Brad:Man, they spent a lot of money on this porno.
Marshall: Whoa? Morgan Freeman?Man, that guy's in everything.
Barney: Aw, man, I grabbed the wrong Deep Impact!
Marshall: No, leave it in, it's a good movie.
Brad: But, dude, there's no sex in it.
Stuart: Yeah, just like marriage.Huh?Right?
Barney: Oh, oh, hey, check this out!Don't ask how, but I procured for us five loco bueno, hand-rolled, highly illegal Cubans.Seriously, you could go to jail for smoking these things.
procure 売春婦のあっせんをする 〜を入手する
Stuart: Marriage is like jail!Right, fellas?!But at least in jail, you get to have sex!
Barney:But we're not lighting these babies up, till we get to the A.C.
Brad: A.C.?
Barney: Um, Atlantic City.Try to keep up, Brad.
Brad: We're not going to Atlantic City.
Barney: Just a second, Brad.Hi.
Ted: Hi.
Barney: We're still going to Atlantic City, right?
Ted: Oh, did I not tell you?Yeah, we switched it.We're going to Foxwoods.
Barney: Foxwoods?But I've got an ipperstray waiting in tlanticaay itycay.What the heck's in Foxwoods?
Ted: Well, we've got five third row seats to the Popinski-Salazar rematch.They've set aside our very own craps table, and I reserved a private room for us at Connelly's, where the five of us are going to be sharing a 102-ounce steak from a cow that I picked out on the Internet.
set aside 確保する
Marshall: Yeah.
Barney: Great.The night's ruined.
Ted: Sorry, Barney.It was an honest mistake.
Marshall: This is going to be great!Meat, violence, throwing money down the toilet.America ? one;every other country ? zero.Thanks, guys.
Ted: Yeah.You okay, Barney?
Barney: What can I say, Ted?You won.
Girl: Hi.
Barney: You one... sad, pathetic loser.Boys, say hello to Treasure.
pathetic 哀れな
All: Hi, Treasure.
Marshall: I can't believe that you did this.
Barney: I had to.I'm your best man.
Marshall: Ted's my best man.
Barney: You've yet to make a decision and that's fine.But as your best-man-to-be, it's my job to make sure at your bachelor party you see a woman take her clothes off while dancing to Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again."
yet to いまだ〜されない
Marshall: All right, fine, but... let's make it fast, all right.The fight starts in an hour we don't want to miss it.
Ted: It's a girl taking her clothes off.How long can it take?
Barney: It's a bit more complicated than that.
Treasure: I need two grounded sockets, a large sterile pot filled with hot water and you all need to sign these releases.
grounded しっかりした release 放棄
Lily: An egg beater!Aw, thank you, Aunt Sylvia!I love that it's cordless.
beater 泡立て器
Robin: Well, at least I got that part right.
Lily: All of these gifts are so thoughtful.
Robin: Lily?I need you to look at me right now and read my mind.Oh, my God!You're hearing me!
Lily: Yeah!Sorry this party's so boring.What's up?
Robin: Do not open my gift.See what I'm doing here?I'm looking over at the gift, then back at you, and I'm shaking my head, "no."Gift.You.No.Are you getting that?
look over at 〜の方を見る
Lily: I totally got it.
Janice: Here you go.Lily said it was your time of the month.
Lily: You're welcome.
Margaret: What are you doing?
Robin: Oh, just, um... rearranging the gifts.The pile looked a bit precarious.So...
precarious 不安定な
Margaret: Oh, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it.
Robin: Great.You do that.You're gonna make a damn good nun.
Narator: As many times as Robin told this story over the years, she would never quite be able to explain the logic of her next move.
Marshall: Is this a strip show or a Kiss concert?
Barney: Shh!She's starting.Please turn off your cell phones, pagers and sense of shame.
sense of shame 羞恥心
Treasure: All right, boys.Lie back, get comfortable, and enjoy the show.
Narator: Of course there's no way I'm telling you about her show.So, let's skip ahead a little.One minute later…
Treasure: Ow!
Marshall: Oh my God, are you all right?
Treasure: No, I am not all right, you idiot.My ankle is broken!Take me to the hospital!
Ted: Um, actually, we have tickets.
Marshall: You know what?Thanks a lot, Barney.She told you at the beginning of the show not to use the smoke machine when she's on the hippity hop.Now I'm going to have to spend the rest of my bachelor party in a hospital.
Barney: Well, hey, maybe we'll get to see her X-rays.The ultimate strip show.X-rays.More like triple X-rays.
Marshall: Just stop.
Ted: Which exit is the hospital?
Barney: What if she doesn't make it to the hospital?
Ted: Barney, please calm down.
Barney: Maybe we should just take her to the desert, bury her and wash our hands of this whole thing!
Treasure: Dude, what is the matter with you?
Barney: I'm just trying to illustrate to Marshall that as his best man...
illustrate 説明する
Marshall: You're not my best man.
Barney: As his best man, I would help him bury a hooker in the desert.
Treasure: I'm not a hooker.
Marshall: And you're not my best man.You've ruined my bachelor party.I don't know why you wouldn't just listen to me when I said I didn't want this.
Ted: Well, the fight started ten minutes ago.Maybe-maybe we should listen.
Radio: Oh, Doctor, what a fight!That knockout will be talked about for years to come!Anyone lucky enough to be in the arena tonight just witnessed boxing history in the making!