Were you ever gonna share your alternate access route with me?
I just did.
Admit it, Peter, we'd make a pretty decent team.
decent 素晴らしい
Bank robbers?
I see you smiling.
Come on, the infamous Caffrey and Burke...
infamous 悪名高い
We'd be legends.
Yeah, I can see the wanted posters now, but it'd be Burke and Caffrey.
Get moving!
All right, stand down, guys.
stand down 警備態勢を解く
Pack it up.
Pack it up =pack it in おしまいにする
More clocks?
They're setting alarms off all over the city.
Now will you listen to me?
We've got to get to Midtown Mutual.
That was supposed to be returned to the bank.
Aren't you glad it wasn't?
This way, this way.
Open the vault.
I'm trying.
I'm doing my best.
Is it Walker?
I can't tell.
I'm try...I'm trying.
I don't remember.
Come on.
All four of them armed and involved with Renee.
involve 〜を伴う
Take her.
Put her in her office.
Don't be stingy with the tape.
stingy with 〜を出し惜しむ
They're coming back.
There's an emergency exit off the rear staircase.
rear 後方の staircase 階段
You create the distraction.
distraction 意をそらすもの
I'll get her to safety.
Good idea, but wrong.
I'll get her to safety.
I know the layout.
I have a gun.
All right, you get her to safety.
I'll create the distraction.
Good idea.
I'm gonna need your phone.
I'm doing the phone thing.
Come on.
Do your thing, dirty Harry.
Lights out in here.
Check it out.
Make sure SWAT is not outside.
Let's check this out.
She's not going anywhere.
Stay clear of the front windows.
Stay clear of 〜手を引く
Do you see anybody outside?
If there's somebody in the building, we got to move.
Down here.
Hey, this might be a good time for all of you to leave.
Damn it!
We got sirens.
Come on back.
Meet us back here.
Agent Burke.
Shh.I'm getting you out of here.
All right.
We're here.
What took you so long?
We're 30 seconds behind schedule.
We have got to move.
Take them.
Sounds like Diana knocked some sense into SWAT.
knock sense into 〜に気付かせる
Let's get Renee out of here.
They're going out the back.
It doesn't matter.
I'm going after them!
Let them go!
They've got guns!
Damn it.
He never listens to me.
Jones, get me Walker.
I want to talk to him.
He's already here.
Oh, I heard what happened at the bank.
I thought maybe I could save you some trouble.
So you're here to confess?
I figured you're gonna give me a call, because I'm sure Mr.Caffrey has my cell number.
You'll find my alibi in there in addition to my company's lawsuit.
lawsuit 告訴
Yes...unwarranted harassment, defamation of character.
unwarranted 不当な defamation of character 名誉毀損
And, you know, there's a litany of other charges, but, gee, why spoil the surprise?
litany 多くの事例 charge 嫌疑 spoil 台無しになる
Enjoy this game you're playing.
It won't end well for you.
Oh, the game is already over.
This architect, whoever he is, has already won.
Oh, if I did do it, do you think they would make me a junior FBI agent, too?
Wow, that is one arrogant bastard.
arrogant 傲慢
That's one way of putting it.
That's one way of putting it そういう考えもありますね それも正しいですね
This is gonna be a problem.
Nothing useful on the tapes.
They were in and out in five minutes, gridlocked half the city to kill your response time, plus they had a perfect exit strategy.
gridlock 交通渋滞
Walker was in control every step of the way.
He wants us to know it.
Then that's how we get him.
The one thing he can't control is his ego.
Vanity is not cause for indictment.
indictment 告訴
I was never bold enough to walk into your office when you were after me.
I want this guy.
Hell hath no fury like a fed scorned.
fury 激怒 scorn 冷笑する
We are facing a multimillion-dollar lawsuit from a suspected thief who walked away from the crime scene in broad daylight.
What, are you saying we're done?
We better not be.
Otherwise I can't stop the DOJ.
From putting me on the breadline and you behind bars.
Come on, man.
While they were chasing ghosts around the city, we were right.
Doesn't matter.
We didn't catch him.
Final tally.
tally 〜を勘定する
Looks like they got away with $8.2 million.
You sure about that?
Jones has excellent penmanship.
Four guys, two Samsonites each.
Samsonites サムソナイト スーツケースのブランド
Peter, about how big would you say the briefcases are?
I don't know...16 by 13?
4 or 5 inches.
Denomination of the bills...all Franklins, right?
Denomination 額面金額
100 bills in a pack, volume of each pack is less than 8 inches.
The dimensions don't add up.
We're looking at around $960,000 in each case.
That's over $6.2 million total.
Final tally was $8.2 million.
Which means that more than a million and a half is unaccounted for.
Sounds like enough to be a share.