I still say this tie is ridiculous.
It's italian. And it looks good.
Well, I feel like I should be flossing my teeth with it, Not wearing it around my neck.
feel like should 〜した方が良いと思う flossing デンタルフロス
All right, the sooner we can get Grace to show us the cellar, The sooner you can get back to your favorite pair of sweatpants.
Now, I know wine isn't your thing.
It's a tasting, Neal.
I nose a bottle, take a sip, and say something pretentious Like, "rich, with nice body.
take a sip 一口飲む pretentious 大げさな
Speaking of...
You made it. You must be Mr.Leed.
You made it 無事来れたか!
Please, call me Carlton.
Grace Quinn.
I hear you're a man of discriminating taste.
discriminating 違いが分かる
I hope we find something to your liking today. Love your tie.
She loves the tie.
We'll be starting with a 1985 Chateau Patrus Pomerol.
Great year. You're not holding back.
hold back 遠慮する
What do you think?
I'd say it's, uh, woodsy, with a medium body and a hint of
The lady asked what I thought.
The use of wood is evident in its broadness of flavors. Great persistence in the mouth.It opens up well in the glass.
evident 歴然とした broadness 幅広さ persistence 残留感覚 open up 広がる
I would agree.
I understand you have a more...substantial private collection?
substantial 相当な
Would you care to see the vault?
Your friend's not coming?
Uh, no, I don't need a babysitter.
Please, allow me.
And you're a gentleman, too.
As you can see, our security system is state-of-the-art.
Yes, he's quite an expert.
Oh, yeah.
Would you like to try something else?
I'd love some.
Thank you.
There you are.
Chateau du munn, post-french revolution.
Ms.Quinn, I have a question about the chateau patrus.
Sorry to interrupt.
Mm. Please. Don't I know you?
I don't think so.
I guess you just have one of them faces, huh?
Mind filling this up for me?
Of course.
Thank you.
Now I got it. Yeah, I saw you earlier.
You, uh, came in with your friend.
Where'd he get off to, anyway?
I don't know.
I'm not his keeper.
You're not, huh? See, I think you are.
And now I'm wondering what would happen If I ask the security guard to check the vault right now.
I mean, I'm wondering what that does to a lawman's career, When his errand boy gets caught breaking into somebody's private property?
errand 用事
And I'm having a hard time figuring out why I don't book you for murder one. Right now.
book 〜を逮捕する
Is that right?
How about I get Grace to lock this vault down?
What are the cops gonna find when they look inside?
Cellar full of dusty, overpriced wine.
overpriced 法外な
Hmph. You know what? I'm glad you brought in the FBI, Caffrey.
Makes it exciting, right?
Be that much richer when I beat you.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, he's a big fan of himself.
I noticed that.
Mm. By the way, I heard that somebody mowed down a citizen right in front of an FBI agent?
mow down ひき殺す
What a shame.
That's got to be embarrassing for the Bureau, right?
Good luck with that investigation.
I spent five minutes with the guy. I want to punch him right in the face.
Imagine how I feel.
You'll feel better when we take him down.
This can't be good.
Why does everyone say that when I walk into their office?
So, you have good news?
I contacted the auction house.
They're closed to new entries.
We can't submit our bottle?
Sorry, Peter. Now, quit the fool's errands and catch this guy.
fool's errands 無駄足
You've outdone yourself, Moz.
outdo 〜をしのぐ
Flatterer. What's next?
Flatterer お世辞のうまい人
I set up the vacuum pumps and transfer the wine.
Expecting someone? Keller, maybe?
Peter. Hey. What are you doing here?
Got some bad news.
The auction house is closed to new entries.
Besides, while I appreciate your a-team run here, guys, But I can't let you take your bottle to weatherby's. It's Hughes.
He pulled the plug.
Pull the plug 撤退する
If we don't, they won't run the cesium test.
Keller will get away with a half-million dollars and probably murder.
What if he wins? Or worse, what if you win? This guy will stop at nothing.
stop at nothing 手段を選ばない
That's why we have to stop him.
No offense, but your team...Hasn't.
You're right. Keep going. Let's take him down.
See you in the morning.
I'll call Jones and figure out a way to get this bottle into the auction.
Let's go, Haversham.