Any leads on who killed Ellen?
No, not who killed her.
Not even a last name. But there's this. An e-mail account not linked to anything else the marshals found at Ellen's apartment. When I run one of Mozzie's tracking programs, I get this. Somebody's still checking it, regularly, at Internet cafes around D.C.
You think it's Sam.
Ellen told me to trust him, that he's my best chance for answers. But if it is Sam... What do I say?
You tell him you want to meet on neutral ground.
"We'll meet on your terms."
terms 条件
No, you can't let Sam control the meet.
Neal! Neal! Let me in! Neal!
Someone's trying to kill me.
What?! Why am I not surprised?
No time for sarcasm, Suit.
sarcasm 皮肉
Calm down, okay? You're all right now.
I almost ate a bullet. I've been on that ride before. It shakes you up. I can't calm down.
shake someone up を不安に陥れる
Mozzie, breathe. Take a seat... And tell us what happened.
Okay. It all started when June and I paid our weekly visit to the market of lost treasures.
Hester's Storage sells the best abandoned units.
Okay, we got a 5'x10' here.
Get a good look.
At a storage auction, you only have a few moments to gauge the unit's worth. People see "fragile," and they think "valuable." But an arrow pointing in the wrong direction reeks of foreclosure trush.
gauge 評価する reek 嫌なにおいがする foreclosure 質流れ
Oh, look at that toy. That is an antique Lionel Crane. John-John had one down at the Cape.
Okay, time's up. We're gonna start the auction. Give me $25. Now, $25 right here. Looking for $50. $50. I got $50 right here. Looking for $100. $200, $300, $400, $500. That's $600 right here. Looking for $700. $700 going once. $700 going twice. It's sold, right here at $700 to the gentleman.
You used June as a plant to up the price of worthless units.
plant わな
Well, it helps drain their resources so I'm flush when a valuable unit comes up.
flush たくさんある
And June was okay with that?
Most likely, it was her idea.
All right. What happened?
June was crushing it, but I still hadn't seen a desirable unit, until...
desirable 望ましい
Corner unit. Get a look. Okay. Let's start the bidding. We're gonna start the bidding at $25. Anybody give me $25 right here, looking at $50. $25. $50, anybody? $50 right here. Looking at $75. $100! $100 right here. $200. $300, looking for $400. $400! $400, looking for $500. $600, looking for $700. $800! Looking at $800. $850, for $900. $900. $975? $925? $900 going once.
What's the matter -- Low on funds?
$900 going twice.
Till next week, Mini-Me.
Sold, right here at $900 to Mr. Dapper. Let's take a look at the next unit. Follow me.
Oh, these old cameras are great. They don't have the prism that flips the image -- a natural gravity defier, if you will.
defier 反抗者
Oh, Moz. Of all the units... Why this one?
It's a cache of chaos. Pinhole cameras. Maybe find some daguerreotypes, some forgotten Vivian Maier photographs. Whoever this guy is, he was definitely onto something.
Or on something. I'll leave this to you.
Thanks, June.
I'd stumbled onto something interesting. The flotsam of an unusual mind? Eh, perhaps. But whoever this, uh, C.H. is, he'd certainly given me my money's worth. Of the two keys I found -- one modern, one antique -- the modern key opened the obvious door.
stumble onto 偶然見出す flotsam ガラクタ
Anyone home?
You walked into the house?
I'd bought it, didn't I?
No. You didn't.
Seriously, Suit? What would you have done in my situation?
I would never be in your situation. Get to the part about the gun.
Naturally, I made myself at home.
You started cleaning?
Well, a layer of dust would do my sinuses no good, and it led to a fortuitous discovery.
fortuitous 思いがけない
You found yourself a secret passage?
passage 通路
In the library, behind a bookcase! And it gets even better.
You're a nightmarish Goldilocks.
nightmarish 悪夢のような
Minus the golden curls. Keep going.
Well, I spent a few days settling in.
Now, I've lived by myself long enough to know when I'm not alone. He wore all black, and -- and he was tall -- like "Ichabod Crane" tall.
Where's the flag, 7-2-3?
He called you 7-2-3?
And he wanted a flag?
I had no clue what he was talking about, either.
Well, that makes all of us.
So I had to think fast.
The flag. Of course. I was expecting you.
Take me to it now.
I have a set of rules specific to this situation.
Establish eye contact...
Follow me.
...force him to acknowledge my humanity...
Slowly. No sudden moves.
...then run like hell!
You are dead, 7-2-3!
So, I popped out on the street, hailed a cab, and came right here.
hail タクシーを呼び止める
So, all this is a case of mistaken identity?
