I see you got my page.
You had no business helping Burke disappear like that.
disappear 消失する
Why would Agent Burke disappear?
Why would 一体何でまた〜なのか
You think he was being followed?
You want to bring on a full OPR investigation, Agent Jones?
bring on 引き起こす
I can internal review every perp you ever slapped a cuff on.
perp walk 犯罪者の連行 slapped a cuff on 手錠をかける
Well, you can start with the one in the conference room.
That's Adrian Tulane.
Agent Burke arrested him this morning in connection with our jewelry heist.
in connection with 〜に関連して
Guess that clears Caffrey.
How did you know which vault the diamond would be in?
Silence won't help you, but maybe I can. Tell me everything, and I can talk to the prosecutor about immunity.
Why would you give me immunity?
Well, believe it or not, I don't think you're the brains behind this operation.
Playing on my vanity?
play on 感情を刺激する vanity うぬぼれ
Please, you have some video that proves nothing.
Search warrant helped us find this in a townhouse of one of your... puzzle girls.
Search warrant 捜査令状
I think that proves something.
Well, if you're asking for my expertise, I can tell you that a crime like this often has a...benefactor.
expertise 助言 benefactor 後援者 後ろ盾
The entire operation from delivery route to exit strategy is handed to someone.
Tell me something I don't know.
Men with privileged information often hire people with certain skills to do what they can't.
privileged 特権階級の
Of course, all of this is just hypothetical.
This conversation is not hypothetical.
Immunity for a name.
Oh, is he the prosecutor?
Immunity for a name!
I would if I could.
The more I learn, the more I think this whole case is a setup.
A lot of that seems to be going around.
Make a little room.
Make a little room ちょっと詰めて
Found this stuck on my home phone.
Thought you might have dropped it.
I'm not done with this investigation, Burke.
Neither am I.
Neither am I 私もちがう
I thought that a small celebration would be appropriate.
appropriate 〜を充てる
You really shouldn't drink champagne out of paper.
drink A out of B A(飲料)をB(容器)で飲む
You will, and you'll like it.
It's twofold, really.
twofold 二重の
Yeah, you're off the hook.
off the hook 危機から脱して
Mm-hmm, and our jobs are a lot easier when you run with us, not from us.
run with 一緒に行動する
Hear, hear.
I'll drink to that.
I'll drink to that ほんとうにそうだね
What about OPR?
They're gone, for now.
Celebrate the victories, however long they last.
wait for however long it takes どんなに時間がかかっても待つ
I'll drink to that.
Mr.Caffrey? There's a call for you on line 2.
Oh, Mr.Caffrey, call on line 2.
It's probably my lawyer.
You should put him on retainer.
put A on retainer 雇う
I'll expense it.
expense 必要経費として請求する
Can I use your phone?
Go ahead.
Mozzie, I told you, just sign the papers for me.
Neal, it's me.
He's close to you, Neal.
Look, I know who he is. He's with the FBI.
Then give him what he wants.
What does he want?
Tell me, Kate.
You can't trust anyone.
Hey, I'm just going through these FBI files.
There is a terrifying amount of information here.
terrifying 非常に恐ろしい
How many shots from the knoll?
knoll 小山、円丘
Let's take a look.
Did Elvis fake his own death?
Ask the mystery box.
What's wrong?
Kate called me.
And I can't help her.
She won't tell me where she is.
I have a theory.
Conspiracy 陰謀
Of course.
Look at this.
Fowler's ID number.
Over here, a local address.
Note the dates.
This is from before the diamond heist.
It's a hotel room.
It's not linked to any operation I can find.
Now, if I was inclined to believe in such things, I'd say it's worth a look. Room 525.
incline 心が傾く
Thanks, Moz.
Open the door, Fowler!
What are you doing here, Caffrey?
What's going on?
Who told you about this?
How do you know about mentor?
mentor 導く、指導する
What do you think is going on here, huh?
You're busting an operation here.
No, where is Kate?
Kate Moreau?
There's no Kate here, Neal.
You're losing it.
You were watching me.
Before the jewelry heist.
I'm not in New York looking at you, Neal.
That's a lie.
You recorded my phone calls.
No, I didn't bug your phone, Neal.
Hello, Kate.
Hello, Peter.
We need to talk about Neal.