Yep. That it is.
Any ideas on the box?
Well, I'm developing a theory. When Ellen and I were partners, we busted our fair share of hideouts. When it came to finding stashes, we had a saying -- "Walls move, ceilings and floors don't."
fair share 正当な分け前 hideout 隠れ家
Well, the floors are marble. You think she hid it in the ceiling?
Well, if I was a betting man... All you got to do is scan 1,000 square feet of ceiling tile.
We've narrowed our search from all of Manhattan to a ceiling in the corner of a building. We're gonna find it.
Ah, good mood.
They must have bought your sculpture.
They did.
What did they say?
They said it wasn't a Dubois -- it was the Dubois.
You're kidding.
They called it his seminal work.
I knew it! Attaboy! Full disclosure. That helps explain what I found while you were out.
Such as?
Oh... Such as a van Dyck... ...and this Degas.
They're forgeries.
They're flawless. Flawless. You have a tremendous gift, Neal. Your original work must be extraordinary.
I don't have many original pieces.
Why not?
I don't know.
Well, that's a shame. Because if you can do this...you're capable of anything.
All right, here's my proposal -- we finish "Courtship," split the profits 50/50.
Well, let's be clear -- forgery is a federal offense. This is a Dubois replica.
Understood. The contours and planes complement each other well.
contours 輪郭 plane 平面
I'm impressed. A shame I have to destroy it. What's the point of making a replica of a piece you've already sold? Dubois used to say, "Don't get attached to your work."
get attached to 執着する
Neal's figured out a way to nail Bellmiere on forgery.
You promised me a confession.
Now I'm promising you hard evidence.
Keep talking.
Dubois put an original, hand-written note into the heart of each piece.
Yes, I know. The Tibedaux X-rayed it and found it.
The X-ray only verified its existence, not what was on it.
Yeah, if the scroll contains Bellmiere's handwriting and fingerprints and not Dubois', then it's a forgery.
What are you suggesting? That we smash it open?
Well, there's probably a --
Fortunately, we have another option.
A high-resolution imaging scanner.
The new magnetic tomography scanners are portable and powerful enough to pick up fingerprints on a gun through a brick wall.
It's still Neal's word against Bellmiere's. I don't think a judge is gonna approve a warrant.
We don't need one. You have a confidential informant who has access to the sculpture.
All right. But I'm gonna go with you -- I'm gonna oversee this. And it's not because I don't trust you, Peter. It's because I don't trust him. You said this was a high-profile case, and you're right. I want a clean conviction, no detours. Have you got it, Neal?
He's got it.
I didn't ask you, Peter.
Got it.
Okay, great. Then we shouldn't have any problem.
I know that look. I don't like that look. What are you thinking?
I know how we can find the box in the Empire State Building.
The scanner.
No. That little device is worth a small Dubois. I can't just check it out like a library book.
I'll use it while I'm supposed to be in Bellmiere's loft.
Did you miss the part about no detours? Callaway's gonna be in the van.
Okay, there you go.
I'm not gonna jeopardize our first operation.
She won't know a thing.
This is not a wink and a nod. No.
I hear you.
I don't think you do.
I need you to say, "I will not use the scanner to search the Empire State Building."
I will not use the scanner to search the Empire State Building.
"Or Mozzie or James."
Neither I, nor Mozzie, nor James will use the scanner for such a search. Little pinky-swear action?
Moz, meet me at my place. I got a way to find the evidence.
Here is your surveillance watch du jour.
This is one an artisan might wear while sculpting. Keep those upgrades coming.
artisan 職人
Audio's good.
I've calibrated the scanner.
calibrate 点検する
I'll keep it safe.
No. Let's leave it on.
This is an undercover operation.
Bellmiere's an art forger. He's not airport security. He won't be patting Caffrey down.
Standard procedure is to remove the anklet. We're less than 500 yards away, and we've ears on him with the watch.
Would you stand up? There. You're a very talented con artist. You'll figure out how to keep that covered.
No problem.
Well, the views are impressive.
This high up in the Empire State Building -- location is everything.
That's exactly what I tell my customers -- I run an ice-cream franchise. Security was a bear getting up here.
Yeah. Metal detectors in the lobby, cameras at the entries and exits, visitor registration and access-control systems. Check-in desk every floor -- it's very safe.
Oh, yeah. I can imagine. It would be next to impossible to sneak up, like, a -- I don't know -- a metal...scanner or something. Now, that office is directly below. Does that pose any noise problems?
No. They've got 20-foot ceilings, and we've got three inches of marble -- I think you have something on your shoe.
Oh, my. Oh, my. I am so sorry. W-what is this?
No -- stop. I'll take care of it. Yeah, hi. I'm gonna need the marble buffed on the rental floor. No. This afternoon -- before the next showing. Thanks. Oy.
buff 磨く
All right. Listen, if you don't mind. I like to work alone. Just...part of my process.
I'm the same way. I'm gonna go grab some coffee.
I always wondered when we'd go out for ice cream.
Mozzie calls it "mint chocolate tracking chip."
All right, I re-set the scanner so that the tracking signal won't reach the van.
Perfect. Ah, here comes our custodial accomplice.
custodial 管理の
Harv's the man they call.
Is he O.C.D.?
Yeah, that's what makes him so thorough.
Loves dogs. Has a niece named Daisy, right?
niece めい
You got it.
'Scuse me! 'Scuse me.
Uh, sorry to bother you, but you... you seen a Collie run by here, about ear big, got a magnificent brown coat? Goes by the name of Daisy?
Oh, no. Daisy?
That's my niece's name. No kidding?
Yeah. Well, I was walking her down Fifth Avenue. She just up and ran away. Just bolted -- just ran away.
Does she have tags?
'Course she's got tags! You sure you haven't seen her?
No, I haven't seen her.
No? Oh, man! What a day to forget my glasses!
This could take a while. I know how busy you are. You don't need to stay.
Oh, I started in the field. I like being out here.
Me, too.
It's been 45 minutes.How do you know when we've scanned the box?
We won't until we take it back and match the results to the floor plans and the dimensions of the box.
You guys ever run a con like this before?
Can't say I've ever used a buffer to run an X-ray scanner across a floor.
That doesn't look good. Uh-oh. We're having a technical difficulty.
The image is breaking up.
We lost it.
He finished 90% of the floor. Let's hope the box is in there somewhere.
That scanner has to be completely intact when I return it to the FBI.
What are you doing?
I'm checking on Caffrey. Something's not right.
You're pulling up his tracking data?
We can hear him.
We can hear chiseling. We can't hear him. I can't tell you why, but I get the feeling Caffrey's up to something. Denied.
chisel 彫る
I.T. must not have activated your I.D. yet.
Type in yours.