Narator: Kids, I know you think that you've heard every story from back before I met your mother. But there are some stories you tell and some stories you don't.
Ted: Oh my God. Barney...oh my God.
Barney: Use your words, Ted.
Ted: OK. Barney, I'm about to go for the belt.
go for の代わりになる 選ぶ
Barney: The belt?
Ted: The belt.
Barney: But that's impossible. You were up here less than half an hour ago.
Marshall: Yes, advantage Ericksen.
Barney: Don't get cocky. Wimbledon lasts a fortnight.
fortnight 二週間
Marshall: Fortnight. British words are so cool. Plus, did you know lawyers there get to wear wigs? I wear a wig to work, I'm a jackass.
Ted: All right, I'm ready, let's hit it.
Marshall: Can't go. Tournament.
Ted: What? We agreed, I suited up.
Barney: You take too long to get ready.
Ted: What are you talking about? I got the low-maintenance, just-rolled-out-of-bed look.
just-rolled-out-of-bed hair 起きたてのボサボサの髪
Marshall: Yeah, which takes an hour and a half of waxing, tugging and teasing to achieve.
tease すく achieve 女を落とす
Barney: And then he starts on his hair. Ace.
Ted: Ha ha ha ha. Look, are we going or not?
Barney: Just go without us, we'll be there in five minutes.
Ted: Really?
Barney,Marshall: Yes.
Ted: All right, going down to the bar and ordering three beers, I'll see you in five minutes.
Robin: Thanks for lending me these boots. Where did you get them from?
Lily: Oh, this store in the Village had one of those crazy sales. It was a footwear feeding frenzy.
Lily: I saw it first.
Lily: You just made the list, bitch.
Barney: So many questions. Firstly, what do you think would happen if a guy walked into that store wearing a suit of boots?
Lily: You look fantastic in them, Robin. But don't you think they're a little high for that dress?
Robin: Oh, that's the point. It's to hide the point that I haven't shaved my legs. I've begun a strict no-shave policy for the first three dates. It's all about self-control. If I don't shave, I must behave.
Barney: FYI, it doesn't matter, baby. Guys just wanna get on the green. They don't mind going through the rough.
Marshall: Shekwakie.
Barney: Stinson.
Ted: All right, the beers are here.
Barney: Yeah, we're not gonna make it.
Ted: Oh come on, we agreed...Did Marshall take his pants off?
Barney: Yeah, pants are off.
Marshall: This is Wimbledon, Ted. I need the freedom and mobility that only underwear can provide. Cheerio.
mobility 動きやすさ Cheerio ではまた
Ted: Fine, I don't need friends. I got you guys. You guys are my friends, my cold refreshing friends. I'm talking to beer.
Trudy: Ted.
Trudy: Trudy.
Ted: Trudy. Oh my God, I haven't seen you since...
Trudy: I slept with you, then climbed down the fire escape?
Ted: That was you? Kidding. I was super wasted... that night. These are not all for me.
Ted: No, I was gonna call you but I was so embarrassed.
Trudy: You were embarrassed? I was like, I really like this guy and now I'm climbing out his window.
Trudy: And I forgot my underwear.
Ted: Those were yours? I thought they felt kinda tight. Kidding, I don't wear underwear, ladies underwear. Often. Again, I'm kidding.
Trudy: I am so glad I ran into you.
Ted: I know, do you wanna get a...
Rachel: Trudy, no way!
Trudy: Oh my God, Rachel, how are you?
Trudy: Ted, this is Rachel.
Rache: Hi.
Rache,Trudy: Kappa Epsilon Gamma! Whoo!
Ted: Let me guess, you guys met in prison.
Rachel: No, we're sorority sisters.
sorority 女子学生クラブ
Trudy: And best friends forever, all sophomore year.
sophomore 2年生
Rachel: When we weren't at each other's throats.
throat 喉
Trudy: We could be so competitive. But that's all behind us now.
Rachel: Hey, mista...
Rachel,Trudy: hey mista, stay away from my sista.
Trudy: We have so much catching up do to.
have got a lot of catching up to do 積もる話がある
Rachel: OK, are you going to Stacy's wedding?
Trudy: Oh, it's off, apparently he's into dudes.
Rachel: No! Again? That's like her third one.
Trudy: I know.
Ted: Well, beers, what do you want to do? Stay here, or I know this other place called my belly.
belly 胃
Rachel: So, Trudy and I got a table.
Ted: Oh, that's cool, I was gonna get outta here anyway, I'm really tired.
Rachel: But I want you to stay.
Ted: Tired of people who fold early 'cause I am wide awake.
Ted: OK, guys, be cool.
Marshall: Kazouwee. Vanquished, old bean.
Vanquished 敗者
Barney: That's 'cause you distracted me. You've been hanging crumpet ever since the third set.
distracted 気を取られて crumpet セクシーな女
Barney: Stinson.
Ted: I've got a situation. Trudy is here, you know, the pineapple incident.
Barney: You mean, the girl who chalked your pool cue and snuck down the fire escape. Respect.
Ted: So, we're hitting it off and then her friend shows up and they're kinda competitive. I think the new girl's kinda into me.
Barney: So you now have two on the line?
Ted: And I don't know which one to go for.
Barney: Go for the new girl.
Barney: Given the choice, always party with Dr. Strangelove.
Lily: New girl? What new girl?
Barney: Two girls are allegedly vying for Ted's affections and I think...
allegedly 伝えられるところによると vie 張り合う
Lily: Oh, you don't know what you're talking about. Give it to me.
Lily: Are they friends?
Ted: Yeah. No, I don't know. They're old sorority sisters.
Lily: Are they Betas?
Lily: Because they're all sluts and you can tell them right now I didn't wanna be in their sorority anyway.
slut 尻軽女
Ted: They're Kappas and I think I can score with one of them. I don't know which one and if I choose wrong, I lose them both.
Lily: OK, well, don't worry, I'll come down and help you figure it out.
Marshall: I thought we were in for the evening.
Barney: That's what I thought about your bangers and mash down there but I guess we're both wrong, governor.
banger 爆竹
Trudy: Oh, Ted, OK, settle an argument. Is it stealing if you go out with someone's boyfriend after they've broken up?
Ted: Well, that's very complicated.
Rachel: See, he agrees with me. You're such a little man-thief.
Trudy: You're the man-thief, man-thief.
Ted: Oh, somebody should lock you girls up.
Trudy: You're so funny. I think Ted is funny.
Rachel: Really? I think Ted is hilarious.
hilarious とても面白い
Ted: I am never not wearing a suit again.
Ted: Hello.
Lily: It's me, I'm at the bar. Don't look, just call me mom.
Ted: Hi Mom, how's dad's colon?
Lily: What? What's the matter with you? Anyway, both of these girls are into you. Take your pick.
Ted: They are? Are you sure?
Lily: Yes, of course. They're playing with their hair and touching your arm. Class green light.
Ted: Are you positive?
Are you positive? 確かか?