Now, uh, go easy on me.It's a work in progress.
go easy on me お手柔らかに
Ted, this is amazing.The detail.The shading.The playfulness of the lines.This is exactly what princess leia would look like topless.
My way of saying thanks.So, uh, you want to see my designs for the building?
way of saying 言い方
Nah, I'm good.
So get this.Lily just texted me.She's at that bar giddyups with a bunch of woo girls.
Oh, my god, you guys, My boob just fell out of my top at the bar.Trick! I pulled it out for a free drink!
So, jillian, I hear when you're not flashing bartenders, You teach the second grade.What's that like?
So rewarding.I don't know if you're familiar with the rie technique, But it derives from the progressive educational Philosophy of rudolf steiner, Who founded the waldorf school, which Oh, my god.I love this song! Come on, you lazy skanks, let's dance! You, too, you dumb whores.
rewarding 満足感が得られる derive 得られる
No, thank you Ya ignorant hussy.
ignorant 無教養な hussy 女
Why, lily aldrin, You sly minx.I've been saying for years That our gang needed a woo girl, And here you've been hiding a whole batch of them from me.
sly ずる賢い minx 生意気な娘
We do not need a woo girl.No one needs a woo girl.
Be careful, lily.The world absolutely needs woo girls.If there were no woo girls, There'd be no girls gone wild, No bachelorette parties, no las vegas poolside bars All the things that you hold dearest, lily, would be gone.
dearest いとしい人
Those are none of the things...
The souvenir shot glass industry would collapse. So would the body glitter industry And the stretch hummer rental industry.Tiny cowboy hats would be worn Only by tiny cowboys.And when "brown eyed girl" would come up on the jukebox, All you would hear Would be silence.And "brown eyed girl. But who would woo, lily? Who would woo? Would you? Would you
souvenir 記念品 glitter 魅了する hummer 鼻歌を歌う人
Who wants to name my boobs?!
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with hannity and colmes.
Over the next couple of weeks, I dove into work.It felt great to be working on something That I really cared about.Finally, the morning of the presentation arrived.
And we believe this timeless design Will radiate the strength and stability That is goliath national bank.Thank you, gentlemen.
radiate 輝かせる stability 信頼性
I left there feeling pretty good about my chances.Later that night, we ran into barney.
Hey, barney! Give me the good news.
You didn't get it.
The board decided to go with sven.
board 委員会
I can't believe I didn't get it.I really thought I nailed the pitch.Why would they go with sven?
nail the pitch 完璧なピッチングをした
I did everything I could to change their minds.But they wouldn't budge.I'm sorry.
budge に意見を変えさせる
Wow, this really sucks.After the way these last couple of months have gone I guess I needed this more than I thought I did.
You want to go down to the current gnb building And just, like I don't know, Just pee on it a little bit?
Yeah, I think I need that.
Finish your beer. Fill your tank.
What happened?
Oh, ted didn't get that job.But that's not The biggest disappointment of the day.
We saw you woo.
Saw who woo?
Saw you woo.
I didn't woo.
You did, too.
That's not true.
Your nose just grew.You're, like, best friends with jillian now?
No, it's just You're married, lily, but I'm still single.Whenever I hang out with you, I'm usually the third wheel to you and marshall.Sometimes, it's fun to go out with other single women And do stuff that you don't want to.
Like what?
Like woo, lily.Like woo.
I can woo.
That's not true.
I can, too.
It's just not you.
Hey, look, I just I just want to say, I know you guys went with sven, But ted mosby is tremendously talented, And I think he would have done a hell of a job.
tremendously ものすごく
I agree.That's why I voted for him.
So, then, it's agreed.from now on, All atm fees are now called freedom charges.
Conference call.now.
You got something you want to tell me?
Oh, damn it.I told heather to put everything Back on your desk the way it was.
Bilson told me he wanted to give the job to ted.So what happened?
Okay, fine.
will radiate the strength And stability that is goliath national bank.Thank you, gentlemen.
That was great.I love it.
Yes! Looks like we got our guy.I don't think we even need to meet with, uh
I am sven jorgensen.With me are sven pilsen and sven johanssen, and we are Sven! You are goliath national bank.You are cutting edge.you are new.you are fresh.Women want to be with you, men wish to harm you, But the fool who dares challenge you shall be crushed! Your headquarters will tell the world of these facts.Oh, and one more thing don't look now! Which of you is barney stinson, head of the search committee?
cutting edge 最先端
Oh, my god, that's me!
You, barney stinson, are a man of power and virility.Your office shall be here, In the head of a tyrannosaurus rex.
virility 男らしさ
I never knew it till now, but I've always dreamed of that.
On your large desk of honduran rosewood Shall be this button.
What does the button do?
Press it! press it for glory!
Yes! This is the most awesome building in the universe.There is no way this building could be more awesome.
There is a strip club in the letter n.
What the hell is the matter with you?! This is ted's big break! And then you sold him out because you wanted To work in the brain of a tyrannosaurus rex, Which, incidentally, If you knew anything about dinosaurs, Is really, really small.
incidentally ついでに言えば
Marshall, this isn't about my office.Ted's building was good.Sven's was better.And I am not going to let the fact that I am ted's best friend Be a factor in business.
You didn't pick sven's building because it was better.You picked it because you wanted to work In a cool dinosaur office.
That's a lie! I picked it because it-it It breathes fire, marshall.
Fire marshall.
Oh.I didn't even notice.
How could you do this to ted After everything he's been through with stella?! You're just being selfish.
Marshall, I would never Make a business decision for selfish reasons.I am a professional,now, come on.Let's get a nice daytime drunk going, And throw empties at pigeons.
No.no.for two reasons.One, pigeons are smarter than you think.They hold grudges.And, two, this is our last conference call, mr.stinson.There are repercussions to screwing over a friend.
hold grudges 根に持つ repercussions 波紋
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