Lily: Okay, which one is this again?
Barney: She's...
Kate: Larney! Die!
Barney: Is it her?
Kate: Die!
Lily: Smile.
Barney: You look good. Have you lost weight?
Barney: We're down to the number one seed. I knew it was Holly. It had to be Holly. Man, I was hoping it wasn't Holly.
Holly: Barney, did you hear that? Somebody's stealing my truck. Barney? Barney!
Lily: That is the worst thing you've ever done. That's the worst thing anyone has ever done.
Barney: But in my defense, she was kind of annoying.
annoying 悩ます
Lily: She's gonna kill you.
Holly: Barney.
Barney: Holly.
Holly: Mark, come over here. Barney, this is my fiance. Mark.
Mark: Barney? You're the Barney who ditched her in the woods?
Lily: So you're not mad at Barney? Don't you want an apology? An admission of guilt? Your truck back?
guiltguilt 罪悪感
Holly: No, whatever happened was in the past. Mark is my present and my future.
Mark: And if you ditching Holly in the woods made her stop running around with guys like you, then cheers.
Barney: Well then, to the last Fourth of July weekend I'll spend getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Mark: Fourth of July? We started dating in June.
Lily: We ruined their lives. And the worst part of it is that you didn't apologize to any of those women.
Barney: No, the worst part is that we still have no idea who my stalker is.
Robin: Well, that's because you're going about this all wrong. I mean, why chase someone who's following you? All you need to do is go down to the bar, hit on someone, and wait until she turns up.
go about 蔓延する
Barney: That's not a bad idea.
Robin: I'll pretend to be the girl that you're hitting on.
Ted: I don't know. That's a lot riding on a girl who giggles when she lies.
giggle くすくす笑う
Robin: I do not.
Ted: Have you ever fallen asleep while eating ribs?
Robin: No. Look, I can do this, okay? I mean, how else are you going to find out who this girl is.
Barney: I'm in.
Robin: Okay, here's how it's gonna work. Now, Lily...
Robin:...she knows what you look like, so just hang out at the jukebox, and don't draw any attention to yourself. And the guys will be in the booth, just pretending to have a normal conversation.
draw attention to oneself 注目を自分に集める
Marshall: Talking, we should be talking. Words. Here are words. Why is this so hard? Laughter!
Robin: And then I'll come in, looking hot as all hell.
Man: Wow, you are gorgeous. Oh, God, I know that's awful.
Robin: I just, uh.... Shh, go away. But come back later. And then Barney will make his move.
Barney: Hey, there, how are you doing?
Robin: Fine, Barney. I mean, um, fine, stranger.
Barney: Wow, you really are awful at this, aren't you?
Robin: Get your hand off my thigh, Barney.
Barney: It's supposed to look like we're about to hook up, Robin.
Robin: You know I'm curious. What do you say to these girls to get them to come home with you?
Barney: Usually I just lean in and whisper this one thing in their ear. You're a little turned on right now, aren't you?
Robin: No. Oh. Look, somebody's watching us. Make your move to the bathroom.
Barney: Uh, I'm going to go to the bathroom now, but, uh, when I come back we'll go to my place and have sex.
Ted: Dude, dude, dude, look. Blonde girl heading over to Robin right now. We are go.
Marshall: I don't know what to do with my hands. What do I normally do with my hands? Barney. I brought a copy of the bracket. Which one is she?
Barney: I don't recognize her. She's not on the Top 64.
Marshall: Not even on bracket. Cinderella story comes out of nowhere to win the whole thing. That'll warm your heart.
come out of nowhere 突然やって来る
Ted: Are you okay?
Barney: I don't even recognize her. I don't remember you. I've spent the last two days trying to remember every girl that I've slept with and all the horrible things that I have done to them. And I have done some horrible things. I mean, at one point, I'm pretty sure I sold a woman. I didn't speak the language, but I shook a guy's hand, he gave me the keys to a Mercedes, and I left her there. I'm the guy who keeps a scrapbook of all of the women I have slept with, but I never thought I was the guy who would sleep with a girl and not even remember her. So from the bottom of my heart, for whatever I did to you, I apologize.
Lily: Oh, Barney! Oh, I'm so proud of you. That's not her. I'm so sorry.
Barney: What? What?
Robin: Barney, I'm sorry, that's my friend Sally from work. We just ran into each other.
Barney: So I apologized for nothing?
Lily: Yes, but it was a great apology. And a perfect way to end my scrapbook. I'm going to call this photo "Barney's Redemption." Could you stop giving me the finger?
Redemption 贖罪
Narator: Eventually, Barney did figure out who the mysterious girl was. But we on that later.
Woman: Barney, come back to bed. You have a shuttle launch tomorrow. And that asteroid that's headed for Manhattan, It's not gonna destroy itself.