Oh, that's where my phone is. I wasn't eavesdropping. Hey, baby.
eavesdrop 盗み聞きする
Lily, we were wrong the whole time. Ted got us the coffeemaker! He's a wonderful man!
What? No. Claudia and Stuart gave us our coffeemaker.
Ted's a rat bastard! Never mention his name again!
Your coffeemaker? Ted got you that. I was with him when he bought it.
I don't know what to feel!
But Stuart said he got it for us.
Stuart and Claudia checked in. I saw them in the lobby.
Let's go get to the bottom of this.
Stuart, no B.S., did you really get us that coffeemaker for our wedding?
Of course. What a crazy thing to ask. They never give you enough of these things.
Oh, my God. Ted got us that coffeemaker, and you just played it off as your gift. You're a weasel. Admit it.
play off とぼける weasel ずるい人
No, that's insane.
Really? Housekeeping! Conditioner thief!
Okay, shh, shh. Yes, I am a weasel. I ripped the card off Ted's gift and I wrote my name on it.
Does Claudia know about this?
No. Please don't tell her. That gift was a turning point for us.
Ah. I got to admit, I came pretty close to leaving you. Bags packed, plane ticket purchased, topless pics sent to your brother, the whole nine. But seeing that you got our friends such a nice gift, ah, it just really puts you in a whole new light.
Oh. I'm a pretty great guy.
Oh. And since that day, on the foundation of that coffeemaker, we've built a strong, nurturing relationship.
nurture 育てる
Well, out of respect for your marriage, I won't say anything. Say hi to Claudia when she gets out of the shower.
out of respect for 敬意を払って
That's not Claudia. Good night.
Tap tap. Look what I wrapped! What?
So, I went to give James his ring back...
Glad you came to your senses. You can't let being married keep you from being you. It's like Tom, always telling me I spend too much time at the gym.
Exactly. Is it so wrong if you want to work out a couple times a week?
Right. Or a couple times a day.
Or a couple times... A couple times a day? Really?
A few hours before work, a few hours after. Only way to keep up the chocolate xylophone.
xylophone 木琴
Still, that's a lot of time at the gym. Especially with two kids.
It's like I always said to Tom, I've got to stay in shape in case I'm ever single again. And, hello, I was right.
Oh, my God. I think I finally understand what Lily was mumbling in my peripheral vision earlier. I'm marrying Robin so I can be part of a team, not just some guy alone at a gym with admittedly amazing abs.
mumble つぶやく peripheral vision 周辺視野 admittedly 確かに
Thanks, Bro.
No. Thank you, Bro. You're not getting this ring.
I'm always gonna have your back. No matter what.
Thank you. I love you.
Mmm, I love you, too.
Oh, oh! I almost didn't tell you the best part! There's more!
James,now that I've got Robin, we are not brothers anymore.
If you and Robin are both ever hanging from a cliff and I have one hand free, enjoy the fall. Uh, buh-bye. If you... Oh, Mom! Good! You should hear this, too. This mother-son thing... it's over. It's been a nice few decades, but I've got a wife now, so you mean nothing to me. Oh, and me coming over for Thanksgiving and Christmas, that's done! No more of that! And you know why? Because Robin said so! This came directly from her! See ya, losers!
Oh, my God.
Yeah. Fiance of the year? I think I know what's next.
Oh, God. Oh, God. I can't leave this room for the rest of the weekend.
I'm sure we can find something to do, eh?
Ted, I'm so sorry!
No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spent the last six years passive-aggressively drinking gallons of coffee around you.
And I shouldn't have taken that sewing class to learn how to make that wedding present costume.
I regret all of it.
Me, too! Except I actually don't regret that sewing class. I learned a fun and useful lifetime skill. But, seriously, even without the coffeemaker, you've given us more than enough.
Well, there is one more gift on the way.
Whatever it is, send it back.
It's a little late for that.
Marshall Eriksen?!
I got your pizza!
Oh, Ted! You are the best friend ever!
Don't say another word, Marshall. Save it for the thank you note.
You got it, buddy!
And, kids, I got that thank you note four months later. Four months.
Uh, here's your blouse back. Is there any way we could just, um... forget about all this?
Oh, no, dear, you keep the blouse. Think of it as your consolation prize.
consolation prize 残念賞
Consolation prize?
You won the battle. But I'll win the war.
Game on, bitch.