There are five common stages to ICD, beginning with the impulse and ending with guilt or lack thereof. It is that final--
impulse 衝動 guilt 罪悪感 thereof それの
This is an interesting area of expertise.
expertise 見解
Yeah, I can see why Griffith went to her.
I found the patient who experiences guilt from his actions is most likely to fall back into the original destructive pattern. This is generally the case with the bulk of reformed criminals I've worked with in my studies. More on that in tomorrow's lecture. Thank you all for coming.
She's got clients prone to commit crimes, and she's got access to their heads. She could be manipulating them.
prone しがちな
Or she could just be doing her job.
Only one way to find out.
Excellent, thank you.
Thank you.
Dr. Summers.
I'm sorry, you are...
My name's Neal Caffrey. I'm a convicted felon, and I need your help.
Your work and research on ICD is impressive, to say the least.
I have a predilection for its study.
have a predilection for を特に好む
Oh, Dr. Summers, this is the man I told you about, Peter. My parole officer.
How long have you been keeping an eye on Mr. Caffrey?
Eternally, some might say.
I have to be honest. Most of my work with reformed criminals is pro bono. Right now I simply don't have time to take on any new patients.
Oh, I'm not asking you for a free session.
I'm expensive.
Won't be a problem. Peter, would you mind briefly giving Dr. Summers my resume?
Briefly? Right. Well, Neal's been convicted of bond forgery. He's also been implicated in over four dozen works of counterfeit art. And there's also the fact that he's still a suspect in several ongoing high-profile federal investigations.
For what, exactly?
Pick something.
Bottom line, money may not be a problem for a guy like me.
I didn't hear that.
My office, 1:00 P.M. tomorrow.
I look forward to working with you.
Nice job.
Two criminals, same psychiatrist.
I think she's looking after herself more than her clientele.
clientele 常連
It's possible she had a patient steal from another patient, but it's the how of all this that bothers me. You can't put the idea of a heist in someone's head without them knowing about it.
Peter, it's not that odd. Think of a number between one and ten.
No, I hate it when you do this.
Just think of a number. Two, three, four, five, whatever. You got it?
Now say it out loud in your head. "Seven, seven, seven," for example.
I know what you're doing. It's not seven, Neal.
No, it's nine.
Okay, how did you do that?
Before I asked you to think of a number, I used the word "odd" in a sentence. So naturally, you'll choose an odd number.
Then I made your mind subtly cross off options by saying "two, three, four, five" and "seven" aloud.
Which leaves the numbers one and nine.
And nobody chooses one because it's too obvious. Nine is more obscure, so that's what you go with.
That's good. Okay, but the point of all this.
In less than 20 seconds, I got you to the number I wanted. Now think of Griffith and Summers. With that much time and influence, she could make him do anything she wanted. This guy's innocent.
I need more, Neal. When you're with Summers, find something tangible that links her or Griffith to Jacoby's cash.
tangible 具体的な
What are you gonna do?
I've got Shane Jacoby's work address. I'm gonna go down there and see if I can find a connection between him and Niteowl Holdings. Neal, be careful. I do not want this therapist getting inside your head.
Please. I'm a wall.
Tell me, what kind of change are you looking to make with your life?
I guess I'm looking for some normalcy. Thank you.
And what if that's not possible?
That doesn't sound very encouraging.
I'm not here to encourage you. I'm here to help you discover the truth about yourself, so you can accept it.
I have to accept that I can't be normal?
You're too interesting to be normal.
What makes me so interesting?
Your pathological assumption that you need to be the smartest person in the room at all times.
pathological 病理学の assumption 思い込み
Maybe you're the one assuming things. According to all these diplomas on your wall, you're a lot smarter than me, but then again, those are just papers, not people.
diploma 免許状
Do you think you're good with people?
No more than you.
It's my job.
Mine too. You have an aggressive approach.
And you're already withholding. But that's natural. We need to know one another better to build trust.
You don't think I'm being honest?
Not yet. But you will be. In time.
Mr. Jacoby! Peter Burke, FBI.
What do you want?
I'd like to talk to you regarding your vault at Kaplan Security.
Don't know what you're talking about.
Okay, let's try that again. Where were you on September 4th of this year?
NYPD tried to pin that truck on me. They had nothing. Same as you.
All right, all right, calm down.
I don't like accusations.
Well, then you shouldn't be a criminal.
I especially don't like that accusation.
It's not an accusation. It's a fact. Read your rap sheet. Aggravated assault. You busted the nose of a security guard and three of his fingers.
aggravated assault 加重暴行
That's not who I am anymore.
Tell me about Niteowl Holdings.
Never heard of that either. You're talking to the wrong guy, Agent Burke.
Well, that's doubtful, but one more question. How did those court-ordered anger management sessions go with Dr. Mara Summers?
Either take me in on something, or let me get on with my day.
Nice hat. You went to Brooklyn Residential High. What sport did you play?
All state in wrestling. Are we done?
Mm, not quite, but you can get on with your day now, Mr. Jacoby. Oh, you know that vault that was in Kaplan Security, the one with the $2 million cash in it? It's all gone now. But you knew that. Or you didn't know that. Well, now you do. Have a good day.
Oops. You make something from that?
It's too early to diagnose.
But you've got something.
Your answers are unique in summation.
summation 概要
I assure you I can handle it, doctor.
Your behavior is sociopathic.
I'm sorry?
You work on perception, the perception of others. How you think they'll feel. This influences your actions and thoughts more so than your own emotions. Deceit and manipulation are the essential characteristics of the disorder-- you excel at both.
perception 知見 excel より秀でる
Deceit and manipulation are generalities that can apply to anyone who lies, and everyone lies, including you, Dr. Summers.
That may be true, but not everyone believes their own lies.
Why would I delude myself?
delude 信じ込ませる
Because you don't want anyone to see your vulnerabilities.
I don't strike you as confident.
strike someone as と言う印象を与える
Confident people admit to their flaws. You don't. Instead you smile a lot.
You're confident. What are your flaws?
I can be aggressive, like you pointed out earlier. I also pick at my nails when I get nervous.
Nobody's perfect.
Precisely. The harder a person fights to be perfect, the more he suppresses his true nature.
suppress 抑圧する true nature 本性
I'm-- I'm reformed.
Are you? Just because a person starts doing good things doesn't mean he wants to stop doing bad things.
Of course not. Because everyone has done something bad at some point in their life, even you.
This is not about me.
I thought confident people could admit to their flaws.
You're redirecting...
So are you.
Because you're uncomfortable.
You don't think that I can change.
I'm asking if you really want to.
I'm sorry. I don't feel well.
Like I said, try to relax. I have a few more questions for you.
What's happening?
We're using a new form of therapy.
You drugged me.
I'm helping you. What I want is for you to simply tell me the truth about who you are, what you really do, and why you're really here. I am ready to begin when you are.
Neal? You okay?
What happened?
We began to practice hypnotherapy technique. You were out for quite some time. You had trouble waking.
Are you sure?
Perhaps you could use something to eat or a glass of water.
No, I should go.
Would you like me to call you a cab?
No. No. I'm fine.