Scenery, fresh air, just about everything I couldn't get at my last address.
Scenery 景色、風景
Byron loved the park too for very much the same reasons.
You do like bad boys.
She's pretty good.
Yes, she is.
Oh, here she comes.
Grandma June, did you see?
Yes, I did. And you were wonderful.
I'm gonna go again.
Okay, I'm watching.
Go get them.
Go get them さあやれ、元気で行け、やっつけろ
Your granddaughter doesn't look sick.
Not today.
Samantha was taken off of the donor's list last week.
What can I do?
Morning, Neal.
Hope you don't mind.
I let myself in.
I let myself in 友人宅などに自分だけ先に入った場合
I mind.
You guys having breakfast?
We're having breakfast, yeah.
It's a crazy ritual I'm sort of fond of.
ritual 決まったやり方 儀式 fond of 〜が好き
You wanna know why?
Because you love the free toys.
Because breakfast doesn't involve you.
involve に関与する
You see, every morning I sit at my dining table with my lovely wife and my delicious cereal and no thoughts of Neal Caffrey.
Free sheriff's badge.
sheriff 保安官
You get it already?
El, do something.
Do you want a bowl with that cereal?
Thank you. Manners.
That's not what I had in mind.
Why are you here?
I'm here because of June.
June owns the house Neal lives in.
I know who June is.
Her granddaughter needs a kidney but she was bumped from the transplant list last week.
kidney 腎臓 bumped from 〜の記録を塗り替える
I don't know.
But a woman approached June said her organization could find a kidney for her granddaughter.
A lot of charities do that.
But she asked for a donation of $100,000.
A hundred grand? Look at you bringing me a case.
Well, it's what us lawmen do.
lawman 法執行者 アメリカ英語で保安官
Okay, I'm interested.
Talk to June.
Get me specifics.
So I can run with it?
run with it ことを上手く運ぶ、物事を成功させる
Run with it? No, Barney Fife.
Barney Fife バーニー・ファイフは、1960年代に流行り、今も繰り返し再放送されている『The Andy Griffith Show』という番組に出てくる保安官代理で、無能なくせに権威を笠に着てやたら手柄をたてたがる人物。
No, you can walk very slowly as long as you don't interrupt my breakfast again.
Enjoy your meal.
Neal? Remember, that's not real.
Those were his words? "Run with it?"
More or less.
More or less 多かれ少なかれ
I'm assuming less.
Peter told me to get specifics.
I can't do that until I meet the representative.
representative 代理人
Which is why I set up a face-to-face as June's financial advisor.
Which is why 「That is why〜」と「Which is why〜」のThatとWhichはどちらも「前文全体あるいはフレーズをそのまま指す」働きがあります。つまり、完全にinterchangeableなので意味の違いはありません。
Who's the representative?
Melissa Calloway.
Charity's called Hearts Wide Open.
That is truly menacing.
If I made a horror movie, I would definitely call it Hearts Wide Open.
Right on time.
Already I don't trust this woman.
Because she drove here? A New Yorker who doesn't take the subway is not a New Yorker you trust.
I don't take the subway.
Precisely おっしゃる通りです
She left her briefcase in the back.
All right, Mozz.
I need a favor.
Break into her car.
That's not so much a favor as a truly horrible idea.
It's 1:00 in the afternoon.
There's a reason crimes happen at night.
People can't see.
All right, fine.
I'll do it.
You have a meeting.
You have a meeting.
This is for June, remember?
I need a tie.
Ask about the charity.
How it works.
More importantly, how the money works.
And buy me 20 minutes.
Since when am I a people person?
people person 社交的な人
Just do what I do.
Just do what I do.
Good morning.
Good day.
Man, just great.
What's going on here?
Oh, officer, hi.
Can you give me a hand here? I locked my briefcase in my car.
And, of course, my wife grabbed the wrong keys again.
You got ID that proves this is your car?
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
In the glove box right here.
Damn it.
I gotta be at the courthouse in 20 minutes.
You a lawyer?
Prosecutor 検察官、検事
Arraigning this dirtbag who took a swing at a cop when he showed up on a domestic.
arraign 法廷に召喚する dirt-bag 人間のくず take a swing at 〜を殴る
Guy hit a cop?
Right across the jaw.
This is Yatsko.
I'm gonna need a patrol car right away.
Patrol car to your location.
As I said to June, our organization saw what happened to Samantha.
Bureaucracy often gets in the way of compassion.
Bureaucracy 官僚制度 in the way of 〜に都合の良いように compassion 思いやり
We attempt to rectify that by finding a match.
rectify 是正する
But going around the National Registry, isn't that illegal?
Only if money exchanges hands.
We find donors willing to contribute through the Good Samaritan law.
contribute 寄付する Good Samaritan law 「災難に遭ったり急病になったりした人など(窮地の人)を救うために無償で善意の行動をとった場合、良識的かつ誠実にその人ができることをしたのなら、たとえ失敗してもその結果につき責任を問われない」という趣旨の法
I am sure that there is someone who will find Samantha's case as compelling as we do.
compelling やむを得ない
A donation is what helps to move things along.
We'd never discourage anyone from helping us continue.
Oh, boy.
How much is a typical donation?
typical 典型的な
It varies.
It varies それは状況によってまちまちです。
Ballpark it for me.
Ballpark it for me 大体どのくらい。
Anywhere from a hundred thousand to half a million.
How much time do we have to consider?
Not much, unfortunately.
There are only so many willing donors.
only so many 限られた数の
And there are many people in difficult situations.
Truer words.
Truer words まったくその通り
You have no idea how much I appreciate this.
Hey, what was the name of the arresting officer on your case?
Sixth Precinct.
Precinct 地区、管区、警察管区
You know a Jones? I know Jones.
Of course you know Jones.
Tough guy.
He could do something if he applied himself, you know?
apply oneself to 〜に切磋琢磨する
Yeah, he's a real ballbuster.
ball-buster つらい仕事をさせる人
Oh, great.
Let me just-- Let me just grab my ID for you.
No, you're good.
You sure? I got it right here.
Yeah, don't worry about it.
See you.
I'm gonna get this guy for you.
All right.
All right.
Well, I hope I've answered all your questions.
And then some.
And then some 〜とそれ以上にもっと多く
But-- But-- Feel free to call if you have more.
You haven't given me the chance to ask you to dinner.
You're crazy.
Crazy for you.
Thank you, Mr.Honeycutt.
That's fine.
Mozz, don't worry.
Cops are gone.
That's great.
I hope you're done.
Not yet.
Well, then get done.
You told me to do what you do.
So I asked her to dinner.
What happened?
She left.
Tennis tournament.