Ted: You had to play the race card.
play the race card 問題をぼかす目的で議論に人種や人種差別を持ち込む人に対して使われる。
Barney: Relax, Ted. We didn't do anything wrong. And, B.T.W, we'd be out of here by now if you'd have tucked in your shirt.
B.T.W = By the way
Officer McNeil: Go ahead, JFK... what is the baggage status?
Bomb Squad Guy: They're clean. It's just a whole bunch of condoms... and a power bar.
Officer McNeil: You're free to go.
Ted: Don't come to Philly.
Marshall: Man, I'm almost half way there!
Ted: Yeah, we just got released and we're heading back on the next flight. Meet us at MacLaren's maybe we can still make last call.
Marshall: Can't we just... just...
Ted: No, we can't just... we're going home!
Barney: We're going to Sascha's?
Ted: Who the hell is Sascha?
Barney: Sascha. She's having friends over for drinks at her house. It's goanna be legen... wait for it...and I hope you're not lactose intolerant 'cuz the second half of that word is... dairy.
have someone over for a drink 人を呼んで一杯ご馳走する lactose intolerant 乳製品アレルギー(ラクトース 我慢できない) daily ノンディリーミルク(製品名)
Ted: No.
Barney: Legendary!
Marshall: Legendary, that sounds awesome!
Ted: No, Marshall, we're going back.
Marshall: Fine. Hold on I have another call. Hello.
Barney: Marshall, we're going to Sascha's!
Ted: No, we're not.
Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted. Yes, we are.
Marshall: Sorry, Buddy, two against one.
Robin: Ooh, look a booth opened up.
Lily: Really.
Robin: Yeah, I thought we could finally go talk, and you're not listening to me, so I'm going to walk away.
Lily: Yeah, yeah...booth
Derrick: Hey.
Lily: Hey. I'm engaged, sorry. I took my ring off! It's very, very sweet of you to come over and talk to me, but I... just...
Derrick: Yeah, I'm gay. Just came over to let you know that you sat on a grape.
Lily: Oh, damn it!
Narrator: So, Barney and I hit the town. Philadelphia, PA. Our first and only stop... Sascha's party.
hit the town 街へ繰り出す
Barney: So, uh... you're Sascha's friends, huh?
Dana: You know it.
you know it ご存知のとおり
Sascha: You guys, keep the volume down. You're goanna wake my grandpa. Who wants hard lemonade?
Barney: Philly!
Sascha: Shh!
Barney: Philly!
Narrator: Back at the bar, the girls night out wasn't going as Robin had hoped.
night out 外出して楽しく遊ぶ夜
Robin: Lily's phone.
Marshall: Robin! Uh... Where's Lily
Robin: She's uh...
Marshall: Is she talking to some hot guy? Oh, you can tell me. It's totally cool. It was my idea! Hell, I told her she could take the ring off.
Robin: Really? Well I thought it was kind a weird, but if you're cool with it. Yeah. It's off and she's talking to some guy. Do you want me to go over and...
go over 見直す
Marshall: No! Don't interrupt it's awesome. So the rings really off, huh? It's awesome... Well just tell her I called and... tell her that... she's awesome. Really, really awesome. Our relationship is built on mutual trust. I can't breathe!
mutual trust お互いの信頼
Barney: Did you hear that, Ted? Dana works security at the Liberty Bell.
Liberty Bell フィラデルフィア独立記念館の鐘
Dana: I do okay.
Barney: Wow it must be really well cordoned-off over there. You ever go behind the rope and touch it?
cordoned-off 立ち入り禁止
Dana: Only all the time.
Only all the time 同じようにどういうこと?と思った人がいたようで、いつもロープの内側にいる。と言うのをonlyをつけて(ロープの内側にしかしないと)皮肉をこめているということらしい。
Barney: You ever, like, stick your head inside it?
Dana: Yeah.
Barney: Do you ever lick it?
lick なめる
Dana: Nope, I have never licked it.
Barney: Hmm... I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell! If someone were to pull that off I dare say it would be... what's the word?
I dare say あえてする
Ted: Well, this is my stop.
"this is my stop" (人と電車に乗っていて)私はここで降りますから。
Barney: Legendary, Ted, LEGENDARY!
