Wow. Look at you. No purse?
No. I was in the mood for something a little more private tonight. Let's go to your place.
My place? Mm-hmm. Sure. Sounds good.
Oh, it will be.
Neal, change of plans. You have 15 minutes to clear out of your apartment, or my cover's blown. I'm commandeering your date.
commandeer 乗っとる
It's very lovely for a first date.
Don't expect this every time.
Oh, there's gonna be a second date?
Guy can hope.
I could be talked into it. Neal, go check your phone.
Thank you.
Yep. Who is it?
We got to get out of here right now. Peter's undercover. He's coming up the stairs. I'll explain everything later. No, no! Not that way! The closet. Uh, new bottle. Through there. I got it, I got it. Sorry.
Ooh, grab me a quiche.
Just let me make sure we're all set. Here we are.
Amazing! Huh. Oh, Peter, you shouldn't have.
What is going on?
Remember that case I was working on?
The killer bride?
Yeah. Peter's dating her now.
So what are we doing?
This apartment was a backroom speakeasy. And this was the observation room.
speakeasy 潜り酒場 observation 監視
Oh, wow.
Very eclectic, right? Peter, you didn't tell me that you were an artist.
eclectic 趣味が広い
I dabble. I wouldn't say I'm any good, though.
Oh, don't be modest. You know, this may sound silly, but... ...would you draw me?
modest 控えめな
Oh, I'm sure that we could have... You mean right now?
Yeah. Why not?
I-it would take time to do it right.
We have all night.
It wouldn't do you justice.
Oh, but you will. I won't take no for an answer.
take no for an answer ノーという返事を受け入れる
Okay. But, uh... You should know that I'm experimenting with some very, very primitive styles.
experiment 試してみる primitive 未発達の
Can Peter draw?
Unless she's expecting a breathtaking stick figure, he's in trouble.
breathtaking 息をのむような
Uh-huh. Does he know that you're here?
Unfortunately, yes, he knows about this room.
All right. Let me make sure the light is right.
Okay. All right. Hold this. This is not how I saw the night going, by the way.
Oh. I mean, any guy can make a girl dinner. Only you could sketch a black widow from a hidden back room.
Is the pose okay?
Yes. That's perfect. Okay. But, remember -- no peeking.
peek 盗み見る
Peter, I have to ask, how did you... set this...all up so fast?
Hey, do yourself a favor. Never try to send a grappling hook through the post office. I-I mean, that is, if... you ever needed to send... a grappling hook, that is.
do yourself a favor いいか
Perfect timing. This is my...man -- Haversham. He made the arrangements. Haversham, everything is perfect. Thank you. You may enjoy your night off.
So sorry to interrupt... Such a suspiciously amorous evening.
suspiciously けげんそうに amorous なまめかしい
Haversham, do you mind? I'll need my suit for tomorrow.
A suit.
I'll be right back.
How handy.
handy 便利な
Yes, he's...one of a kind.
one of a kind 比類のない
I should have known.
It looks good.
Hmm. Something's missing.
Neal, are you sure you want to do that?
Well, Peter said he wants this case closed fast. This should help.
Okay, but Peter is gonna be really mad.
But she won't. All right, Moz, get this to him without her seeing.
Oh, sure. I'll hide it under my gargantuan clown sleeve.
gargantuan 巨大な
Oh, come here. Try this.
Oh, I'm more of a spring.
Moz, we don't have time.
Okay. Oh. I got it. Okay.
Your turncoat for tomorrow, sir.
Ah, yes. Thank you. That is exactly what I needed.
Good work, Moz.
Oh, I'm gonna need some... cash for the dry-cleaner.
Of course.
$50 should do it.
Don't know what I'd do without you.
Oh, I might need more. Ah. Good evening... ...Madam.
It's great to meet you... Haversham.
He's curious.
Very high-functioning, considering his condition.
Wow! That looks amazing!
Yeah, it is.
Peter, what's this?
Oh, that? I wanted tonight to be special.
Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?
Peter! Yes. Yes, yes.
Best date ever.