ted: For your information, Becky doesn't like steak, she likes pasghetti. Spaghetti. And more importantly, she makes me feel needed.
Robin: Needed? She makes training wheels feel needed.
Ted: Hey, it's nice to feel needed. And you know what? It's not a feeling guys get when they're with you.
Marvin: Son... Viking lore tells us that to ensure the continuation of your noble male lineage... get a big old bowl of ice and dunk your man sack right in there!
lore 教え ensure 保証する continuation 継続 lineage 血統
Judy: You two and your football.
Marshall: Okay.
Marvin: Now get in there, point Lily due north and make me a grandson! Eriksen!
Marshall: Eriksen!