Hey, Dad.Just taking a break from our amazing night to check in.I bet Marvin's pretty devastated that I'm not there, huh?
devastate がっかりする
Not at all.I don't think he even noticed you're gone.It's kind of like, Mommy who?
Oh.Oh, good.But I should, uh, probably sing him his nighttime lullaby over the phone, just in case.
Sang it already.Nailed it.
Did you do the horsey?
horsey お馬ちゃん
The birdy?
Moose ヘラジカ
No moose.Trick question.
Affirmative.Look, I should go.Marvin's asleep in my arms.His head smells like love.Bye.
Affirmative 賛成
And so, kids, on that cold December night I decided to take your Uncle Marshall's advice and be a little selfish.
Hello! And hubba, hubba.
Oh, thanks.But tonight is about my main man, Mosby.
Really? Why?
Oh, Ted, tell Ranjit the huge thing that's happening tonight.
Barney's getting engaged.
Ranjit out.
Bar-Barney's getting engaged?
He asked me to keep it a secret but I thought you deserved to know in case you you wanted to do something about it.Do you?
Do you, Robin?
Ranjit, a little privacy, please.
Sorry.Not listening.
Nice, uneven floor there, Ted.
uneven 段差のある
Lily, are you drunk?
What? I I'm on vacation.I may have cracked open the minibar to celebrate.Who invited the narc?
narc 麻薬の売人
Hey, listen.I know that you miss Marvin but it's not like we could've brought him to a black-tie event anyway.I don't think that they make tuxedo onesies.I mean, at least not ones that are in style.I mean, a bow tie? Is, uh Is it 1998 already?
Yeah.Those parents are so lame and and clingy.
clingy べったりの
Yeah, it's like, Cut the cord already, right, guys?
Yeah.Yeah.That baby's not even cute.
Super ugly baby.It's almost physically repulsive.
repulsive ひどく不快な
Great.I just started lactating.
lactating 乳を分泌する
Me too.
So, what do you wanna do?
Robin, I do not want to meddle but this is like the classic love song says
meddle よけいなお世話をする
Ranjit.Ranjit, let's just communicate via text from now on, okay?
I appreciate what you're doing but I'm not chasing after Barney anymore.I I just got done being crazy about all that.I mean, why would I wanna throw myself back in that pit?
Because you're in love with him.
No, I'm not.I'm happy for him.
So it doesn't bother you that Barney Stinson's gonna propose to another woman on top of the World Wide News Building?
Why the top of the World Wide News Building?
I guess it's Patrice's favorite spot in the city.
Damn it, Patrice! That's my favorite spot in the city!
Whoa.Ranjit says, Whoa.
Okay.Maybe that one detail stings a little bit.But that doesn't mean I'm in love with Barney.
sting 傷つける
Sounds like she's in love with Barney. Okay, is this divider even slightly soundproof? Yes. With a little winky face.
divider 仕切り soundproof 防音の
Look, I I hope it goes well for Barney.I really do.But tonight there's no place I would rather be than at your building, celebrating with you.
Are you sure?
Ranjit, to Teddy Westside's kickass building.
I cannot hear you.We will be there in five minutes.
This kid does not mean that you're special.It just means that you're horny and you're easy.Now, come on.Let me smell his head.
Oh, Lily, Lily.No, no, no, no.Come on.
Seriously, Ted, what is up with the floor?
Is it harder than we thought to be away from Marvin?
But are we gonna have fun, or are we gonna wallow in the corner like idiots?
wallow もがく
Hey, do you realize that something you thought up in your head now exists as a part of the Manhattan skyline? That's huge.
It's just a building.I mean, I'm incredibly young for such an achievement, but it's just a building.I mean, Architecture Vision Weekly may have dubbed it more than just a building but it's just a building, so let's not get carried away Okay, you're right.It's huge.
achievement 業績 dub 授ける let's not get carried away 夢中にならないようにしよう
It is huge.You're the star of the party, and who knows? Maybe the future Mrs.Ted Mosby is gonna be there.
Yeah.Maybe she will.
Oh.Wait.This isn't your This is the World Wide News Building.
Go get him.
I told you.I am done chasing Barney.Now can we please go to your party?
Robin, do you wanna spend tonight making small talk with a bunch of bankers in a daring, yet refined contemporary masterpiece King Kong should feel lucky to climb or do you wanna follow your heart?
in a daring 大胆不敵な
Why do you keep insisting that I have feelings for Barney?
Because you do.See? Even Ranjit agrees.Oh, he's gotta pee.The point is you're not over Barney.That's why you freaked out about him proposing on the roof of the World Wide News building.
I did not freak out.It's just a teeny, tiny bit annoying that I am the one who showed her that roof in the first place! Damn it, Patrice!
teeny 小さな
Whoa.Never mind.I found a soda bottle. Okay, that's disturbing.
disturbing 気掛かりな
What do you want me to do, Ted? Run up to that roof, knock the ring out of Barney's hand and say, Sorry to interrupt, but you should be with me?
Is that what you want?
No.I don't.I can't keep making an ass of myself.
make an ass of バカにする
Well, a word in defense of making an ass of yourself it's underrated.Eight years ago I made an ass of myself chasing after you and I've made an ass of myself chasing after you a bunch of times since then.But I have no regrets.Because it led me to something I wouldn't trade for the world.It led to you being my friend.So as your friend and a leading expert in the field of making an ass of yourself I say to you from the heart get the hell out of this car.
But, Ted ... your big night.
It's just a building.