Madison, give me some good news.
Two closes, 3,200 shares.
Yes, that is what I like to hear.
Yeah, don't get your hopes up.
get ones hopes up 高い期待を抱く、期待を寄せる
I already got dibs on that one.
get dibs on 最初にもらう番だ 優先権がある
Does she know that?
Since when does that matter?
Since when 一体いつから〜になっちゃったの?
I'm Brad.
You must be, uh... Nick Halden?
Guilty as charged.
Guilty as charged おっしゃるとおり。
Hey, uh, your U5 says you were terminated from Lehman Brothers.
terminate 〜を終わらせる
Yeah, the market crashed.
Wasn't feeling the love.
Oh, you couldn't find a job working anywhere else?
Wasn't interested.
I want to make some real cash.
Listen, our turnover rate is huge.
turnover rate 出来高率
High volume, high money.
You make sales, you get paid.
You know what?
Don't waste time taking down client information.
Just transfer it over to the girls over there.
They mop up.
mop up 仕事を完了させる
It's women's work, anyway, right?
Yeah, okay.
Let's do this.
Hang on a second.
I haven't hired you yet.
You, take a break.
Let's start your interview.
Wanna give me some numbers?
Yes. Take your pick.
This 216 area code feels lucky.
You got that?
Getting ready to reroute the call now.
reroute 別の経路に切り替える
Is there anybody in particular you want me to send it to?
Come on, newbie.
Mr.Charles Fairweather is waiting for the deal of a lifetime.
deal of a lifetime またとない取引
What am I selling him?
The dream, which today is Rhymer Pharmaceutical.
Mr.Fairweather. Speaking.
My name is Nick Halden, and I want to be your broker.
I've already got a broker.
How's he doing for you?
He make any money last year?
Nobody made any money last year.
That's not true.
If you were with me, you would have netted 3%.
net 利益を得させる
That's after the crash.
I don't believe you.
Well, you got an e-mail address.
I'll send you my earnings report right now.
Biotech and alcohol were up.
How did you get my number?
Your old broker.
He's not smart enough to keep you to himself.
What do you do for a living, Charlie?
I'm a history teacher, but I'm not interested...
The only history that's worth a damn is the history we make today.
You know who said that?
I believe Henry Ford said that.
Yes, he did, and he was right.
Have you heard of Rhymer Pharmaceutical?
Of course you haven't.
'Cause your job is to teach, and my job is to know about companies like Rhymer before everyone else.
You know when you don't buy a stock?
When your cab driver tells you about it.
Now, if you'd known about IBM before the invention of the microchip, would you have bought in?
Of course.
Well, Rhymer is poised for a breakout on the same scale.
poise 〜の準備をする
Monday, the FDA will approve them to begin clinical trials on a quantum confined nanotechnology that has the potential to transform cancer medicines.
quantum 量子 confined 閉じ込められた
And I can get you in on the ground floor.
get in on the ground floor 最初から参加する
That sounds like insider trading.
Not at all.
No, it's completely legit.
Look, pore over a thousand pages of scientific technical BS.
pore 熟考する、じっくり考える
So I can make you rich at 3 bucks a share.
Let's start small, okay?
A thousand shares.
I double that for you next week, and then we get serious.
get serious 大事になる、大変なことになる、重大になる
Sounds nice, but I'd have to ask my wife.
Oh. Your sale just died, rookie.
Mr.Fairweather, if you invest with me, the only question you'll have to ask your wife is what kind of hardwood floors does she want in her new house.
I don't know.
Life comes down to a few moments, Mr.Fairweather.
pore 熟考する、じっくり考える
This is one of them.
He's good.
I'm in.
But let's make it 5,000 shares.
Thank you.
I'll transfer you over to one of our girls, and she'll take your information.
So, how did my interview go?
Believe me, I wouldn't be giving you this information if I didn't feel confident enough to own a few thousand shares myself.
What do you mean you don't invest over the phone?
Look, the Cuban missile crisis was solved with a phone call.
missile ミサイル
We have to move on this right now.
You don't get rich buying into a high market.
The market is down.
What do you need, an engraved invitation?
engrave 〜を深く刻み込む、銘記する
Look, you want the good things in life what are you gonna do?
Are you gonna work harder?
No, you're gonna invest smarter.
Oh, Jones, turn that down.
The college tuition is gonna be covered.
tuition 授業料
See, now you're starting to talk like a smart investor.
Look, this is a stepping-stone to your first million.
stepping-stone to 〜への足掛かり
All right, I appreciate your business.
Come on, crazy eight, let's go.
Crazy eight?
You land close to eight whales in one day, you can buy your own nickname.
land 手に入れる、入手する、獲得する
Time to hit the bars!
Oh, no, we're not going with them.
Why not?
He wants to meet you.
The man behind the curtain.
If Caffrey goes out of range, we'll lose his audio.
That's okay.
He's still recording.
That's him?
That's Avery.
The guy on the left.
He is the youngest guy to have a seat on the New York exchange.
He's the man with the plan.
He finds the stocks, fronts the cash, we do the legwork.
front 前払いする legwork 歩き回る大変な仕事
Who's he talking to?
His business partner.
He looks upset.
Usually they work together.
Our room is all Avery, which is why they're not exactly simpatico right now.
simpatico 同じ気質の、うまが合う
Keep that to yourself.
Keep that to yourself 他の人に言うなよ
You must be my new rainmaker.
rainmaker 神の手を持つ人物、奇跡を呼ぶ人物
I see you're having problems with your associate.
I don't want to get pinched because you're having domestic troubles.
You've got balls.
You've got balls. 度胸があるな
I like that.
What my business partners and I discuss isn't of your concern.
So go relax.
Have fun.
Not cool.
It's a little early for you to be calling it a night, isn't it?
Yeah, well, I got the man behind the curtain.
Name is Avery Phillips.
All right, I want to get moving on this.
Meet me in the office in an hour.
I'm in your neighborhood.
Why don't we meet at your place?
My place?
Yeah, it's a little late for the Bland Bureau walls.
Besides, you have better coffee.
Yeah, I do.
Coffee, my dear.
Oh. Thank you, Mrs.Burke.
You're welcome.
I was gonna be up in...
Six hour anyways.
Thanks, honey.
All right. Let's see what you've got recorded here.
That's him?
That's Avery.
The guy on the left. ...to have a seat on the New York exchange.
That's a good start.
Lauren's pulling up intel on Phillips.
Check your e-mail.
Got it.
Well, Avery's been very busy.
I'm gonna go rummage through your drawers and steal your most precious belongings.
rummage くまなく捜す
I'm kidding.
I need to go to the bathroom.
First door on your left.
Leave the seat down when you're done.
I'll be damned.
Everything all right?
Never been better.
Never been better 最高だよ。