Moz, listen, there's been a complication. I didn't get the tracker.
Oh, I can beat that. Fake Sam's gone rogue.
rogue 悪党
He said he didn't want to involve us. He left, I assume for the safe house.
What, you didn't stop him?
Um, he carries a gun. And all I had was the corkscrew.
All right. I'm going to the safe house.
Neal, he said he wants to handle this himself.
Well, what if he can't?
Okay. I'll -- I'll meet you there.
That's Sam.
Yeah, or so he says.
Well, we're never gonna find out unless we do something. I'm going.
The man who did this is on the other side of that wall. He's armed.
I'll go around outside and see if I can get a look at him.
Diana, I need local backup in Greenpoint. Suspect heading on a rooftop, southbound, by the east river.
Sit down here. Why did you come alone?
I got tired of waiting for answers. I thought if I threatened whoever showed, he'd tell me everything. And I didn't want you getting hurt if things went bad.
He got the jump on you.
get the jump on 先に行動を起こして優位に立つ
Oh, man. If you hadn't have showed, that would've been it.
Who is he?
Oh, I don't know. He thought I had Ellen's evidence. I couldn't convince him otherwise.
He's gone.
You and Mozzie head back to my place. I'm gonna check on Peter.
Hey. Hey. This guy doesn't know about you, Neal. Keep it that way.
All right. Come on.
Did you get a good look at him?
I didn't see his face, but I saw his tattoo.
You put Sam's name on one of my surveillance authorizations.
Hey, it worked. We almost caught Ellen's killer.
Where is Sam or whoever he is?
Mozzie brought him back to my place.
He's gonna keep him there until we know.
Sam's blood.
Run his DNA.
Then we'll know for sure.
Peter, I've got some info. So, this is Caffrey's sketch of that guy's tattoo. And this is the match that it got us.
Dennis Flynn.
Yeah. It's a variation on his ancestral crest. The Flynns were an organized-crime family back in the Baltimore/D.C. area.
ancestral 先祖となる
Thanks, Jones.
Thank you.
Well, if you need me, I'll be meeting with the exterminators.
So what's an Irish mobster doing so far from home?
In Ellen's video, she said my father turned state's evidence after the murder.
But she didn't know who he testified against.
Sam told me it was the Flynns.
My father's testimony put most of them away for good.
Dennis Flynn Sr. Died in prison. This is his son. Maybe he's here for revenge.
If he is, he's got to be the one who killed Ellen.
Maybe. But how does a punk like him have access to the FBI database? Or the Marshals' info on her?
Well, he had help. Ellen and Sam collected evidence showing that the corrupt cops were on the Flynns' payroll.
If it is one of the higher-ups in the bureau, they convince this Flynn kid to do it as revenge in the name of the father.
higher-ups 上層部
Maybe they offered to help him restart the family business in exchange.
Ah, not now.
What is it?
Agent Furlong rescheduled our panel for this afternoon. I'll cancel.
No. Let's do it.
Yeah. I could use the distraction, and it'll take organized crime all afternoon to pull the intel anyway.
You sure?
I am. This panel's a big deal for us, right?
So, what do you want to talk about up there?
Mortenson loan scandal?
Loan scandal. Peter, we found a nazi submarine dredged up by an infamous Ponzi schemer. That's a story.
Want to talk about what happened to the contents of that sub?
Point taken.
Hello, gentlemen. Everyone's excited for your discussion.
Maybe the Yankee stadium job.
Mm. Mozzie was involved.
Ooh, I got it. Avery.
Ooh, the airless comic-book vault. Perfect.
So we're heading down the hallway, and we need to separate ourselves.
So then Neal trips the security system to bring down the glass wall.
trip 始動させる
Yeah, that protected Peter from Avery's shotgun blast.
Yeah. But the fire-suppression system sucked all the oxygen out of the room. Neal refused to take any of the air from the mini-breather I was using.
It only gave us five minutes' worth of oxygen to find the kill switch, which I did.
And then you passed out. He needed oxygen, so I opened the glass wall, ready to shoot it out with Avery.
Yeah, and then our team came in from behind, and he gave up. At least that's what Peter told me. I was unconscious at the time, so don't hold me to that.
Well, I assume that there's an immense trust between the two of you.
immense 測り知れない
Usually. But even when there isn't trust, there's always faith.
That whatever the other's doing, it's for a good reason.
As long as Peter has faith in me, I'll have faith in him.
Any idea who Sam really is?
Not yet.
Put a rush on his DNA test -- be back soon.
Are you going back to the office?
Yeah, too restless here. I want to be there when the results come in.
restless 落ち着けない
Which side do you think he's on?
I don't know.
His own? I can't get a read on him.
That's not like you.
Yeah, that's what worries me.
Well, if you had to guess.
This damn evidence box has been the focus of everything. Ellen said that she found a lot of dirt on a lot of bad cops. My gut keeps telling me that he isn't here to help Neal find the box. I think he's here because he's in the box.
One of the bad guys.
Yeah. If there are things in there that link him to crimes, to murders... If I were him, I'd want it.
Enough reason to pull a long con.
Yeah. It is. I'll know soon.
See ya, honey.
Results of the blood sample?
Yeah. It belongs to a D.C. cop, all right. It just isn't Samuel Phelps.
Hey. You holding up?
hold up もちこたえる
Trying to. Any leads?
We'll know who we're dealing with soon enough.
Excuse me.
Got the results back on Sam.
Peter, he's here.
Oh. There's something... Something you have to know, Neal.
You okay?
Why didn't you tell me?
Tell you what?
That you're my father.