They named my drink after her.
The Minnesota Tidal Wave.
It's my usual.
Immaterial! If it's gonna be named after anybody, it should be called The Marshall Eriksen.
Immaterial 無関係な
Sorry, it's The Robin Scherbatsky. Read it and weep.
weep 嘆く
Oh, so you're gonna Zuckerberg me? That it? You're Zuckerberging me? That's fine. I'll see you in court. Little court known as the dance floor. Dance-off. Now.
No, no dancing. Marshall, we've been through this. The doctor said your dancer's hip is worse than ever. You have to lay off dancing for a while.
lay off そっとしておく
You're killing me, Lily! You're killing me! I'm an adult. You have to let me dance my own battles.
Marshall, there's not gonna be a dance-off because the name is staying. Period, end of story. I just like having my name on something.
Oh, you do? Oh, that's great, Robin. Then that's what you will get. That's... what you... will get.
Mmm, mmm-mmm-mmm. Oh, hey, Robin. You here for a good time? Classic.
Did you write my number in the men's room?
It... Well, I don't know. I guess you'll never know unless you go in there, which I highly doubt that...
There she goes.
Okay, boys. Close your eyes and zip your flies. Hi. Don't mind me.
I don't think you should have done that.
Lily, I know what I'm doing, all right? I'm a lawyer. I've thought about every possible scenario. I'm ten steps ahead of... Where's she going?
Probably into the ladies' room to write something on the wall about you.
Nobody writes things on the walls of the ladies' room.
Have you been in the ladies' room?
Of course not. Lily, I know that I have the sexual charisma of a bad boy, but I certainly don't have the manners of one.
What'd you write in there?
Why don't you go in and look?
You know I can't do that, Robin. Lily, can you go look?
Oh, I thought you wanted to dance your own battles.
Ladies, put your blouses back on! I'm coming in!
Dear Marshall, I know this is a strange way to apologize, but I'm sorry I let Carl name your drink after me. Why didn't I say something? Gosh, I guess that goes back to my childhood.
Okay, guys. Let's go to Robots vs. Wrestlers.
Now you're talking! Here we go.
Nope, sit down. Everybody sit down.
Okay, who are you?
Hello, Ted, Barney, 20-Hours-From-Now-Ted, 20-Years-From-Now-Ted, 20-Years-From-Now-Barney.
Hey, how's it going?
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm 20-Minutes-From-Now-Barney, and I have got something very important to...
What's the stain on your shirt, bro?
Please, please, I really do have something very important to...
You look stupid.
Here's your spaghetti. And be careful... ...with the meatball.
And that's the only time my father ever said he was proud of me. Maybe that's why I stole credit for your drink. Maybe that's why I needed to pour my heart out like this. Or, maybe I wrote this so you'd be in here long enough for a lady to walk in, causing you to freak out and hide in the stall. So, you got a text message?
pour one's heart out 本音を打ち明ける stall 個室
Yeah. Whoa. Try to get some in your mouth next time.
Okay, everybody, listen up. When I walked in here, I was 20-Minutes- From-Now-Barney. But that was 19 minutes and some serious acid reflux-- who orders spaghetti at an Irish bar?-- ago. Now, I'm 20-Seconds- From-Now-Barney, and I'm telling you, watch that door.
acid reflux 胃酸の逆流
That's why. Um, oh. In-in, like, 12 seconds.
Your skin looks great.
Thanks. And thank you for taking such good care of it.
Shh. That's why.
Who is that?
She's the coat check girl from that dance club we went to seven years ago.
You remember that night. When Barney grinded with his cousin.
Oh, man, you remember that 20 years from now?
He won't let anyone forget.
Coat check girl. I always meant to go back to that club and get her number, but I didn't. And now she's here? She's in this bar seven years later? I-I can't believe this. So, wait, do you guys think I should go talk to her?
Are you kidding me?
Yes, go...
How many different ways...
Hello? Is anybody out there? Sounds like the coast is clear.
No, no, wait! Please, it's not my fault! I was tricked!
Not cool, Marshall. This is a nice bar. Girls come here, they just want to relax with their friends, maybe have a few Robin Scherbatskys, and not have to worry out some guy pulling a Marshall Eriksen in the bathroom.
No, no, no, I know. I just... Wait a minute, did you just use my name as shorthand for a guy being creepy?
Well, you know what, Carl? I think that you are making a broad and prejudicial assumption. So next time I meet a guy who just goes around rushing to judgment, I'm gonna say, Hey, that guy's being a real Carl...
prejudicial 悪い影響を与える assumption 思い込む
You don't know my last name. You've been drinking here for years, and you don't know my last name. I will name every drink in this bar after you if you can tell me my last name.
Well, that just seems confusing. How will you know what people are ordering?
What's my last name, Marshall?
It's Carl... ...'s Junior.