You okay?
Yeah. You?
What now?
Keller needs to go away forever, and to make that happen, I need to give a full confession.
That means prison. A lot of it.
I know. I'll turn myself in tomorrow morning. That should give you a 12-hour head start. The treasure's gone. Do you think you can survive without it?
I always have a contingency plan.
contingency 不測の事態
If you want a happy ending, it depends on where you stop the story. I think our story stops here.
And...ends well. Till the next chapter.
Till the next chapter.
Good morning, Neal.
Morning. How's Elizabeth?
She's well, considering.
I know what I've done. And I know what I need to do to take Keller down. I'm ready to make a full confession.
You know what that will mean.
I do.
Are you sure? You're willing to give up everything?
I'm glad to hear that. But before you go any further, I want to show you something.
Peter, please.
I need to get this out now.
What is this?
Keller's interrogation from last night.
I stole the treasure. And I was the one that burned down the warehouse and took it from Vincent Adler. Adler didn't deserve it. It belongs to the people of Russia. I take full responsibility. I alone recovered this priceless artwork... that was so nearly lost to history.
He took credit for it.
take credit for 手柄を手にする
He said he'd give a full confession as long as it was in front of the Russian authorities.
The treasure was originally pillaged from the Russian museums.
pillage 略奪する
And now Keller claimed that he stole it to save it, return it to the motherland.
The Russian mob wanted him dead.
Yeah, and now they're helping pay for his legal defense.
Son of a bitch.
As far as anyone is concerned, he's the one who recovered the treasure of a lifetime. Not you. Not Mozzie. Doesn't bother you?
as far as anyone knows 誰が見ても
No. It doesn't.
I know what you were prepared to do. And it means a lot that you were willing to do it.
What happens now?
Peter. You're gonna want to see this.
Trust me.
What is it?
This is a letter from the U.S. probation office. It is to inform you that a hearing has been scheduled concerning your probation. Because of your outstanding service, including recovering the treasure and catching Keller, the U.S. probation office is convening a hearing to discuss the commutation of your sentence.
probation office 保護観察所 convene 開催する
What does that mean?
It means no anklet. No nothing. In three months, you could be a free man.