Oh, my God.
The door is locked.
Uh, just one second.
What's going on? Are you leaving?
The renovations on my apartment are far enough along that I can move back in.
Doesn't mean you have to head out right this second.
Neal. I'm leaving. Done.
A few hours ago, we were fine. Now you're walking out? What happened?
Well, the inevitable happened, Neal. I mean, we didn't think this was gonna last.
inevitable 避けられない
I didn't know we were a fait accompli.
fait accompli 既成事実
Come on. This was fun... But we're two very different people.
Oh, come on, Sara, you've always known who I am.
Yeah, you're right.
Okay. I guess you figured out everything I have to offer. We could be good together.
I know. Neal, you live in the clouds... And I live on West 69th.
I never promised you anything else.
I know.
Well, you found your way out.
I'll figure out the rest of my things.
Caffrey, please take care of yourself.
Peter: She walked out, just like that?
Just like that.
Was it, uh...
mutual? No.
mutual お互いの
What did she say?
That we're different people.
Well, of course you're different. That's what makes life interesting. What's next?
Nothing? Just let her go?
It's not like we were star-crossed, all right? It's over.
star-crossed 悲運の
For good?
For good 永遠に
For the best.
Okay, whatever you say.
Morning, sunshines. Any movement from our suspect?
Walked his dog twice.
What's that smell?
Tuna sandwich. This half is up for grabs.
up for grabs 容易に手に入る
Why'd you bring Caffrey?
I brought him for his expertise and his company.
He likes to poke me with sticks.
I do.
Hey, why don't you head out? I can catch up Peter.
You sure?
Yeah. You've got that look, like you're dying to get out of the van.
You have no idea.
You have no idea 想像を絶するよ
You're welcome.
Thank you.
Freeze! Hands where I can see them! Drop your weapon and kick it over to me now. Now! Easy, easy. Slowly, slowly, slowly. Take off your mask.
Look, I don't want any trouble.
Either you forgot to clean up for company, or that was quite a fight.
Tell me about it. Guy was trained in Kali. Definitely a professional. I was able to get a shot off that hit him in the right shoulder.
Your attacker's a ghost. NYPD's got cruisers and choppers searching the area. No trace.
chopper ヘリコプター
What was he after?
Guy breaks into an apartment to steal a postcard? Jimmy a friend of yours?
Yeah, Jimmy Wilson. Old buddy from Annapolis.
Cryptic postcards from old friends mean trouble. In my experience.
Last I heard, he worked for Barrett-Dunne security.
Private military for hire?
Yeah. It's postmarked Pretoria, South Africa.
That's a long way from home. May I?
There's something under the stamp. Do we have tweezers or...
Thank you.
Yeah. It's a microdot.
Yeah, but all you need is a film camera and a pair of scissors.
Break-ins, mercenaries, secret messages.
Break-ins 押し込み強盗 mercenary 金目当て
Just another day, huh?
Welcome to life outside the van.
Thank you. You've been no help at all.
I'll be up in a few minutes. Lab's finished enhancing the microdot. They're sending it over.
enhance 上げる
Barrett-Dunne confirmed Jimmy's an employee but won't say where he's stationed or in what capacity.
statio 配備する capacity 立場
All right. What else do we know about this private-mercenary outfit?
They make Blackwater look like a YouTube cat video.
They've been linked with rogue kill teams, death squads.
Sounds like a fun group of guys.
Doesn't make any sense. Jimmy's one of the good guys.
What's the story with the two of you?
Oh, we met at the Academy. He was like a brother to me.
A brother you haven't talked to in five years?
Well, we served our tours together. He stayed in the military. I went on to Harvard Law.
Well, whatever trouble he's in, maybe his wife can shed some light.
Isabelle? She's here?
Yeah. She came in this morning. She's upstairs, giving Diana a statement. That a problem?
No, no. No problem at all.
Peter. This is Isabelle Wilson.
Hi. It's, uh...it's good -- it's good to see you.
Yeah, you too.
Uh... Uh, so, um, anything from Jimmy?
I told agent Berrigan everything I know. And if it turns out he's fine, I'm gonna kill him.
I take it you two have met.
C.J. and I were a little bit almost married once. It's kind of a...
Long story.
Did she just call him C.J.?
Mm-hmm. Isabelle, this is, uh...
Agent Peter Burke.
Peter Burke, yes, and, uh, Neal Caffrey.
Hi. Agent Burke, C.I., not to be confused with his C.J.
No. Ignore him. Thank you for coming in, Ms.Wilson.
No problem.
So, uh, I'll walk you out, okay?
Nice to meet you.
Look at you. Law degree, FBI agent. You always were an over-achiever.
overachiever やりて
And you. Linguistics professor at Princeton. I may have looked you up.
You look good.
You're not looking so bad yourself. Listen, if, uh, Jimmy's in trouble, we'll sort it out.
sort out 解決する
Let's just hope he isn't.