Okay, um how often are you and Barney doing it?
That's a strange question, Robin.
You're right.
Maybe I should leave.
Yeah, maybe you should.You're fired.
Wow.Just wow.Uh, Ted Mosby.I'm a former student of yours.Yeah, I actually became an architect.Any chance you remember me?
Oh, please excuse me.I've been teaching for over 20 years.All the faces start to blend together unless you have a weird mustache or-or something.
Junior year I tried to grow muttonchops but people kept saying my face made them nauseous.Well, not people, you.Anyway, I would be honored if you if you took a look at my building.
nauseous 吐き気がする
This is hideous.You'll never be an architect.You'll never be an architect.You'll never be an architect.You'll never be an architect! You'll never be an architect.Wait.I was mistaken.You most definitely will be an architect.
hideous おぞましい
These are astonishing, Handlebar Pete.
astonishing 驚くべき
So when you said there's a surprise in your house what you really meant was surprise in the poorly lit, windowless basement of your house.
You guys are gonna love what I have to show you.I am so excited I could just cry and laugh and scream and just punch the wall over and over and over and over and over!
Could we just see it, like, up in the living room or anywhere less gimp-storagy?
I just realized.I wanna take a picture of this.I wanna put your faces on my mantel like a trophy.Like a trophy!
Here I come.And I've got your surprise right here.
No, we don't want your surprise, Daryl! We're not your amigos.We're definitely not your Hackmigos.And before you murder us, you should know that we have a child.He probably has eight or nine.
What? M-Murder? I I wanted to give you a check.For $100,000 for coming up with the idea of the Three Hackmigos with me.I brought you down here to show you all my inventory.Business has really exploded.I mean, I'm sort of the Mark Zuckerberg of jam band concert parking lot athletics.Well, second.But I'm coming for you, Devil Stick Ron.
Why would you fire me?
Because nobody should be as happy as you are.And also, your cookies they're only pretty good.
Robin, is this really about me?
No, it's not.
The old fire and bang.Respect, Scherbatsky.
Pretty good, right? Right, Handlebar Pete?
Ah, you got it easy with that sweet, sweet stache.
Hey, Ted.I see you're holding a little version of your building and yelling at strangers.So I assume it all worked out.
Well, I realized since I work in a three-dimensional medium the only way to really stick it to Vinick would be with a three-dimensional model.
Whatever you do, don't march in there thinking I'm gonna do the worm.That'll show 'em. Seriously, guys, I I can't stress enough how bad my prom was.
Speaking of the past
Wow.We feel like idiots.We're sorry.
You know, honestly, it's fine.Look how great I'm doing.Look at what I've built.I don't need the validations of people from college to feel good about myself.My life is amazing! I own a time-share in St.Barts with P-Funk.
Th-The whole band?
Do you guys jam?
That's all we do.
No.Uh Uh
So you completely rejected the guy who's been obsessing about you for 16 years, and he was okay with it? Whoa.Is creepy Daryl more emotionally adjusted than I am?
Kids, sometimes in life you'll make a pit for someone in your mind.But ultimately, the only person in that pit is yourself.
I'm sorry.It's just seeing you with Barney has brought out some old feelings and I I really don't like feelings.But that's not your fault or Barney's fault.It's just really hard seeing you with him.
Which means there's only one person who can let you out of the pit.
So you fired Patrice.
No.She stayed.
Let's get out of here, guys.
Oh.Mr.Mosby you built a model of your building.
Why? To prove some sort of point? This is just sad.
No, no.I was just throwing it out.
Sure you were.
No.No, I-I-I-I had a transcendent moment when I found emotional clarity! And I realize shouting now makes it seem like it's not true but I did!
transcendent 理解の外にある clarity 明瞭さ
Hey, we're gonna grab some snacks.You guys want anything? Spicy beef jerky.Got you loud and clear.
Oh, my God.Barney.
You un-jinxed me! I'm free.If the bison on the nickel could hear you talk about them they would diminish their population even further on purpose.If Lily wants a big wiener in her mouth, she's got my number.I'm sorry you took the rap for all the farting on the car ride up here.That was me.
diminish 減少させる
The ring.What's the ring?
Right.The ring.I'm gonna ask Patrice to marry me.
Are you serious?
Jinx! Good.I need to say some things without you interrupting.Yes, I am serious.I know that if you could talk, you'd say that I'm crazy or that I'm over correcting or that I'm moving too fast, but you would be wrong.Look, I have banged my way through every bimbo in the tri-state area and it left me feeling nothing but but broken.But now, with Patrice for the first time in my life, I feel settled and happy.I wanna feel this way forever.So tomorrow night on the roof of the World Wide News Building that's Patrice's favorite spot I'm gonna ask her to marry me.
Bo-do-dat.You're jinxed.I'll un-jinx you if you'll follow these two rules.One, you can't try to talk me out of it and two, you can't tell anybody.Agreed? It's a jinx swear.So if you break it I get to hit you in the nuts three times with a wiffle ball bat.Thank you, Ted.
Hi, guys.
Oh, but you're jinxed.
I tricked Ted into saying my name.
Aw, come on, Ted!
Jinx! Jinx! Ha-ha! The reign of terror is back.Hey, if you guys don't want me to smoke or fart in here, just speak up.Nothing? Great.Thanks for the spicy beef jerky, dude.Anyway, I think we could all use a little quiet unless you have something you wanna talk about, Ted.
Not happening, bro.