Lily: This is great. My dream of becoming an artist is dead, and now I'm watching my wardrobe disappear piece by piece. There goes my favorite dress. This dress meant a lot to me.
wardrobe 衣装ダンス there goes 〜がなくなる
Robin: Really?
Lily: Yeah. It was spring of 2004 and I had been having a hard few months.
Man: Da-amn.
Lily: I got a two-syllable "damn" in this dress.
Robin: A two-syllable "damn." That's the dream.
Lily: Yeah. Now she belongs to... CanadaGirl@MetroNewsOne.com.
Robin: It's still in the family.
Marshall: Lily, you're not going to believe this. Something amazing happened.
Lily: What?
Marshall: I went to the G-CWOK's apartment.
Lily: Really? Why?
Marshall: Because I felt guilty. This auction was my idea and now you've had to sit around all day while a bunch of vultures ruthlessly pick apart the carcass of your wardrobe.
vulture 強欲な人 ruthlessly 冷酷な pick apart 〜をばらばらにする carcass 残骸
Robin: It's still in the family.
Marshall: And more importantly, I honestly love that painting and I couldn't stand to think of it in a trash can someplace.
Lily: Well, what happened?
Man 2: Well, hello.
Marshall: Hi, um... Lawrence. I-I'm here about the painting my wife Lily sold you-- the one in the nice frame.
Lawrence: Talk about a nice frame. My, my, you are a big one, aren't you? And you're married to that little bit of a thing. How does that work? I'd like to find out. [END OF FLASHBACK]
Lily: Yeah, we get it. Gay guys like you.
Marshall: No, Lily, they love me, but that's not the important part.
Ted: Here's the important part.
Ted: Since you're clearly a man of impeccable taste and style, I-I came down here to ask you. What do you think of the boots?
impeccable 完璧な
Lawrence: Walter. Boots.
Walter: Pulling... Them.... Off.
Ted: I'll be in the cab.
Ted: G-CWOK-approved.
Lily: The painting!
Marshall: Right, so, um, they told me they threw it in the building's Dumpster.
Marshall: It wasn't in there, but the super told me that he'd seen one Dr. Greer-- a veterinarian who works in the building-- take the painting out of the trash.
super 管理人 veterinarian 獣医
Lily: Dr. Greer? Who's Dr. Greer a-and why did he take my painting?
Marshall: You're about to find out.
Dr.Greer: Long story short, I had to make a trash run. Been a busy day-- lots of neuterings.
Long story short 早い話が neutering 去勢手術
Lily: Ooh, we don't need the details.
Dr.Greer: Oh, n-n-no, it's not what you think. Oh, thank God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, mostly just dog testicles.
Dr.Greer: Anyway... I noticed your painting just sitting right there on top and I thought, "Hey,free painting," so I brought it upstairs and hung it up in Exam Room 3, and then the strangest thing happened. Hey, Muffin. Whoa, I think he remembers me from the last time he was here. Take Muffin to Exam Room 3. I'll meet you there. I went in, expecting the worst. I'd never seen Muffin that calm, and then a little later the same thing happened again with Tidbit... and King Larry... and again with the Weinstein triplets.
Dr.Greer: Something about your art speaks to the canine sensibility on a very primal level.
canine イヌ sensibility 感性 primal 原始の
Lily: Really? Dogs like my paintings?
Dr.Greer: Yeah. But you know who it bums out? Birds. Yeah. Had a parrot in there today. He took one look at it, pried open his cage, flew right into the ceiling fan.
bum out 落ち込む
Marshall: Anyway, because your first painting worked so well, I convinced Dr. Greer to buy four more.
Lily: Really?
Marshall: Mm-hmm, at $500 a piece.
Lily: That's two grand. That's more than we need for the contractor.
Marshall: Yeah, but I was actually thinking we could reinvest it.
Lily: In what?
Marshall: In you.
Narator: Marshall explained that he was building a fancy new Web site specifically to sell Lily's artwork to veterinarians.
Lily: Well, it's not exactly the clientele I had in mind, but... thank you for believing in me.
clientele 常連
Marshall: Man, birds do not get you.
Abby: Hi, sweetie.
Barney: Hey, I think I left my tie here. Have you seen it?
Abby: No, I'm in wedding-planning mode. Stressville. Population me. Okay, big decision. What do you think the cake should be Fudgie the Whale or Cookie Puss?
Barney: Yeah, that was a bit. We were doing a bit.
Abby: So I'm thinking Labor Day. I was going to say Fourth of July, but I don't want to steal any attention away from America.
Barney: Abby, I've... I've got some bad news. I can't marry you.
Abby: What?
Barney: Ted begged me not to. I think he's in love with you.
Abby: Really?
Barney: Yes, our plan worked better than we ever dreamed. You have to go to him. Here's his home address. But you know what? He works late, so I wouldn't go before 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning.
Abby: Oh, my God, thank you. But now I feel wrong keeping this.
Barney: Oh, yeah, I wouldn't worry about that. That's made of candy. Later.
Marshall: Hey, go to lilyandmarshallselltheirstuff.com or charityfolks.com.