Ted! Ted! Ted! I thought of some new great names for the Drunk Train.Slamtrak!
The Chatta-Nookie Choo-Choo! Thomas the Spank Engine!
I said that one yesterday.
I don't think you did.
Wow.Someone's had some coffee.
Yeah.18 cups! There is no way I'm falling asleep tonight! That Quinn girl is so wrong.She said I could never love anything, but I love this train!
She said you could never love anything? That's intense.
Oh, you have no idea.
Stop staring.Not gonna happen.
Is there any way we can start over and get to know each other?
I already know you.
Oh, really?
You wear a suit all the time.
You have a stupid rule about everything.
I pay for the meal, you handle my deal.That's just good manners.
But you end most nights alone at a strip club, feeling empty inside, telling yourself your life is somehow epic or classic or legendary.
I never say epic or classic.Do you practice the dark arts?
No, they did not forget the potato salad in your takeout order! Wh-What happened next?!
For the last time, I'm sorry.
It's okay.Your debt is paid.You don't have to come on the Drunk Train anymore.You're never gonna meet the one there, anyway.
Oh, screw the one!
Every date I've been on lately has been brutal.Last week, I went out with a girl whose favorite band was Glee.Plus, it's almost Valentine's Day, and I'm alone without anything close to a girlfriend.So all aboard!
brutal 残忍な
I have never been more proud of you.Come on.Ted, tonight is gonna be epic-wait for it-dary! Wait.No, that's not it.How do I usually say it? I hate this Quinn girl!
Well, I propose we order a bottle of wine.Propose! Not propose.Suggest.I'm not married to the idea.Lily, take it.
Why don't we get an appetizer? How about the onion rings? I mean, diamond rings.I mean, diamond circles.I mean, onion circles.I know they're fattening, but I hear this place has great onion circles.
So, Robin, about not telling them?
The green salad looks interesting.
You're so much better without him.If you ask me, Vinnie's a real jerk.
Hey, don't you dare badmouth Vinnie!
So what do you do?
Well, I teach architecture, and I also
Oh, big man with a job.You think yore better than me?
So where do you live?
I'm on the Upper West Side.
Oh, big man.Living in Manhattan.What, you think you're better than me?
You think you're better than me?!
Well, it's a close one.Lily made 14 awkward references to marriage, and Marshall made an even 60.
I'm so sorry, Kevin.
It's okay.I'm gonna go to bed, but you guys think tomorrow we can stop with all the marriage talk?
I do.
I do.
That's a half a point each.See you in a minute.
So? Are you any closer to deciding?
Uh well, there is something you don't know.Um Can you guys keep a secret?
Yeah.Well, some of us can.
Well, there's something I have been keeping from everyone for the last couple of months.Um I found out that I can't have children.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
I can't believe that we didn't know.
No, you know, I've had some time to deal with this by myself, and I'm okay.For real.
Are you sure?
Yeah.So even though I love Kevin and I think I want to say yes, I can't until I tell him.But I'm scared it'll end our relationship.
You know what, Robin? If it's meant to be, then it won't matter.
Yeah, you just have to tell him.
Thank God we had the keys to Marshall and Lily's place.
Pretty sure I told you that before you kicked in that side window.
You mean, before the burglars kicked in that side window and stole all of Lily's underwear.
What the hell happened on that train? It was absolute chaos.
Ted, when I was at M.I.T., my favorite Einstein quote was: God doesn't play dice with the universe.
You didn't go to M.I.T.
I didn't?
Huh.I actually have no idea where you went to college.Who are you?
If we analyze the seemingly random patterns of the train, taking into account standard deviation, and assuming that epsilon approaches zero as angle delta approaches pi, we can conclude Damn it, Ted! I was about to drop some sweet word play about logarithms and getting into a rhythm with my log.I'll remember it.
seemingly 見たところ take into account 価格を考慮する deviation 狂い conclude 結論を出す
The next morning, Robin mustered up all her courage and finally told Kevin her secret.
muster up 奮い起こす
I know that this is a lot to process, so you take all the time you need.And I understand
Robin will you marry me?
What are you doing?
The top speed of the Drunk Train is 73 miles per hour, and you factor in an aggregate of 32 boobs per car, and you divide that No, no, no! This is all wrong! It should be so simple! I mean, it's the Drunk Train!
My God it's been right in front of us the whole time.
Get drunk
Of course.Good circling, Ted.
This ain't my first word search.
So my Mom's already picked a date, venue and caterer for the wedding.But nothing's set in stone.My great-aunt's gonna sing.That's happening.
set in stone 変更不能
Are you really okay with this?
Yeah, she's actually got a decent voice.
No, are you are you okay with everything that we talked about?
Of course, Robin, I love you.Besides, there are other ways to have kids.There's adoption, surrogacy
No, Kevin, it's not just that I can't have kids, I don't want kids.
Knowing that, do you want to take your proposal back?
Will you marry me?