Victoria: I wanted to give you... this. This is what happens when you... you know, let them finish baking.
Ted: I want you to stay.
Victoria: I have to go to Germany.
Ted: You're going?
Victoria: Yes. I have to.
Ted: So that's what you decided?
Victoria: Well, no... I mean, I actually came here tonight leaning toward staying, but when you just told me to stay, it made me realize that I have to go.
leaning toward 傾向、性癖、好み
Ted: What is this, opposite day or something?
opposite day あべこべの日
Victoria: No.
Ted: So it is?
Victoria: Ted, we've only been dating for two months. I can't let you make this decision for me.
Ted: I was totally going to tell you to go, but then you gave me this cupcake, and it reminded me how great you are.
Victoria: Well, is there any chance that you would move to Germany with me?
Ted: Well, that's just crazy.
Victoria: Oh, okay. So it's fine for me to make sacrifices for you, but for you it's crazy.
sacrifice 犠牲になる
Ted: But you have a job here and a life; I'd have nothing there.
Victoria: You'd have me.
Ted: We've only been dating two months. Oh, it's not fair. It's not fair that we have to break up. I hate this.
Victoria: So... we're breaking up?
Ted: I guess so. I guess so.
Marshall: God, that sucks, man. I'm so sorry.
Ted: It was just too much pressure too soon. I mean, maybe it was silly to even think... Yes, Marshall, I see your new suit, and it's awesome.
even think しょうもないことを考える
Marshall: Well, thank you for acknowledging it. It was weird that you hadn't. Look, I understand that you guys had to break up eventually, but why today?
acknowledge 認める
Ted: She's leaving tomorrow.
Marshall: Yeah, but she's still in town.
Ted: Yeah, she... she's still in town.
Marshall: Yeah, so you spend one more amazing day together. Ted, think about it this way if you knew that you were going to lose your leg tomorrow, would you sit on the couch and cry about it, or would you run, and jump, and do some awesome air kicks while you still could?
Ted: Awesome air kicks, huh?
Marshall: New pajama bottoms?
Ted: You know it.
Ted: So we can sit around and cry, or we can run, and do awesome air kicks before our leg gets chopped off.
chop off 話の途中で遮る
Victoria: Wait, so we're sharing the leg?
Ted: No, the leg is a metaphor.
Victoria: How could the leg be well enough to do awesome air kicks one day, and yet still so sick it needs to be chopped off the next? I don't know, Ted.
Ted: Come on, we've had a good run. Why end on a fight?
Victoria: Well, what would you want to do?
Ted: Let's do all the stuff we talked about doing and never got around to.
Victoria: Like go to the Mets.
Ted: Yeah, we'll walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.
Victoria: See some monkeys at the zoo?
Ted: Go to that French-Vietnamese place we keep passing and say we want to try?
Victoria: Wow! We better get going.
Ted: Yeah, big day.
Victoria: Yeah.
Narator: And, kids, that's exactly what we did with our last day. The museum, the bridge, the restaurant, and all of those nice things.
Robin: Lily, you have to tell him. That dress cost a fortune.
fortune 大金
Lily: No, I'm just gonna wait for the next time Marshall really screws up, and then, I'll just slip this in, and it won't seem so bad by comparison.
Robin: Well, here's hoping he cheats on you.
cheat on 裏切る、だます
Lily: Yeah, but only, like, second base.
Barney: Look at us. Two guys in suits. You feel that slight tingle? That's every girl in the bar wanting you, and every guy wanting to be you. Actually, it's mostly me, but you're getting some of the splash.
slight ほんのわずかな tingle をゾクゾクさせる splash 記事、見出し、写真
Marshall: Hey, babe. Dollar beer night, so I splurged and got us each our own.
splurge ぜいたくをする
Barney: So, have you thought more about coming to work for Barney Corp?
Marshall: Oh, please... your company is not called Barney Corp.
Barney: Yet. Oh, I almost forgot. Sergei sent me your bill.
Marshall: B... Barney, this says $4,000. I thought you said that it was one-third price.
Barney: Yeah, must be a $12,000 suit. Oh, well, guess you'll have to come work at my company.
Marshall: You set this up! You set this whole thing up!
Barney: I most certainly did...
Marshall: Well, it won't work. Even if I have to get two extra night jobs, I'll pay your precious tailor. I'm not selling my soul. Baby, I know that this will make things harder, but I will make it work, I promise.
precious 高価な
Lily: I destroyed an $8,000 wedding dress.
Marshall: What time is the interview?
Barney: 9:00 a.m., and you'll need new shoes. Don't worry, I know a guy.
Victoria: I'm glad we got to spent the day doing awesome air kicks.
Ted: Yeah, I was almost too tired for all the sex.
Victoria: I'm going to miss you so much.
Ted: I'm going to miss you, too.
Victoria: Hey, you know, I mean, if, when I get back, we're still single, we can...
Ted: Even if we're not.
Victoria: Okay.
Ted: Look, I know it never works for anyone, but... do you want to try long distance?
Victoria: Yes. Yes!
Ted: We can beat the odds.
odds 可能性、見込み、確率
Victoria: Odds, schmodds.
Ted: It's gonna work. We're going to make it work-- it'll work.
Narator: It didn't work. Long-distance was and is a terrible idea, a really terrible idea, just awful. But more on that later.