Jake: Now, do you know what that is?
Marshall: A pile of rotting seagull carcasses covered in toxic sludge.
seagull カモメ carcass 死骸 toxic 有害な sludge ヘドロ
Jake: Being eaten by rats. Exactly. Now this next slide... Oh, I'm sorry. That's my wife's water birth. I don't know how that got in there. Anyway, that's all my questions.
Marshall: Oh, my God, I made it! Now just shake his hand, clench your very soul and run like hell!
clench 握り締める
Jake: Now, I like to set aside 20 minutes at the end of every interview for your questions. So don't hold back. Whatever you got inside there, you just let 'er rip.
hold back 差し控える let 'er rip ≒let it go
Marshall: I can't do this anymore. I'm just gonna tell him the truth.
Lily: When it's stomach stuff, you just say "under the weather" or people start picturing you doing unspeakable things.
Marshall: I have food poisoning and I'm about to start volcanoing toxic sludge out of both ends!
Lily: Nailed it.
Ted: Thanks, Julia! No, on second thought. Ooh! Come on. What the hell?!
Robin: You can't get back together with Zoey just because you're freaking out over a lightbulb.
Ted: I'm not freaking out over a lightbulb! I'm freaking out over 50,000 lightbulbs! I can't do this! I only got this job because you gave it to me, Barney. I didn't earn it!
Robin: Look, Ted, the future is scary. But you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar. Yes, it's tempting.
Barney: But... it's a mistake.
Ted: You're right. Um, excuse me. Can you give this to the blonde sitting alone in there and tell her Ted's really sorry? Also... indirect sunlight. Don't overwater. Half a cup a week is more than enough. No. Hi.
indirect sunlight 間接太陽光
Narator: And kids... that's how I met your mother. Psych. It was just some chick.
Lily: Hey, baby, how'd it go?
Marshall: Lily, this year, this nasty schoolyard bully of a year will not stop punching me in the face. How did we kick off 2011? My dad died. And now after five months of unemployment, I just blew my dream job. The good news is, in a few seconds, I'm gonna start heaving my guts out because that's what life is for me now: just losing what's inside until I'm just empty.
nasty 不快な bully いじめっ子
Lily: Baby, come here.
Marshall: I just want to shut my eyes for a few seconds before it starts.
Narator: And Marshall slept...all night.
Rod: Okay, hotshot. Mr. Stinson. Who's gonna do the honors?
Barney: He is.
Ted: You sure?
Barney: Yeah. You earned it.
Rod: All clear!
Ted: Hey, new is always better, right?
Barney: Always.
Rod: Ten, nine, eight...
Marshall: Lily, it's a miracle. I didn't get sick. I didn't get sick.
Lily: I know, baby. I'm pregnant.
Robin: I'm proud of you for giving Ted the button. It meant a lot.
Barney: It's just a button. Can we talk about something else, please? Norah.
Norah: Hi.
Barney: How you been?
Norah: Fine.
Barney: Look, I don't know why you would possibly say yes to this, but would you want to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime? 20 minutes. I was such a jerk to you. You can spend the entire time calling me every dirty name in the book.
Norah: I speak four languages. I'm gonna need more than 20 minutes.
Barney: I'll call you. You look beautiful, by the way. And here I thought it was too late for sundresses.
Norah: It's never too late, Barney.
Barney: Challenge accepted.
Lily: Best man? You're being summoned.
summon 招集する
Ted: Geez, what now?
Ted: I heard the groom needed me.
Barney: What do you think of this tie?