Ted: Barney, I'm going to the airport. Sascha, thank you... and uh... tell your grandpa I'm sorry I walked in on him in the bathroom.
walk in on うっかり入っていく
Derrick: I'll get some Club Soda for that stain.
stain シミ
Robin: Lily, I thought tonight was about us hanging out, what are you doing?
Lily: Just fending up the advances of that totally hot guy.
fend〔攻撃・質問などを〕かわす advance 口説き
Robin: Dude, I think that guy is gay.
Lily: Oh, I know that guy is gay. Just Marshall and I have been together for nine years. I haven't been single since high school.
Robin: You wanna be single? You wanna fight off loser guys all night, does that seem like fun to you?
fight off 寄せ付けない 撃退する
Lily: I guess I wanted to throw this net back into the ocean and see how many fish I could catch. So far, one. One gay dolphin.
so far 今までのところ
Robin: And Marshall. Lily, all these girls here tonight are looking to catch what you've already got.
Lily: You're right I know. Hey do you wanna get some coffee and have an actual conversation?
Robin: If by "Coffee" you mean "Cheesecake", then yes.
Derrick: Hey, I got that Club Soda. Let's see that booty.
booty 尻、けつ
Lily: Oh, thank you so much.
Marshall: You wanna mess, pal? That's my fiance's hot backside that you're dabbing.
mess ぞんざいに扱う、みだりにいじくる pal おい、君、おまえ dabbing 軽くたたく
Lily: Marshall, no.
Marshall: Baby, please don't ever take that ring off again. No matter how awesome I say that it is.
No matter how どんなに〜であろうとも
Derrick: It's okay, man...
Marshall: BACK OFF, HOMBRE. I'm not that afraid to fight you. You wanna test this guy? Be my guest!
HOMBRE〈スペイン語〉やつ、あいつ Be my guest どうぞご自由に ご遠慮なく
Lily: Marshall, he's gay!
Marshall: Oh, thank god... I've never been in a fight before.
Derrick: You don't say!
Narrator: So it turns out Uncle Marshall really was the jealous type. Unfortunately, that guys boyfriend... also the jealous type.
turn out 結局〜であることが分かる
Lily: Hey!
Barney: Could have licked the Liberty Bell.
Ted: We're going to the airport.
Barney: Bong, bong...
Ted: Why do I hang out with you? Why? All I wanted was to have a regular beer, in a regular bar with my regular friends, in my regular city!
Barney: Ted, Ted... you're not even looking.
Ted: No, I'm not.
Barney: Look, our forefathers died for the pursuit of happiness, okay. Not for the sit around and wait of happiness. Now if you want, you can go to the same bar, drink the same beer talk to the same people everyday, or you can lick the Liberty Bell! You can grab life by the crack and lick the crap out of it!
forefather 先人 pursuit 追い求め crack 試してみること チャンス 新情報 beat the crap out of 叩きのめす→lick the crap out of 舐めたおす
Cabdriver#2: That was beautiful, man!
Barney: Thanks, Leonard. Ted, you're missing out on a valuable life lesson!
miss out 〔チャンス・仕事・楽しいことなどを〕逃す、見逃す、失う、経験しそこなう、取り損なう
Ted: Look, I don't need you to teach me how to live, okay. I know how to live. If you want to go lick the Liberty Bell just go lick it yourself.
Barney: No, it has to be the two of us.
Ted: Why? Why do you need me?
Barney: Because, you're my best friend, alright? You don't have to tell me I'm yours. But the way I see it, we're a team. Without you, I'm just the dynamic uno. You know what, fine. If you wanna go home... then we'll go home.
but the way I see it でも私が思うに dynamic duo ナイスコンビ uno 一人
Ted: Fine...we'll go lick the Liberty Bell!
Barney: Good, 'cuz we're here!
Ted: I had no idea how Barney redirected the cab without me knowing, but we got out, Dana let us in and by god we licked the Liberty Bell. And you know what it tastes like?
Cute Girl: What?
Ted: Freedom... No actually it tasted like pennies.
Cute Girl: My, god. Did you guys really do that?
Narrator: We really did and that was when I realized why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story.
Daughter: So, that girl you were talking to... that was mom?
Narrator: Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist's painting. And when you...
impressionist 印象派の
Son: So that's a no?
Narrator: Yeah, that's a no. What? Come on!