Hi, honey!
I, uh, saw you got a high score on Angry Birds today.
She knows you're here.
Oh, I'm not judging. Somebody has to stand up to those green pigs.
I'm glad you're working from home tonight. So, what's the case?
Young con man stealing from New York's wealthy.
Oh, a young Neal? Touchy subject?
Touchy subject 厄介な問題
It's not.
This is it. This is the bank account Robin Hoodie used to make the donations.
Robin Hoodie? I like it.
He made a donation yesterday, but it doesn't link up to a robbery. Maybe something that he hasn't stolen yet?
No, he needs to make the donation to get the card. The theft has to come after that.
Which means it could be happening any minute.
Well, his donations definitely have a sense of humor. He stole a half-million-dollar bottle of scotch, then donated to the Betty Ford clinic.
Mm-hmm. This one's to an organ-donation charity.
Maybe he's stealing a rare church organ. Play on words.
Organ donation -- Makes you think of?
Driver's license. Organ donor.
He's gonna rob the DMV?
There's no real pattern to the things he steals. It's everything from a diamond-covered cellphone to --
What about a motorcycle? Hospitals call them donorcycles.
It's worth a shot.
Let's find out who owns the most expensive motorcycle in New York.
Lock it up.
Mr.Stewart, we suspect you're about to be the target of a theft.
That sucks.
We're serious.
You recently bought a high-end motorcycle?
You didn't?
I bought a confederate fighter, okay? Calling it a motorcycle is like calling the Queen of England a rich old lady with a funny accent.
confederate 同盟した
But it's still a motorcycle.
Dude, this is so much more. Have you ever had 100 grand between your legs?
Actually, yes, I have.
Don't. Don't. We'd like to set up a command post here to catch the thief.
command post 指揮所
Not gonna happen. My confederate party's in four hours -- for this confederate.
You really like saying confederate, don't you?
Who knows about the party?
It's the perfect opportunity for the theft.
My security rocks. No one's stealing anything from here.
You want to make a bet on that?
Hell, yeah.
I bet you I can steal something worth... 10 grand in the next two minutes. If I do, you let us come to the party.
Sure. Why not? Is this a joke? You're running out of time. You only have...
A minute left. I know.
How much would you say this is worth? 10 grand?
Oh, at least.
I get it.
You didn't say I have to give it back.
Give it back.
Fine. You can set up here. I got the FBI at my beck and call? Everybody's gonna love this.
at someone's beck and call 言いなりになる
No, the whole point of a covert sting is to not tell people. No one can know we're here.
covert 秘密の sting おとり捜査
In that suit?
I'll be in the surveillance van for this one.
Can I come with you?
Undercovers are in position. Agent Davies is at the south entrance. Agent Westley is...
Getting Chad a beer.
What are you doing?
Chad told me to get him a drink. I'm undercover as his buddy.
Did he also tell you to double fist it?
No. He said that you need to loosen up?
loosen up くつろぐ
Come on.
Hi, there.
Chad says you're an FBI agent.
He's scared of guns.
Yeah. Okay, it's time to put the fear of God in him.
Hey, Chad.
I'm not sure how long our cover's gonna last, Peter.
You need to make positive I.D. on our young thief as soon as possible. Stay alert. Who knows what disguise he'll be wearing this time?
disguise 変装する
I'll look for the crooked mustache.
Hey, if you're hunting Robin Hoodie, does that make you the Sheriff of Nottingham?
Oh, I'm not the Sheriff of Nottingham. Am I?
Chad says you're into body shots.
I am.
Stay on target, Caffrey.
But not tonight. Designated driver. Sorry. I got eyes on a potential Scott.
Designated driver ハンドルキーパー
Why do you think it's him?
He's wearing a suit hoodie.
I don't even know what that is. All right, confirm it's him, then Jones will move in for the arrest.
You are in so far over your head, and you have no idea, do you?
I am in so far over my head 対処できないほどの仕事を抱えている
You say something?
No, I was just admiring this bike.
Sure does look expensive.
120 grand.
Damn. Have we met? Uh, I've seen you somewhere.
Stand by in case Caffrey's been made.
Everybody ready to move.
Maybe Chad's party last week?
Wasn't there.
Oh, man, you missed out. They had mermaids. I mean, literally, girls wearing tails and nothing else.
And all he has for this party is a motorcycle? Poor guy.
Oh, come on, man. It's a carbon fiber and titanium chassis, 1966 CC engine.
Top speed of 260 kilometers per hour... and not remotely street legal.
It's a work of art on two wheels.
Hi. I'm Shannon.
Excuse me.
It's him.
You're sure?
Beautiful girl just gave him her name, and he didn't give one back. There's something suspicious about her.
The fact that she seemed more interested in him than you?
Not that. Not entirely that. She just put something in his drink.
Excuse me!
Whoa! What the hell?!
Sorry. Jones!
Oh, my God!
FBI! Everybody down!
Lock down the exits. Nobody gets out.