Hey, you went for coffee? Nice.
go for coffee コーヒーを飲みに行く
Oh, you took forever getting back, so you miss out.
Whose is that?
Well, you'll be glad I took my time, Because I solved our embezzlement scam. It's a lapping scheme.
embezzlement 着服
A lapping scheme?
It's a way to siphon money.
siphon 抜き取る
I'll show you. Let's say I want a sip of Hughes' latte. Oh, I just a sip.
Mmm. Wow, that's delicious. But now I have a problem.
Hughes is gonna toss your butt back into prison for drinking his coffee.
Right, so...Take a little bit of yours, pour a little bit into here, But now you're gonna kick my butt.
It's a lapping scheme.
I keep going as long as I can. In the end, I got a full cup of coffee, and no one's the wiser.
none the wiser 相変わらず分からない
Until I catch you. Ahh. That's good work, though -- very good work.
Thank you.
Hey, June's throwing a champagne brunch. I totally forgot. Do you mind if I cut out early?
What kind of monster would I be to keep Neal Caffrey from a champagne brunch?
See you, guys.
Got your message. I was wondering when you were gonna call.
Hop in. We'll chat.
Hop in に乗り込む
Forgot my suit.
That's never stopped you before.
Relax, I know you're wearing the anklet.
What I don't know is if you're wired.
Get in.
Where's the music box, Alex?
No small talk?
Come on. Your note said it's in manhattan.
I want to make sure you're not gonna go and get it without me.
I told you. We'll get it together.
It's in the Italian Consulate.
Consulate 大使館
I traced it to the consul general.He tucked the box into his private safe in the consulate last year.
tuck しまい込む
He's flying in next month to pick it up.
A consulate's a hard target.
They're having a party next week. It's our chance to get inside.
I'm always up for a party.
What happens when he notices it's gone?
Well, the Nazis stole the box from the Russians.
He wasn't supposed to have it in the first place, So he won't talk when we steal it from him.
I got a question. I know why I'm naked. Why are you?
A consulate?
Oh, great, an international incident.
Look, I don't want to end my days in some underground prison, adopting cockroaches as pets.
adopt 〜を選ぶ
We're not talking about North Korea.
It's the Italians, Moz.
They do prison just fine. Ask Galileo. Can we do it without Alex?
No. She won't tell me which safe it's in.
She was always a smart girl.
All of this is moot, anyhow. The suit isn't gonna let you out of your anklet anytime soon.
moot 疑わしい anyhow とにかく
Not Peter.
Then who?
If he wants me to get him the music box, he has to cut my anklet.
He's manipulated it before.
manipulate 巧みに扱う
Okay. Let's say he goes for it. Let's say you get him the box. Then what?
What do you mean?
You give Fowler the music box, and Kate comes running into your arms.
You settle down, buy a fixer-upper, and then join the PTA?
fixer-upper ぼろ家
Neal, happily ever after isn't for guys like us.
It is this time. It is.
Agent Fowler, extension 221.
extension 内線番号
One moment.
Agent Fowler's office.
Tell him I've got information on the music box he requested.
Who is this?
He knows. He can meet me at midnight, tomorrow.
He'll know that, too.
Too cryptic?
Where you gonna meet him?
I'll find a place.
Hey, you got a stakeout?
stakeout 張り込み
Yep. Deviled ham.
Well, you're either gonna torture Neal with it or you're going alone.
torture A with B AをBで苦しめる
We'll see.
What's going on?
Look. Neal's tracking data.
What's he up to now?
Nothing, yet.
He spent 45 minutes on the corner of Kenmare and Lafayette last night.
Well, honey, he can walk freely for a two-mile radius, right?
Yeah, but it's the way he was walking.
Look. He stands at every corner around this parking garage for exactly two minutes.
He walks each street leading away from this point and then back again.
What do you think he was doing?
I think he was casing the area -- How many people are around, where there were cameras, Looking for an escape route in case he needs one.
case 〜を調べ上げる
What is he planning?
I think he's gonna steal the music box.
On a street corner?
Working theory.
Well, have fun on your stakeout.
I love you.
I love you.
Fowler. Oh, you brought a friend.
I'm not wired.
You'll forgive me if I don't take your word for it.
if you'll forgive me お許しいただけるなら take one's word for it おまえの言葉を真に受ける、信じる
He's clean.
This better be good.
I'm close to the music box.
That supposed to mean something to me?
Well, you flew in from D.C. so I think it does.
My window to get the box closes in the next week.
I need my tracking anklet off now to make it happen.
You're not suggesting something illegal, are you, Caffrey?
Of course not, Especially to an upstanding Federal agent such as yourself.
You're pushing it.
You're pushing it 調子に乗りすぎ
I'm gonna push it some more. I give you the box, Kate and I never hear from you again.
That's my price.
You know, I don't give a damn what you do, Caffrey. Just don't make it my problem.
Neal, what the hell are you doing?