What's that on your face?
I haven't seen you this happy in a while.
You know, it's a beautiful day.
You're excited someone's copycatting you.
Imitation, flattery...you know what they say.
flattery お世事
You ever been on a campus?
Not as a student.
And yet you have three MBAs and two doctorates.
Clearly something wrong with the system.
Too bad you faked it.
They could have made copies of you and filled up a frat house.
fill up 満たす frat house 友愛会の支部により住居として使用される家
Oh, are we bitter we weren't invited to the party?
bitter 〜を苦くする
Oh, it's just with my father's construction salary, I had to stick to the grindstone.
grindstone 石臼
Four years of advanced math on scholarship, then two years of accounting.
scholarship 奨学金
I still can't imagine you hunched over a desk with a little visor, doing my taxes.
hunch over 前かがみになる
You're lucky the FBI hires mathletes.
mathlete 数学の才能がある人
I was not a mathlete.
I was an athlete who was good at math.
Yeah. We fraternity guys call you "nerds."
fraternity 男子学生の社交クラブ nerd がり勉野郎
So, why'd you forgo school and go to New York?
forgo あきらめる
Sorry, but we're here to interrogate someone else.
interrogate 詮索する
See what you missed out on?
miss out on チャンスを逃す
I'm reconsidering my position on college.
Justin Magary?
We need to talk to you.
What do you know about Lewis Thayer's "untitled #2"?
I mean, I know it, of course.
You ever painted one?
It's a good question.
I probably shouldn't say anything.
We've got you on a camera sketching it at the Lamson Gallery in April.
That's legal, right?
Not when three of your copies are fenced as the real thing.
That turns them into forgeries... which is illegal.
I can vouch for that.
vouch for 〜を保証する
It's looking pretty bad for you, kid.
If you talk to me, I can help you.
A while ago, I answered an ad on the school's list server for reproductions.
reproduction 模写作品
I get an e-mail back commissioning seven copies of "untitled #2."
Did you wonder why somebody would want seven copies?
You know how hard it is to make money as an art student doing art?
Who hired you?
I didn't meet them.
They dropped the materials off in my mailbox.
material 材料
And once I'd finished, they said to leave the paintings in the rec center and that the money would be left in my box again.
I thought it was weird that they didn't want to meet, so I...
So you stayed and watched the pick-up?
I wanted to make sure it was legit.
And she seemed normal, so I let it go.
All right, if you sat down with a sketch artist, do you think you could remember what she looked like?
May I?
This is her.
My fault?! It's your fault!
This would never have happened if you kept a lower profile!
lower profile 低姿勢
That's why I work in code.
Anything I can do?
I don't need your help.
She needs your help.
Someone's looking for her.
She thinks it has something to do with the music box.
Well, she thinks...
Just let her talk.
I don't know who, but they've got a powerful reach, and they've turned over a lot of stones.
turn over a lot of stones 色々と調べられている
All right, what can I do?
I needed the money to disappear.
I hooked her up with someone who deals in Krugerrands.
hook up with 手を組む
I've been fencing some in increments.
increment 値を増加させる
Who's the guy?
Russell Smith.
Old friend from Detroit.
Some friend. Russell found out someone's looking for me, and now he's gonna sell me out.
I need you to shut him up.
Short of killing him, I'm open to ideas.
open to 受け入れる
All right.
Give me some time.
I'll figure something out.
You know I won't let anything happen to you.
She comes to you and not to me?
Far be it for me to act as therapist, but...Maybe Alex doesn't want to see you heartbroken over Kate.
far be it for me to 私が〜するなどとんでもない
Or maybe it's the tracking anklet.
Sure, the anklet.
Found our girl.
Justin's got talent.
If ever we're short a sketch artist, I know who to call.
Who is she?
Veronica Naylon.
Did she send the e-mail?
Can't be sure.
The account's defunct, and the address was generic.
defunct 機能していない
Both the ad and e-mail account were created at the school computer lab, so anyone could have done it.
Here's her work-up.
work-up 精密検査
Junior, majoring in archaeology, mediocre grades, no priors.
majoring 専攻する archaeology 考古学 mediocre 可もなく不可もない prior 前科
How does an average 21-year-old student from the Upper East Side pull this off?
You think she has accomplices?
accomplice 共犯者
Maybe this is where she met them.
She's an archaeology major, but she's currently acing a criminology class.
It's the one class she's pulling an "a."
How appropriate.
appropriate ふさわしい
Oh, if you like that, you'll love this...syllabus for the class.
syllabus 概要
Oh. He's gonna be impossible after this.
Where's Neal?
Oh, look at you.
You'd think being copycatted was like winning the crime Oscar.
I'm not allowed to revel?
revel 大いに楽しむ
All right, take me through your version of this scam.
How many players are involved?
You'd need a forger, a thief, and a couple fences.
Not the kind of thing you'd pull off by yourself?
Not unless you can be in multiple places at once.
I mean, it's a sophisticated job.
sophisticate 高度な
I doubt Justin or our mystery girl thought of it themselves.
No, but they might have figured it out by studying you.
Our mystery girl, Veronica...she's acing a criminology class.
Here's the syllabus.
They spent a week on me?
Apparently you're one of the interesting criminals of the 21st century.
"A new breed of forger, technological virtuoso."
breed 引き起こす technological 技術の virtuoso 名人
Wow. "With a classical artistic foundation."
They got it.
Yeah, yeah.
I read it.
Oh, they covered the Antioch manuscripts.
Did you see that?
Yeah, I know.
They only covered you for a week.
By the end of the year, they probably won't remember your name.
Well, obviously, a few of them will.
You think she formed a crew in this class?
People have been known to fall for a pretty face.
If Veronica had help, I don't want to scare them away by my talking to her just yet.
Well, I can talk to her.
Now you're reading my mind.
I'll pull it for this one.
You ready to go back to school?
I think I can handle that.
'Cause I'm a technological virtuoso.
With a classical artistic foundation.
Okay, okay.
Read it to yourself.
Quiet now.
Did you guys see this syllabus?
Oh, we don't need to share.
I'm in it.
Go, team!