Please let me take it off!
Is he serious?
Dudes, take the money.
I'll let you slap me in the face as hard as you can.
You have my attention.
Kids, you remember Marshall and Barney's slap bet.A few years earlier, Barney lost a bet to Marshall.His penalty was five slaps delivered anyplace, anytime.So far, Marshall had slapped Barney four times.Which meant he only had one slap left.
What do you say, Marshall? Are you going to seize this slap-ortunity or let it slap through your fingers?
seize 取り上げる
Don't let him tempt you, Marshall.
tempt 〜する気にさせる
I don't know, Lily.I mean we have a baby on the way.An extra slap could really come in handy.No! No! This is crazy.You having to wear that tie for another ten months is all the satisfaction I need.Plus, I still have one slap left, and that feels good.
come in handy 重宝する
But if you didn't have that slap left- if say, I were to get you to slap me tonight- I suppose that would change everything.
I suppose it would.
Le jeu commence.
Je m'appelle Marshall.
So boogie-boarding
Boogie-boarding.So I was trying to get these guys to leave, but there was one little problem.
Come on, let's go.
I'm staying.
Hey, hey, it's going to get pretty crazy out there.And if some hot woman gets all her clothes blown off, and I'm not up here to videotape it and put it up on the Internet, who will, FEMA? Come on, open your eyes.
No, no, you are coming with us.We leave no man behind.Hey, Mom.Uh, yeah, the boots were a big hit.
You know, I better pee.But when Lily and I get back, we're all leaving.
Wait, I have to go pee with you?
You want me to go to the bathroom, the most dangerous room in the house by myself? Do you have any idea what could happen?
Ow! My eye! I'm blind! No, no! Not like this!
I don't think we're seeing eye to eye about the likelihood of that happening.
likelihood 可能性
Hey, it's my dad.My dad's calling me.
Hey, do you know where?
Ted got his boots?
Yeah.They're fabulous.
I totally want a pair.
Okay, Dad, I will.Thanks.Guys, Dad says this hurricane is a bigger deal than you thought.I'm taking charge.We are getting out of here.
take charge 支配する
Okay, what is with everybody's parents calling to check up on them? It's just a little rain.Lawn-mowing weather.Bocce weather.
Wow.You're really bummed that your dad's not worried about you.
bummed 落ち込んだ
What?! Eh What would my dad be worried about? That I'm not wearing enough sunblock? House-painting weather.
Ted, you're back.I've changed my mind.I'm in.Let's go.
Yeah, I changed my mind, too.You can't come.Everybody else, we're moving out.
That's harsh.
You know what else is harsh? Ultraviolet light.I fell asleep in the tanning bed this week and I think I got a sunburn on my cheek.It's so sensitive.It's like a big, red bull's-eye.Ouchie.
Ultraviolet 紫外線の
Did you take my blush out of my purse?
So, boogie-boarding.
Oh, come on, Ted, you can't just leave him here.
Uh, yeah, I can.You called me a giant whining bummer.You're not allowed in my car.You don't get to find out if the geisha finds love.This is about principle.
Hey, Ted.I'm ready to go.
And you must be Principle.
Ah, on a separate note, guys, this is Maya.I just met her out in the hall.We have a lot in common, such as our mutual love of country music, NASCAR and Jeff Foxworthy.Just go with it.She needed a ride out of the city, and we have an extra seat in the car, so Okay, let's hit it!
on a separate note 話は違うが
Wow.It's come to this.You could help a friend, but instead, you're choosing the hot girl in the tight tank top.Your training is complete! I'm so proud of this kid! But seriously, the storm's coming in, so dump the hoochie and wheels up.
You promised me a seat.
Oh, for God's sake.You two both go.I'll stay here.
What? Lily, no!
You're staying.
Then Lily can come!
Wha? No, no, no, I'll stay here.
I just want some time away from you!
Marshall, I'm sorry.I love you, but I haven't had a second alone in weeks! It's summer vacation! All I want to do is sit in the bathtub and read a book, but now
Baby, I forgot to bring a book.Do you mind reading yours out loud?
Hey, it's been no picnic for me either.You don't even do the voices.
Blocked number.Hello?
RJ? It's your father.
Daddy? I love you.It means so much that you called.
Ha! I knew that you wanted him to call.Busted!
That was you?
I really think you should slap him.
You should slap him!
Slap him.
Slap him.
Two cheeks, no waiting.
Good, 'cause I really think I'm gonna slap him!
So, boog -boarding?
Come on, Ted.You're gonna give some random floozy a ride, but not take Barney?
If she's going, I'm not going!
Lily, you're staying.Let's go.
If Lily's staying, then I'm staying!
Then I'm going.
Then I'm going.
You can't go, Marshall, 'cause I'm going.
If Barney's going, I'm not going!
Then I can go.
Then I'm staying.
Then I'm staying.
Then I'm going.
Then I'm not going.
Okay, you know what? I'm going.This storm's been on Doppler radar for a week.I'm the only one who prepared for it.And you all made fun of me.So guess what? This Boy Scout is taking a hike.Good-bye! Maya, real quick, did you think there was anything here, or
Oh, I have a boyfriend.
Um, Ted?
The time for evacuation is over.Everyone should now go inside and be prepared to stay inside until weather conditions improve, which won't likely be until Sunday afternoon.
evacuation 避難
We're stuck here?
Okay, let's not panic.You know what? Let's panic.
Hey, if we don't make it through the night, I want you guys to know, and I really mean this I wish I had branched out and made more friends in my 20s.
Well, I'm going to go to the bathroom.By myself, I guess.
Watch out for bears.Since this might be the end, I gotta confess something.Can I?
Might as well.
Barney and I have been doing the wild thing this whole time.Except a brief period last year when he was shacking up with Marshall's mom.But luckily, three-ways were on the menu, so
shack up with 関係を持つ