Start a conversation.
Sara, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over.
get off on the wrong foot 出だしを誤る
You want to be friends?
Why not?
Okay, what? Coffee? Grab a bite?
How about dinner? Or maybe a movie? You like classics, right?
Good memory.
Are you worried about her and Neal?
Not at all.
You name the date, Neal. I would love to spend time with you. Anything to keep you talking.
You're recording me?
Everything you say to me can and will be used to nail your ass to the wall and recover my painting.
nail someone's ass to the nearest tree ひどい目に合わせる
Everything okay, Neal? What's that?
I could get used to this.
I could get used to this 癖になりそう
Okay, people. You know Sara Ellis, from Sterling Bosch. Thanks to her Intel, we have subpoenaed coded e-mails... between an alias we think is Edgar Halbridge and a man in hamburg he calls Mr.Black. The e-mails use a public-key encryption. We've cracked most of them. We believe Mr.Black is a courier. Halbridge has paid him a one-time fee to enter the U.S. and get the bonds out of the country.
subpoena 召喚状を発する
The bonds are transferable?
transferable 譲渡可能な
No title. Whoever holds them owns them.
Each certificate is worth 200 grand.
So a stack of $100 million is this thick? Halbridge is taking a huge risk using a courier.
I'd take the risk.
Our plan is to intercept Mr.Black when he transfers planes in Toronto. Then we put Neal into his place here in Manhattan.
Thank you for the heads up. You said you cracked most of the e-mails. What's in the one's you haven't?
Don't know.
Halbridge won't recognize Mr. Black?
From the vernacular of the e-mails, we think he's an American expat. The last e-mail says Black will be the guy wearing a leather jacket and carrying a copy of "Atlas shrugged," which tells me he doesn't know what he looks like. Let's make this happen.
vernacular 仲間言葉 expat 国外居住者 Atlas Shrugged 肩をすくめるアトラス
You're welcome.
For what?
Oh, I recover the bonds, and your cut is $2 million.
Oh. See, I thought the Bureau needed me, given their recovery rate is less than 1 in 20.
Is that true?
That's the Bureau's recovery rate. Not mine.
Canadian authorities have detained Mr. Black in Toronto but left his name on the flight manifest to JFK.
authorities 当局 detain 拘束する Atlas Shrugged 肩をすくめるアトラス
As far as Halbridge is concerned, Black lands in an hour.
We've duplicated his wardrobe and every item he had on him. Diesel jacket, leather wallet, and copy of...
Atlas shrugged. Mr.Black's a lone wolf. Mitternacht soos?
German chocolate.
Not a fan of the bittersweet.
From the airport, you'll take a cab to fort green. You'll wait there for a car to pick you up.
The location's open. We'll be back eight blocks. We can't get closer without risking our cover.
GPS tracker and voice transmitter in the watch. We'll be behind you. As soon as you see those bonds, we move in on him.
What's the activation phrase?
You'll say, "long flight," and we'll be there.
Long flight.Should I be getting a recovery fee, because Sara gets 2% and I feel like I'm doing the heavy lifting.
I'm standing alone by a waste treatment plant.
waste treatment plant ごみ処理場
Sexy. We got him?
GPS signal is locked.
Car coming.
Here we go.
Black limo. Arriving from the South.
Got Mr.Black. I'll confirm when the job is complete.
Everything is as you requested... Your gloves, your briefcase.
What happened?
We lost the signal.
Is everything in order? That is the correct gun?
No GPS, no audio.
What do you mean? Did he do that or did we?
Neither. Looks like someone's jamming it.
Sure was a long flight.
What was that, sir?
Oh, I... I said, "It sure was a long flight."
Ruger Mark II with tactical solutions receiver. Red dot holographic sight. Good.
As you requested.
We still don't have a visual.
Get eyes on him. Neal said he arrived from the South. Let's use that. Call NYPD. See if we can rush in one of their helicopters.
See if 〜かどうかを確かめる
Couldn't carry this with me on my long flight, could I?
Everything else is in place.
That's fantastic.
Okay, get a visual on the black limo. Halbridge's office is in midtown and he lives on the Upper West Side.
Send a team to both.
NYPD can get a chopper in the air in five minutes.
get on a chopper ヘリコプターに乗る
Otherwise we're flying blind. Great. They've got a head start, and we are looking for a black limo somewhere in Brooklyn.
fly blind あてずっぽうで行う get a head start 先んじる
Everything all right, Mr.Black?
How much farther?
We're close.
Target's on the first floor. I'm here if there's any resistance.
resistance 抵抗
Stay here.
Keep the engine running.
Any time you guys want to break that safe distance you're maintaining, I'd appreciate it.
maintain 立場を守り続ける
He's back up.
Have I mentioned how long my flight was? Lawrence of Arabia long.
He's giving us the takedown signal. Where is he?
GPS is coming up.
I hope you guys are close 'cause I think I'm supposed to kill somebody.
Did he say "kill somebody"?
I'm walking into a house with a loaded gun. Please stop me. My driver has a gun, also. If I don't do this, he might, so I'm going to go through with this until you get here.
Found him.
8602 2nd Street, park slope.
Get a team there now! Who lives there? Oh, God.
Go! Go!
Wait! Don't shoot!
Why did he say, "don't shoot"?
Because she's gonna kill him.
This is because I won't let the Raphael go.
No, it's not. This isn't what it looks like.
It looks like you're here to kill me.
Okay, it is what it looks like.
I was sent here to kill you. Look, Mr.Black from Hamburg isn't a courier. He's an assassin.
There's a driver outside. He's armed. He may come in here if he doesn't see muzzle flashes.
muzzle flash 銃口の火花
I can make that happen.
That's probably Peter. Look, I'm putting the gun down. Answer the phone.
This better be Peter.
It is. Tell me you haven't shot Caffrey yet.
No, not yet.
The flight was long, Peter!
Who wants me dead?
Peter, is that true?
It looks that way, yes.
We can arrest the driver outside. Work him to get to Halbridge.
That doesn't guarantee we'll recover the bonds.
What do you suggest?
Let him think I'm dead.
Congratulations, Caffrey. You've killed me.
It's done. Let's go.