Why did Jimmy run? If he turns himself in instead of pulling a Jason Bourne, he'd be safe. The FBI would have protected him.
Izz, look, Jimmy doesn't think so. Barrett-Dunne is powerful. He came back to try to expose what they're up to.
C.J... Jimmy isn't the hero you think he is. Whatever van Horn is up to in that mine, Jimmy is a part of. At least, he was.
What are you talking about?
After he got back to the mine, he started sending cash -- a lot.
How much?
Close to $100,000. He said it was some kind of bonus.
Izz, you know, this is something that you might have wanted to share with me.
I know. I felt like I had to protect him. He's my husband.
How the hell did he even get involved with this company?
Because he's Jimmy. He's always pushing to do more, to be a better provider. He's never stopped comparing himself to you.
To me?
You're the gold standard.
Me? You know, I work in a van. I live under the stairs. I --
You're way too modest. Like it or not, you're a good man, Clinton Jones. That's kind of a rare thing.
modest 謙虚な
Hey, boss.
So, good news, bad news on the Cezanne.
Start with the good news.
D.C. says it's the genuine article. Dates back to the 1870s.
genuine 本物の
But it's not number 9 on the sub's manifest.
No. Number 9 is listed as Bridge Over a Pond.
Pond but no bridge.
Hence the bad news. What if, after all this...
Hence これゆえに
It's not out there? Honestly... I'd be relieved.
relieve 安心させられる
Hey, did you get those files?
Yeah, I got everything.
Ooh. I got it. Thanks.
Thanks, Diana.
I got some news. Peter requested photos from D.C. Art Crimes.
Why would he do that?
Moz... I think he still has a copy of the u-boat manifest.
Our ticket to paradise. You think he'd keep it at the FBI?
Well, if he suspects me...
Which he does.
...It'd be risky.
But possible?
It's possible. I'll go back tonight and look around.
Won't that look suspicious?
I'm a criminal. We keep odd hours.
keep odd hours 不規則な時間に寝起きする
You still here?
Jimmy's bullet came back from forensics. What do you see?
Brass casing. Nothing strange about that.
Look closer.
It's filled with palladium.
Exactly. Doesn't make sense. Walk through it with me.
All right.
Van Horn personally sends Jimmy to the mine.
Jimmy gets involved in something illegal there.
The manager of the mine says she's gonna talk. She's killed.
And now Jimmy wants out because he didn't think it would escalate to murder.
Or Jimmy's involved in the murder, and he ran because he's guilty.
Do you always presume guilt?
Guilty people do guilty things. Am I wrong?
For the sake of argument, let's go with my version.
For the sake of argument 仮定上の話として
Jimmy wants out. Van Horn realizes Jimmy's thinking of leaving, so he sits on him.
sit on 押さえつける
Probably starts monitoring his calls, checking his mail.
That's when Jimmy sends Jones the microdot.
Jimmy slips back into the country...
And gives me that. Why make a bullet out of palladium?
High-tech werewolves?
Keep thinking.
Van Horn said Barrett-Dunne had contracts in China and India.
Countries with a high demand for palladium.
Yeah, but it's not illegal to import palladium into those countries.
No, but there are tariffs. It's a tax dodge.
tariff 関税 tax dodge 脱税
Murder, break-ins, fake bullets, all so our soldier of fortune can save a few tax dollars?
Oh, try tens of millions every year.
Wow. Glad I don't pay taxes. What?
We're good at this.
We are. What now?
I think it's time van Horn and I had a little face-to-face.
Peter... Van Horn's on his way up.
on one's way up 出世する
No. It's really not.
Afternoon, agents.
Let's see it. In the interest of national security, all Barrett-Dunne interviews to be conducted by, and scheduled through, the U.S. attorney's office.
In the interest of の利益のために
My friends over there say they're busy, although they may be able to fit you in sometime next spring.
You got the D.O.J. in your pocket. You must think you're pretty special, huh?
Agent Jones. I almost didn't recognize you without your best friend's wife on your arm.
on someone's arm 腕に寄りかかって
This doesn't end here, van Horn. Not like this. You got friends in high places? So do I.
I almost considered having my attorney deliver the news for me. Glad I didn't. This was fun.
Come on.
Jones. Jones, Jones.
You know what kind of fun we're gonna have? We're gonna find Jimmy, and then we're gonna take you down.
Hmm. I'd suggest using less cologne. You wouldn't want Jimmy smelling you on his wife when he gets back.
Hey. Easy. Let him go. Come on. Come on! Let him go. Let him go!
You got stones. I respect that. Tell you what. You get tired of cheap suits and government wages, you give me a call.
You got stones 度胸があるな wage 賃金
You're above this.
So, how we gonna get this guy?
Good news. We're clear to wiretap van Horn's cellphone.
How'd you get a warrant?
I got a friend at the U.S. attorney's office, and I bought an ungodly amount of her daughter's band candy.
ungodly 法外な
You can never get enough band candy.
No, you can't. I just wish they had something else besides those damn chocolate bars.
That's it.