I can't believe I'm doing this.
I spent a long time looking for her.
I guess it wasn't meant to be.
"it wasn't meant to be." 縁がなかったということ
It's calfskin vellum.
calfskin vellum 上質な子牛の皮
The abyssus perfidia.
Golden chalice of Paul.
You satisfied?
It's on its way.
Here it is.
Thank you very much.
It's a pleasure doing business with you.
You'll never know how much pleasure it could have been.
You know, I had a feeling all that lovey-dovey stuff last night was BS.
lovey-dovey 恋に夢中 BS Big Smile
Next time you should trust your instincts.
I did.
clip 弾倉
Lifted it when I patted you down.
lift 盗む
You forgot about the one in the chamber.
Damn it.
I've never been a gun guy.
Give me the book, Neal.
If you're gonna take me on, it's gonna cost you a small fortune.
cost a small fortune 人財産かかる
What's the matter?
You can't do it?
Is it 'cause of the money or the history?
I think you know the answer to that.
Is that why you killed Paul?
Paul decided that he wanted the money and the book.
Yeah, that's what happens when you get greedy.
greedy 欲をかく
Drop the gun! Gun down or we shoot! Put the gun down! Right now...
put your gun down, your hands behind your head.
Man down.Man down!
Cut it a little close there, pal.
Guess the big guy had your back, huh?
Well, I'll tell you one thing.
"I'll tell you one thing" 一言言っておく
You made Lauren's day.
Yeah, not Barelli.
How did you and your cub scouts find out about this?
cub scout カブスカウト
I got one of those police scanners.
police scanner 無線傍受装置
It's a hobby.
Head down.
She's Paulie's shooter?
Some kind of lover's quarrel?
quarrel ケンカする 口論する
Just business.
I hate to break it to you, but your nephew decided to freelance behind your back.
behind one's back隠れてこそこそ
Oh, it's sad, you know.
If you can't trust family, who can you trust?
So, if you guys are done, I'd like my Bible back.
Mass starts in one hour.
Mass ミサ
Would it kill you to say "thank you"?
"Would it kill you to say" 〜くらい言えないのか?〜くらい言っても良い
Would it?
Yeah, I guess it would.
All right, just give it to him, man.
What do you mean, "what"?
Give him the Bible.
I gave it to some FBI guy.
"Some FBI guy"?
You think you can get over on me?
get over on 出し抜く
You'll wish you were never born, pal.
Yeah, I seem to be getting this speech a lot lately.
a lot lately 最近急に
Just shut up.
No way. This ain't over.
Where is it, Caffrey?
I'll let Barelli give you a ride home.
give you a rie home 貴方を車で家まで送る
Look, I'm telling you guys.
I don't know.
I know where it is.
Hey, pally.
pally 仲間
What are you doing with my Bible?
She would have died without it.
Not so fast, wacko.
Not so fast 早まるな wacko 変わったやつ
You know who you're messing with?
mess with 〜に盾突く
You've got it, Barelli.
Just leave him alone.
No, I'm not gonna let this go.
Hey, sweet girl.
Her name's Lucy.
Lucky Lucy.
She don't look so good.
What's the matter with her?
She's been sick...
until today.
I got this vet in Yonkers.
Yonkers ヨンカーズ
He saved my pugs from diabetes.
diabetes 糖尿病
Wanna take a ride, go see him, have her checked out?
I was gonna give it back after...
I know.
How'd you know?
Okay, I didn't know, but I took a leap of faith that you'd do the right thing.
I told you it's a healing Bible.
Oh, here we go.
No way.
Barelli's a softie for dogs.
softie = softy お人よし
Oh, not enough smiting and lightning for you?
That's not a miracle.
Come on.
It's not a parting of the Red Sea.
Well, I'll take my miracles where I can get them.
Can we have the honors?
Yes, sir.
She's back.
Hey, is that my jacket?
He works in mysterious ways.
in mysterious ways 不思議と
Mozy, wake up.
Mozy! Let me see your warrant.
Come here.
Lemon juice and a candle.
How did I miss this?
Weren't you ever a boy scout?
I got kicked out.
kick out 追い出す
Pinewood derby, magnets, it was a whole...thing.
pinewood 松林 derby ダービー
It's a map.
Of New York City subway.
What do you think it means?