I hope this works out, bro.I couldn't even get my leg in that bratwurst outfit.
Don't be nervous.Honeywell is gonna love you.
Sweet! Freebie muff-tops!
Can I pour you a pocket of coffee?
I didn't say you were fat.I said that dress makes you look fat! Idiot! Hey! You must be Brad! I'm excited to meet the man Eriksen's been talking up all week.
Mr.Honeywell, I have to say, your environmental work is amazing.
Come on, it's not like I'm saving the world.Oh, wait, yes, I am!
Great.Marshall tells me you have the big Gruber Pharmaceutical trial coming up.I'd love to give you my thoughts on the case, but I can't take full credit.Most of these are from my psychic.My psychic always pushes for a settlement.But my numerologist says roll the dice with the jury.I'm waiting for my astrologist to weigh in, but he can be kind of flaky.You know, Cancer.Should know more after he's back from chemo.
Good luck, bro!
You know the best part about you challenging me on Dishwalla?
Didn't challenge you, don't care.
It made me dig up my old video diaries from freshman year.And somewhere in here there's gonna be proof that I am not a piggyback stamper.I have my own original ideas.
Didn't you only do the video diaries because of Winona Ryder in Reality Bites?
No.I don't know what you're talk-- shut up.Let's just watch.
How do you even know there's gonna be mention of Dishwalla on those tapes?
I don't.And it may take me days to go through them all, but that is how committed I am to the truth.
Hey, you guys should check out that song by the band Dishwalla.
Really? I've never heard of them.
Damn it!
Bottom line,a lot of strip clubs are into my client.If you want the Melon Patch to be in the mix, we're gonna need bigger melons and smaller patches.Otherwise, your establishment is not where Barney Stinson is gonna pitch his tent.B-Dawg, Barn Door, Stinson-natti, Bro-hio! Talk to me.How's it hangin'?
You are killing it at this agent thing! I just got a big box at Yankee Stadium from the ladies at The Big Box.Golden Oldies just sent me a fax machine and a Charo calendar.Aren't they out of the running?
Yeah, but those old bitches don't need to know that.
Yeah, I just feel kind of bad.They just spent eight grand on that wheelchair ramp up to the stage.
Hey, Larry, how's everything at the Beaver Dam?
I don't even know that strip club.
Oh, it's not a club.My cousin Larry is a forest ranger in Squamish.Oh, yeah?
Then I was fired from Bed Bath & Beyond for telling inappropriate jokes.I mean get a sense of humor, LaShonda.You know how they are.
They meaning Bed Bath & Beyond employees, right?
Hmm? No.Women.
That still could have been worse.
Thank God I ran into Marshall.This guy's supportive as balls.
And here I am.Yes, we both owe Marshall a debt of gratitude for getting you this interview.Eriksen can I see you outside?
gratitude 感謝
Try to stay out there a few minutes.I just cut one, and I can tell it's gonna be a slow burn.
What is Generation X? What does the X in Generation X stand for? What do we stand for? Why aren't people on campus talking about this?
Maybe you should do a radio show and call yourself Dr.X.
I just had an amazing idea.
Just turn it off!
I can't look away.Oh, God, no.Oh, God, I'm putting on a beret.You were there.Why didn't you tell me that looked stupid?
Ted, that beret looks stupid.
I look magnifique !
Marshall, that man is the human equivalent of what came out of my body after eating that soup you recommended! This guy's your friend?
equivalent 同等の
Really more of an acquaintance than a friend.
acquaintance 知人
No backpedaling.You're Marshall Eriksen.You believe in people.
You know what Brad hasn't told you? He was third in our class at Columbia.
That is impressive.And I suppose he did warn us about the fart.
He's a great guy.Please give him just one more chance.
Two more minutes.
I'm proud of you.I'm proud of you for being proud of me.
You went undergrad to Holy Cross? That's my alma mater.
alma mater 母校
I went there on a basketball scholarship.
No way.I played center.
Why is that so shocking?
'Cause you're, like, an itty-bitty fella.
Hey, uh, fish, huh? Fish are crazy, right? You guys ever think about fish?
I am six-foot one, sir.
Bro, I'm at least a foot taller than you.
Well, then I guess that makes you a freakish seven-foot one.
What do you call fish with no eyes? Fsh.
I am six-feet and one inch, and I'll prove it.Eriksen.How tall are you?
Seven feet.
So, we've got a deal somewhere?
We sure do.You are the new face of-- and exclusive customer to Golden Oldies!
What?! I thought we ruled them out!
I don't remember that! Now let's go.It is 4:00, and their dinner show starts in ten minutes.
Wait a minute.
Is that a Rolex?
Huh.What do you know? How did that get there? Anyway, uh, so initial here and
Where'd you get the bling, Robin? They bribed you.They bribed you! Why else would you pick a place where the strippers say they're trying to put their grandkids through college?! Please leave!
Barney, I can explain, okay?
Please leave.
Say it, you giant beast! Say I'm six-one!
Maybe if you stood on top of that pot of gold you have at the end of your rainbow.
You know something?! You're nothing but a a tree man! I never want to see you again, tree man!
Fine.I have to go to the little boys' room.Not your office.I need to take a dump.
If that's the type of guy you vouch for, I can't trust your judgment.You're off the Gruber Pharmaceutical case.