Yeah. He thinks I'm someone named 7-2-3.
And that you've got a flag.
No, no. Not just a flag. A flag he's willing to kill for.
NYPD did a search of Mozzie's new house. They found an open window, empty liquor bottles, and a slept-in bed.
How about the secret passage behind the bookshelf?
That, they also found, along with a broken vase.
So Mozzie's not entirely crazy.
They're calling it a tall tale of an illegal squatter, which --
tall tale 大ぼら squatter 無断居住者
Isn't entirely untrue.
Except for the "tall" part.
What do you have, Jones?
Dead-end city. Our storage unit is registered to a P.O. box owned by someone whose signature is totally unreadable. And whoever they are, they stopped paying cash two months ago, so the facility sent the required late notices and auctioned it off to your guy, Mozzie.
What about the house?
Well, it's owned outright by a Robert Townsend, since 1781. Yeah, he's real dead.
outright 完全に
Well, a family trust was set up early last century to maintain it.
family trust 家族信託
The last executor died years ago, but the trust keeps up the payments.
We could get more on the trust with a federal grand jury subpoena.
jury 陪審 subpoena 召喚状
This isn't a federal crime, and you're fresh out of the bureau doghouse.
All right. Anything on the initials "C.H." That Mozzie found on the robe?
Anything on who or what the name 7-2-3 might be?
Zilch ゼロ
Maybe I can track the family lineage without using FBI resources.
lineage 血統
Guys, I'm sorry, but I have to get my land-fraud case to the a.U.S.A. by noon. Neal, could you --
help Diana research the family.
Mind reader.
We found more on Robert Townsend. He was part of the Culper Spy Ring.
If I recall from history class, George Washington created the Culper spies to aid the continental army during the revolutionary war. Please tell me you're not talking about those Culper spies.
continental army 大陸軍
Yes, I am. They sent intel from British-occupied New York using codes. And they used numbers, not names.
Don't tell me. 7-2-3 was Robert Townsend?
You got it.
Why would the gunman call Mozzie a code name of a dead revolutionary war spy?
This book presents a possible theory. It caused some controversy when it was published six months ago. It claims Culper descendants have been keeping the spy ring active since the war.
controversy 論争
By using their ancestor's numbers?
Yep. Listen to this. "Culper descendants "are a secretly sanctioned government organization, "empowered by blood to keep the United States safe. "Their name may have faded, but their loyalty is alive and well."
fade 弱まる
That's insane. The Culpers disbanded after the revolutionary war. Only a conspiracy nut would think that these guys... Look who we're talking about.
disband 解散する
He's gonna love this.
He is.
Of course Culper descendants kept the spy ring alive. How did I miss this?
Because they didn't and you didn't.
It makes perfect sense. This book was published, exposing them, drawing them out. It even has their secret communication codes!
Mozzie, this author of this book lost his tenured professorship because it's filled with B.S. Read the reviews -- "Rampant speculation."
tenured 終身雇用の fill with いっぱいになる
Speculation? Our government has endorsed a cornucopia of questionable programs -- Stargate, MK-Ultra, the space shuttle.
endorse 署名する a cornucopia of たくさんの
He has a point.
Why are you indulging him?
indulge 甘やかす
If the Culpers don't exist today, then why is someone trying to kill 7-2-3? And where is 7-2-3?
He's right, Peter.
Whatever you think about this, we could be dealing with a missing person.
7-1-1, 2-4-6, 6-6-9, 7-2-3...
What are you doing?
It's the journal I found at the storage unit. I'm reading the code. T-these numbers mean words. Um, "Washington hand unto 7-2-3 "the country clothier he carried through the ice unto New Jersey in December."
Washington gave a flag to the Culpers.
The very flag he carried across the Delaware in 1776. What do you think of that, Suit?
That flag would be worth a fortune today.
Uh, an authentic symbol of our burgeoning "freedom" as a country? On a rough estimate, I would say priceless.
burgeoning 急成長する
Peter, Mozzie has stumbled across clues that could lead us to a lost American treasure.
stumble across 遭遇する
Indeed! This is a modern day 7-2-3's coded journal. And he's talking to a 3-5-5 about the flag.
Oh, the Culpers' female spy. It looks as if our lady Culper has some letters containing important information pertaining to the location of the flag.
as if まるで〜のように pertaining to に関する
We should reach out to her.
How do you make contact with the mysterious ancestor of a 250-year-old woman?
Well, the way the Culpers originally communicated -- through strategically placed messages in newspapers.